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Race To Kill W James Harris
For years, Jim Maxwell wanted a wining racehorse. His close friend, a thoroughbred veterinarian named Doc Bellman, had an idea how to create a champion. Their experiment would be costly and in the end, confirm their convictions that winners are born and not made. Motivated by his desire and his theory, Maxwell agrees with Bellman to proceed with the endeavor However, just before the initial test of their experiment, Bellman is shot to death under mysterious circumstances. Now more than ever, Jim must prove to himself that his horse is a winner as well as find the killer of his long time friend. A daunting task since he must secrete his horse in the process....
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Очерки по истории методов преподавания рисунка Н. Н. Ростовцев
Изобразительное искусство. Автор книги делает попытку систематизировать отечественную и зарубежную теорию учебного рисунка и практику его преподавания. Особое внимание уделено наиболее важным этапам становления и развития методов преподавания рисования, которые способствовали развитию реалистического направления в отечественном и зарубежном изобразительном искусстве. В книге около 200 тоновых иллюстраций. Книга представляет собой учебное пособие для высших художественных учебных заведений по курсу методики преподавания рисования....
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The Rule of Women in Early Modern Europe
This collection brings a transnational perspective to the study of early modern women rulers and female sovereignty, a topic that has until now been examined through the lens of a single nation. Contributors juxtapose rulers from different countries, including well-known sovereigns such as Isabel of Castile and Elizabeth Tudor, as well as other less widely studied figures Isabeau of Bavaria, Jeanne d'Albret, Isabel Clara Eugenia, Juana of Portugal, and Catherine of Brandenburg. Several essays also focus on the representations of foreign rulers such as Catherine de' Medici in England and Elizabeth I in France. Contributors are Tracy Adams, Anne J. Cruz, Eva Deak, Mary C. Ekman, Catherine L. Howey, Elizabeth Ketner, Carole Levin, Sandra Logan, Magdalena S. Sanchez, Mihoko Suzuki, and Barbara F. Weissberger....
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Declarations of a Dinosaur: 10 Laws I've Learned as a Family Doctor Lucy E. Hornstein
Not long ago, the family doctor provided one-on-one care to patients. Today, that doctor is a dying breed—replaced by medical groups who serve larger numbers of patients more efficiently and professionally, but not quite as personally. In 10 Laws of the Dinosaur, Dr. Lucy E. Hornstein shares her views about being a doctor in solo practice—she recounts both the rewarding and the frustrating. Through engaging stories, Dr. Hornstein explains some of the challenges the family doctor experiences, not only in medicine and patient care, but also in dealing with today’s challenges of running a small business while catering to patients. Every doctor in private practice will identify with these stories, as will anyone who has ever been a patient of an oldfashioned family practitioner. Dr. Hornstein lists the “laws” that have come to dominate her life as a family physician, which can be funny (like, “It is impossible to make an asymptomatic patient feel better”) to serious (“Sometimes people......
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Рисуем 50 акул, китов и других морских животных Ли Эймис, Уоррен Бадд
Попурри. Рисуем 50. Рисуем 50 акул, китов, и других морских животных: : поэтапный метод рисования большой белой акулы, кита - убийцы, барракуды, морского конька, тюленя и мн. др.. Содержит пошаговые инструкции для практического рисования различных морских животных (голубая акула, гладкий южный кит, императорский пингвин, краб, спрут, кальмар, луна - рыба, барракуда, морж, каракатица и еще 40 видов) в процессе освоения искусства черно - белой и полутоновой графики. Для широкого круга начинающих художников....
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Race To Kill. W James Harris . Книги.
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