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Родиться в России. Достоевский и современники. Жизнь в документах Игорь Волгин
Книга. Родиться в России. Достоевский и современники. Жизнь в документах. Издание 1991 года. Сохранность очень хорошая. Книгой "Родиться в России..." писатель и историк Игорь Волгин начинает первую в мире документальную биографию Достоевского. Том посвящен истории рода Достоевских, событиям детства и юности. Книга - своего рода "роман в документах"....
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Beyond Business Casual : What To Wear To Work If You Want To Get Ahead Ann Marie Sabath
"Timely and easy to read...will prevent individuals from making image mistakes." --Bill Bagley, Human Resource & Recruiting Director Deloitte & Touce--Cincinnati "Everybody whose appearance matters could benefit from reading this book." --James R. Canova, President Tech Electronics, Inc. "This book answers all the questions college students are afraid to ask and even some they didn't know they had." --Angelle Bujol, Executive Director Pi Sigma Epsilon, Inc....
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An Analysis and History of Inflation Don Paarlberg
This history and analysis examines fifteen great inflations--from Ancient Rome to the French Revolution to post-World War I Germany to modern-day Brazil--to provide an understanding of the causes of inflation. A unique feature of the book is the evidencepresented that a moderate degree of inflation is usually accompanied by increased economic activity. Contrary to the views of many, moderate inflation appears to be welcomed by most people and assists in returning incumbent political leaders to power. Inaddition, the money illusion, the belief that money has constant value over time, is shown by the author to be grievously in error....
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Desarrolle Los Lideres Que Estan Alrededor De Usted John C. Maxwell
Cmo identificar y preparar a los lderes en potencia y fomentar un espritu de equipo....
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SOFSEM 2002: Theory and Practice of Informatics Sofsem 200, William I. Grosky, Frantisek Plasil
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 29th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, SOFSEM 2002, held in Milovy, Czech Republic, in November 2002. The volume presents 10 invited lectures and the report on a panel discussion on GRID computing together with 11 revised full papers selected from 22 submissions. Among the topics covered are system design and testing related theory, distributed and parallel systems, type theory, multimedia, databases, computer vision, and soft computing....
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Родиться в России. Достоевский и современники. Жизнь в документах. Игорь Волгин . Книги.
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