Decentralization with PROFIBUS DP/DPV1: Architecture and Fundamentals, Configuration and Use with SIMATIC S7

Josef Weigmann, Gerhard Kilian

  Decentralization with PROFIBUS DP/DPV1: Architecture and Fundamentals, Configuration and Use with SIMATIC S7  Josef Weigmann, Gerhard Kilian  Thanks to its broad range of connectable field devices, PROFIBUS DP has (in distributed I/O) acquired the status of an internationally acknowledged standard fieldbus system. In addition to imparting a basic knowledge of PROFIBUS, the book concentrates on configuring PROFIBUS DP with STEP 7, explains various methods of data interchange with user programs and provides useful advice on commissioning and troubleshooting. With its practical orientation the book is ideal for PROFIBUS planners, configuration experts and programmers. Its comprehensive description of the fundamentals involved also makes it interesting for students and docents alike. For this second edition, the chapter on user program interfaces has been enlarged and the overall content revised in line with the expansions that have taken place in DPV1. The new functions and applications of PROFIBUS DP in SIMATIC S7 on the basis of STEP 7 Version 5.1 SP3 are described, along with setting of an equidistant DP bus...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Thanks to its broad range of connectable field devices, PROFIBUS DP has (in distributed I/O) acquired the status of an internationally acknowledged standard fieldbus system. In addition to imparting a basic knowledge of PROFIBUS, the book concentrates on configuring PROFIBUS DP with STEP 7, explains various methods of data interchange with user programs and provides useful advice on commissioning and troubleshooting. With its practical orientation the book is ideal for PROFIBUS planners, configuration experts and programmers. Its comprehensive description of the fundamentals involved also makes it interesting for students and docents alike. For this second edition, the chapter on user program interfaces has been enlarged and the overall content revised in line with the expansions that have taken place in DPV1. The new functions and applications of PROFIBUS DP in SIMATIC S7 on the basis of STEP 7 Version 5.1 SP3 are described, along with setting of an equidistant DP bus......

Time Traps: Proven Strategies for Swamped Salespeople

Todd Duncan

  Time Traps: Proven Strategies for Swamped Salespeople  Todd Duncan  Productivity.A It has been a buzz word in the business world for years.A But despite our best attempts and countless self-help books, we still fall behind, work late, juggle our schedules, and become swamped.A Time Traps addresses the most common misconceptions we have about time and our use of that time in the marketplace.A Duncan has proven remedies for universal time troubles, and he shows readers how to set a schedule that works-not just some days but every day.A With the principles in Time Traps , salespeople will see a rise in their sales as they experience a drop in their working hours.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Productivity.A It has been a buzz word in the business world for years.A But despite our best attempts and countless self-help books, we still fall behind, work late, juggle our schedules, and become swamped.A Time Traps addresses the most common misconceptions we have about time and our use of that time in the marketplace.A Duncan has proven remedies for universal time troubles, and he shows readers how to set a schedule that works-not just some days but every day.A With the principles in Time Traps , salespeople will see a rise in their sales as they experience a drop in their working hours....

Rethinking Work: Time, Space and Discourse

  Rethinking Work: Time, Space and Discourse  This book is an innovative reconsideration of a changing and contested domain in society. New essays from scholars at the University of Sydney are structured around the themes of time, space and discourse to highlight the value-laden and constructed nature of these categories as they are applied to the organisation of our working lives. Contributors draw from their expertise in strategic management, organisational theory, labour and business history, law, economics, industrial relations, human resource management, geography, and discourse and narrative analysis. Their stimulating chapters in Rethinking Work reflect that the study of work must itself be capable of adaptation to the profound changes reshaping this most powerful expression of human relationships and experience.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is an innovative reconsideration of a changing and contested domain in society. New essays from scholars at the University of Sydney are structured around the themes of time, space and discourse to highlight the value-laden and constructed nature of these categories as they are applied to the organisation of our working lives. Contributors draw from their expertise in strategic management, organisational theory, labour and business history, law, economics, industrial relations, human resource management, geography, and discourse and narrative analysis. Their stimulating chapters in Rethinking Work reflect that the study of work must itself be capable of adaptation to the profound changes reshaping this most powerful expression of human relationships and experience....

Developing Annuities Markets: The Experience of Chile (Finance)

Roberto Rezende Rocha, Craig Thorburn

  Developing Annuities Markets: The Experience of Chile (Finance)  Roberto Rezende Rocha, Craig Thorburn  Developing Annuities Markets: The Experience of Chile is part of a multicountry World Bank project analyzing the market for retirement products. Among countries that have reformed their pension systems since the early 1990s, the Chilean case has emerged as the most relevant for drawing policy lessons on the role of the private sector in the provision of retirement income for two reasons: the depth, sophistication, and efficiency of the country's retirement products market, and the fact that this market was successfully developed from scratch by a middle-income country. The book examines in detail Chile's efforts to build a sound regulatory framework for the payout phase, concluding that a market for annuities and other retirement instruments can be built from a low base, while also identifying the reform agenda that policy makers need to implement to maximize benefits for their retiring populations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Developing Annuities Markets: The Experience of Chile is part of a multicountry World Bank project analyzing the market for retirement products. Among countries that have reformed their pension systems since the early 1990s, the Chilean case has emerged as the most relevant for drawing policy lessons on the role of the private sector in the provision of retirement income for two reasons: the depth, sophistication, and efficiency of the country's retirement products market, and the fact that this market was successfully developed from scratch by a middle-income country. The book examines in detail Chile's efforts to build a sound regulatory framework for the payout phase, concluding that a market for annuities and other retirement instruments can be built from a low base, while also identifying the reform agenda that policy makers need to implement to maximize benefits for their retiring populations....

Gregory Crewdson: 1985-2005

Gregory Crewdson, Stephan Berg, Martin Hentschel, Katy Siegel

  Gregory Crewdson: 1985-2005  Gregory Crewdson, Stephan Berg, Martin Hentschel, Katy Siegel  Gregory Crewdson's photographic series capture a particularly American state of normalcy--in dissolution. The viewer, at first seduced by what appears to be an idyllic scene, soon discovers subtle off-kilter elements more akin to Film Noir than an NBC comedy. In a work from his Twilight series, yellow school buses are parked outside white wooden houses, and students stand and lounge around in seeming passivity. Something is happening--what, we don't know. The vision is familiar yet unfamiliar, seemingly benign yet threatening. Crewdson goes to great lengths in dramatizing his disturbing suburban scenes, employing elaborate lighting, cranes, props, and extras, espousing a level of behind-the-scenes preparation more akin to the making of a Hollywood movie than the making of a still image. Here perhaps is one place to locate the eerie unreality and narrativity of his pictures, the creepy attention to detail so out of place, in the ordinary settings he evokes. Middle-class reality...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gregory Crewdson's photographic series capture a particularly American state of normalcy--in dissolution. The viewer, at first seduced by what appears to be an idyllic scene, soon discovers subtle off-kilter elements more akin to Film Noir than an NBC comedy. In a work from his Twilight series, yellow school buses are parked outside white wooden houses, and students stand and lounge around in seeming passivity. Something is happening--what, we don't know. The vision is familiar yet unfamiliar, seemingly benign yet threatening. Crewdson goes to great lengths in dramatizing his disturbing suburban scenes, employing elaborate lighting, cranes, props, and extras, espousing a level of behind-the-scenes preparation more akin to the making of a Hollywood movie than the making of a still image. Here perhaps is one place to locate the eerie unreality and narrativity of his pictures, the creepy attention to detail so out of place, in the ordinary settings he evokes. Middle-class reality......

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Decentralization with PROFIBUS DP/DPV1: Architecture and Fundamentals, Configuration and Use with SIMATIC S7. Josef Weigmann, Gerhard Kilian . Книги.

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