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Портрет Дориана Грея (аудиокнига MP3) Оскар Уайльд
Студия АРДИС. XIX век. Зарубежная проза. Оскар Уайльд (1854-1900) - знаменитый английский (ирландский) писатель. По его собственному признанию он сотворил собственную жизнь, в которую вложил весь свой гений, оставив творчеству только талант. Жемчужина уайльдовской прозы - завораживающий совершенством стиля, неподвластный времени роман "Портрет Дориана Грея". Это история человека, сделавшего смыслом своего существования поиски новых, все более изощренных ощущений и впечатлений. Следуя по избранному пути, оставляя за собой искалеченные судьбы, разбитые сердца, обрекая людей на гибель, он и сам становится убийцей. При этом внешность Дориана не меняется с годами, он остается юным и прекрасным. Зато старится и дурнеет его портрет: всякий неправедный поступок делает все более отталкивающим лицо на холсте. Не в силах более выносить присутствие немого обвинителя, Дориан......
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Accounting Handbook for Medical Practices (Wiley Healthcare Accounting and Finance) Rhonda W. Sides, Michael A. Roberts
Physicians and their medical practices today face innumerable problems and challenges in analyzing current market changes in the medical field. Do they understand and have the skills and knowledge to make advantageous decisions related to the increasingly complex situations in which they find themselves? Do they merge, oversee their office managers more closely, sign their own checks, and scrutinize accounts, or do they need a professional to come in and evaluate their practice and prepare a comprehensive financial assessment? This Accounting Handbook for Medical Practices gives physicians a valuable, usable, and readable journey through the proper processes of financial accounting and related issues. Sample charts, accounting formulas, and informative case studies enhance each chapter. Why Accounting and Financial Decisions Challenge Medical Practices and How to Address Them This book tells you what inefficiencies currently cost most physicians and their......
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Geography and Trade (Gaston Eyskens Lectures) Paul Krugman
The MIT Press. "I have spent my whole professional life as an international economist thinking and writing about economic geography, without being aware of it," begins Paul Krugman in the readable and anecdotal style that has become a hallmark of his writings. Krugman observes that his own shortcomings in ignoring economic geography have been shared by many professional economists, primarily because of the lack of explanatory models. In Geography and Trade he provides a stimulating synthesis of ideas in the literature and describes new models for implementing a study of economic geography that could change the nature of the field. Economic theory usually assumes away distance. Krugman argues that it is time to put it back - that the location of production in space is a key issue both within and between nations. Paul Krugman is Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has been a consultant to the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the United......
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The Impact of the Euro: Debating Britain's Future Mark Baimbridge, Brian Burkitt, Philip Whyman
Economic and monetary union (EMU) will have far-reaching consequences for participating nations. This book contains a unique and editorially neutral collection of key arguments favoring and opposing membership. The economic and policy implications are evaluated by distinguished economists, while the impact upon national sovereignty and the world of work is debated by prominent MPs and representatives of business and trade union organizations....
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Inside Book Publishing (Blueprint) Giles N. Clark, Giles Clarke
This third edition has been updated to take into account the latest technological changes, career advice and information on business strategies. Clark describes the tasks involved in and the skills required for various publishing areas from commissioning to marketing, copyright to the customer and from family businesses to international media corporations....
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Портрет Дориана Грея (аудиокнига MP3). Оскар Уайльд . Книги.
Арзамас, Нижневартовск, Кызыл, Химки, Улан-Удэ, Москва , Новокуйбышевск,
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