Dance of the Assassins (The Devil's Dances Trilogy)

Herve Jubert

  Dance of the Assassins (The Devil's Dances Trilogy)  Herve Jubert  Book Description In nineteenth-century London, Jack the Ripper has claimed another victim. But this Book Description In nineteenth-century London, Jack the Ripper has claimed another victim. But this "London" is a crime-free virtual city, a historical theme park for tourists. Qualified witch Roberta Morgenstern and her fresh-out-of-the-police-academy assistant, Clement Martineau, set out to solve the murder. A wild chase through the streets of old London brings the heroes face-to-face with the terrifying new Ripper. But then they realize their true quarry is the man behind the monster: the mastermind who is bringing some of history's most notorious villains back to life. The trail of evidence leads them from the Versailles of Louis XIV through Renaissance Venice to Montezuma's Mexico, where they have a date with the devil himself.......

Beck - Guero (Guitar Recorded Versions)


  Beck - Guero (Guitar Recorded Versions)  Beck  Book DescriptionMatching folio to Beck's 2005 release that the All Music Guide describes as Book DescriptionMatching folio to Beck's 2005 release that the All Music Guide describes as "a kaleidoscopic jumble of pop, hip-hop, and indie rock, with some Brazilian and electro touches thrown in." 13 tracks, including: Black Tambourine * Broken Drum * Girl * Hell Yes * Que' Onda Guero * Scarecrow * and more....

12 часов к идеальному браку

Говард Маркман, Скотт Стенли, Сьюзан Блумберг, Натали Дженкинс, Кэрол Уитли

  12 часов к идеальному браку  Говард Маркман, Скотт Стенли, Сьюзан Блумберг, Натали Дженкинс, Кэрол Уитли  АСТ.   С книгой АСТ. С книгой "12 часов к идеальному браку" вы сможете открыть для себя простые, эффективные методики, которые помогли тысячам мужчин и женщин укрепить и защитить свою любовь легко и без излишней спешки. Прочтя эту книгу, вы обнаружите, что какие-то двенадцать часов помогли вам вступить на путь к идеальному браку, о котором вы всю жизнь мечтали....

Литературные манифесты западноевропейских классицистов

  Литературные манифесты западноевропейских классицистов  Издательство Московского университета.   Предлагаемое издание включает сочинения выдающихся деятелей литературы европейского классицизма, большая часть которых впервые публикуется на русском языке.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Издательство Московского университета. Предлагаемое издание включает сочинения выдающихся деятелей литературы европейского классицизма, большая часть которых впервые публикуется на русском языке....

Polymer Clay, Creative Traditions: Techniques And Projects Inspired by the Fine And Decorative Arts

Judy Belcher

  Polymer Clay, Creative Traditions: Techniques And Projects Inspired by the Fine And Decorative Arts  Judy Belcher  Watson-Guptill.   •A one-of-a-kind resource that shows polymer clay artists how to use historic design ideas in their work • More than 30 exciting techniques and projects illustrated with clear step-by-step photos • Features the work of today’s biggest names in polymer clay, including Donna Kato, Pier Voulkos, Kathleen Dustin, Ford + Forlano, and KLEW Thousands of crafters have discovered that polymer clay is versatile, easy to use, and just plain fun. Now they can use this exciting medium to create remarkable new work inspired by the decorative arts of the past. Polymer Clay Creative Traditions lets both beginners and experienced artisans draw inspiration form painting and drawing, ethnic carving, quilting, ceramics, sculpture, glass, metalwork, and more. Thorough 300 stunning photographs and fascinating text, author Judy Belcher reveals how these influences can be exptessed in polymer clay. Introduction on the history and handling, plus tips and techniques throughout the book, make Polymer Clay...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Watson-Guptill. •A one-of-a-kind resource that shows polymer clay artists how to use historic design ideas in their work • More than 30 exciting techniques and projects illustrated with clear step-by-step photos • Features the work of today’s biggest names in polymer clay, including Donna Kato, Pier Voulkos, Kathleen Dustin, Ford + Forlano, and KLEW Thousands of crafters have discovered that polymer clay is versatile, easy to use, and just plain fun. Now they can use this exciting medium to create remarkable new work inspired by the decorative arts of the past. Polymer Clay Creative Traditions lets both beginners and experienced artisans draw inspiration form painting and drawing, ethnic carving, quilting, ceramics, sculpture, glass, metalwork, and more. Thorough 300 stunning photographs and fascinating text, author Judy Belcher reveals how these influences can be exptessed in polymer clay. Introduction on the history and handling, plus tips and techniques throughout the book, make Polymer Clay......

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Dance of the Assassins (The Devil's Dances Trilogy). Herve Jubert . Книги.

Елец, Чита, Сыктывкар, ВеликийНовгород, Уфа, Димитровград, Междуреченск, Воронеж, Ульяновск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Мурманск, Орск, Владимир, Серпухов, Мурманск, Находка, Железнодорожный, Братск, Смоленск, Тула, Хабаровск, Йошкар-Ола, Новый Уренгой, Якутск, Елец, Красноярск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Миасс, Ярославль,
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