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Что в жизни важно А. Роджер Меррил, Ребекка Р. Меррил
Попурри. Успех!. Высокое качество жизни немыслимо без поддержания динамического равновесия и прочных связей между 4 важнейшими ее элементами, которыми авторы считают работу, семью, время и деньги. Для широкого круга читателей....
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Top-Down Design of High-Performance Sigma-Delta Modulators (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 480) Fernando Medeiro, Angel Perez-Verdu, Angel Rodriguez-Vazquez
Top-Down Design of High-Performance Sigma-Delta Modulators discusses architectural and circuit considerations for optimizing the design of oversampled A/D interfaces for mixed-signal CMOS ASICs. The necessary mathematical background is presented in a detailed and comprehensive style, suitable for novices in the field. Practical recipes on how to get the maximum performance from these kinds of circuits are presented and illustrated through three converter prototypes in CMOS submicron technologies. A distinctive feature of this book is the presentation of a systematic methodology for increasing the productivity of engineers in the design of high-performance modulators. It uses optimization at the architecture and the circuit levels, together with hierarchical transmission of the specifications among levels. The major tasks of architecture selection, architecture sizing and building block sizing are supported by dedicated CAD tools, thus allowing designers to obtain demanding modulator......
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The OS/400 and Microsoft Office Integration Handbook -Second Edition Brian Singleton, Chris Peters
Tasks that used to be almost impossible are now an easy reality...if you know the integration secrets that authors Brian Singleton and Chris Peters reveal in this book. Find out how you can use your iSeries output with your PC data-formatting tools, makevisually appealing reports using iSeries data, use visual query tools to point and click to create sophisticated information output, analyze and summarize the detailed and often cumbersome iSeries reports, tap into the power of Microsoft's powerful new Universal Data Access using OLE DB and ActiveX Data Object (ADO), and much more. Singleton and Peters provide you with the essential knowledge you need to use Client Access Express as a means to integrate iSeries or AS/400 data with Microsoft Office 2000 applications. The OS/400 and Microsoft Office 2000 Integration Handbook covers installing and configuring Client Access Express, using ODBC to seamlessly integrate iSeries with Microsoft Office, and leveraging the Client Access Express......
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Multiple Sclerosis - A Medical Dictionary Bibliography and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References Icon Health Publications
In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....
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The Blind Tour Guide: Surviving and Prospering in the New Economy Patrick Lambe
In this highly readable book, Patrick Lambe explores the impact of technological change on business and working life, providing a frontline view of the day-to-day changes that accompany one of the most incredible transformations of society in the world today ? the much debated new economy. Though the book?s context and perspective is Singaporean, the issues discussed are global ones. The thoughtful analysis and engaging style range widely over new economy issues from the forests of Sweden to the cyber cafes of Kazakhstan. Along the way the author makes brief forays into history to display the older resonances with how humankind has adapted to technological change in the past, and to draw pointers for how organizations can continue to learn, innovate and manage risk in the connected economy....
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Что в жизни важно. А. Роджер Меррил, Ребекка Р. Меррил . Книги.
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