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Regeneration: Species Imperative #3 (Species Imperative) Julie E. Czerneda
With the alien Dhryn helplessly following an instinct-driven migratory path through the inhabited spaceways-bringing about the annihilation of other races that lie along the star trail they are following-time is running out for all sentient life forms. Only Dr. Mackenzie Connor and her team stand any chance of solving the deadly puzzle of the Dhryn and the equally mysterious Ro. Are the Ro the universe's last hope of halting the deadly Dhryn migration? Or are they something far more sinister? As the only human accepted by the Dhryn as one of their own, Mac perhaps can intervene and open a line of communication to the Dhryn. And her friend and fellow researcher, Dr. Emily Mamani, may prove key to the process, for she is the only human who has survived possession by the Ro. Can these two biologists solve the riddle of the Dhryn and the Ro before their part of the galaxy becomes as dead as the region known as the Chasm?...
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USB Mass Storage: Designing and Programming Devices and Embedded Hosts Jan Axelson
Lakeview Research. -...
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Entrepreneurship in Latin America: Perspectives on Education and Innovation
Entrepreneurship drives growth in any economy. It is about combining people with good ideas, vision, and courage, who risk their own capital--and their investors'--to develop new products and services. It is about innovation, technology development, and wealth creation. As a field of research and education, it is relatively new, and in the case of Latin America, it is full of promise. Studies undertaken by Babson College, one of the world's premier centers of entrepreneurship, show that Latin America is a hotbed of new business creation, but largely without the educational or institutional infrastructure to support it. This volume, the first of its kind, documents the initial state of the art in Latin American entrepreneurship--in practice, research, and education....
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Business Statistics Package: Custom Edition
David F. Groebner, Patrick W. Shannon, Phillip C. Fry, Kent D. Smith...
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Правильная беременность. 9 месяцев здоровья Н. Мазнев
Рипол Классик. Школа практической магии. Я Вам помогу. Вынашивание ребенка - это сложный и ответственный период в жизни каждой женщины. Во время беременности и родов может возникнуть достаточно много нюансов. В этой книге известный целитель Н.И.Мазнев рассказывает о том, как вести себя во время беременности, как правильно питаться, как подготовиться к родам с тем, чтобы это событие произошло с наименьшими травмами, чтобы сохранить здоровье женщины и ее ребенка на долгие годы....
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Regeneration: Species Imperative #3 (Species Imperative). Julie E. Czerneda . Книги.
Орехово-Зуево, Рыбинск, Владикавказ, Хасавюрт, Улан-Удэ, Прокопьевск, Курган, Мурманск, ВеликийНовгород, Новошахтинск, Ногинск, Мытищи, Балашиха, Белгород, Первоуральск, Грозный, Сызрань, Рязань, Новомосковск,
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