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Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Local Development: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research
Luca Iandoli, Hans Landstrom, Mario Raffa...
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Kitchen Seasons Ross Dobson
Ryland Peters & Small. This season's mouthwatering selection of food and wine is bound to get you cooking and uncorking, from delicious dishes cooked with seasonal produce to indulgent chocolate treats and celebrations of everyone's favourite drinks--tea, coffee, and wine. Although we can buy most of food throughout the year, many so-called "fresh" products may have traveled thousands of airmiles to reach our shopping carts. Food produced locally and marketed in season tasts better and is likely to be at its nutritional best, too. This book offers a delightful collection of no-full recipes from top Sydney cook Ross Dobson, featuring naturally produced foods at their peak of perfection. Here are suggestions for appetizers, salads, entrees, and desserts that not only take advantage of top-quality food through the year but reflect the moods and atmosphere of the seasons. Savor the freshness of spring with Spicy Tofu and Crunchy Pickled New Vegetables; celebrate the arrival of summer with Strawberry Buttermilk......
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My Heart's at Home: Becoming the Intentional Mom Your Family Needs (Hearts at Home Books)
Jill Savage...
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Women's Rites of Passage: How to Embrace Change and Celebrate Life Abigail Brenner
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.. What is it that enables some to cope with big changes in their lives while others seem to be undone by them? Dr. Brenner shows how today's woman understands the need to take responsibility for her life and choices, and is beginning to do so by creating her own personal rites of passage....
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The Intuitive Spark: Bringing Intuition Home to Your Child, Your Family, and You
Sonia Choquette...
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На главную
Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Local Development: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research. Luca Iandoli, Hans Landstrom, Mario Raffa . Книги.
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