Какого цвета радуга

Е. Каменева

  Какого цвета радуга  Е. Каменева  Детская литература.   Книга представляет собой словарь. В нем объясняется значение различных понятий в изобразительном искусстве. Вы прочтете о наскальной живописи - искусстве первобытных художников, о замечательных мастерах Древне Греции и эпохи Возрождения, узнаете, как художники работают над гравюрой, как делается мозаика, что такое витраж... В книге рассказано лишь о наиболее употребляемых терминах.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Детская литература. Книга представляет собой словарь. В нем объясняется значение различных понятий в изобразительном искусстве. Вы прочтете о наскальной живописи - искусстве первобытных художников, о замечательных мастерах Древне Греции и эпохи Возрождения, узнаете, как художники работают над гравюрой, как делается мозаика, что такое витраж... В книге рассказано лишь о наиболее употребляемых терминах....


Анри Барук

  Гипноз  Анри Барук  АСТ, Астрель.   Cogito, ergo sum: АСТ, Астрель. Cogito, ergo sum: "Университетская библиотека". Гипноз, известный еще со времен классической Греции, в последние полтора столетия приобрел славу самого интригующего метода психотерапевтического лечения. Одни видят в нем панацею, другие исполнены предубеждений. Автор, практикующий врач с огромным стажем, рассказывает о сильных и слабых сторонах гипноза, а также о других, хотя и связанных с ним, но гораздо менее известных методах современной психотерапии....

Константин Федин. Собрание сочинений в десяти томах. Том 4

Константин Федин

  Константин Федин. Собрание сочинений в десяти томах. Том 4  Константин Федин  Художественная литература. Москва.   Константин Федин. Собрание сочинений в десяти томах.   В четвертый том Собрания сочинений вошел роман Художественная литература. Москва. Константин Федин. Собрание сочинений в десяти томах. В четвертый том Собрания сочинений вошел роман "Похищение Европы"....

Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group's Experience (World Bank Operations Evaluation Study.) (Operations Evaluation Study)

Andres Liebenthal

  Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group's Experience (World Bank Operations Evaluation Study.) (Operations Evaluation Study)  Andres Liebenthal  Book DescriptionHow effectively has the World Bank Group assisted its clients in enhancing the contribution of the extractive industries to sustainable development? This evaluation finds that with its global mandate and experience, comprehensive country development focus, and overarching mission to fight poverty, the World Bank Group is well positioned to help countries overcome the policy, institutional, and technical challenges that prevent them from transforming resource endowments into sustainable benefits. Furthermore, the World Bank Group?¦s achievements are many. On the whole, its extractive industries projects have produced positive economic and financial results, though compliance with its environmental and social safeguards remains a challenge. Its research has broadened and deepened understanding of the causes for the disappointing performance of resource-rich countries. Its guidelines for the mitigation of adverse environmental and social impacts have been...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHow effectively has the World Bank Group assisted its clients in enhancing the contribution of the extractive industries to sustainable development? This evaluation finds that with its global mandate and experience, comprehensive country development focus, and overarching mission to fight poverty, the World Bank Group is well positioned to help countries overcome the policy, institutional, and technical challenges that prevent them from transforming resource endowments into sustainable benefits. Furthermore, the World Bank Group?¦s achievements are many. On the whole, its extractive industries projects have produced positive economic and financial results, though compliance with its environmental and social safeguards remains a challenge. Its research has broadened and deepened understanding of the causes for the disappointing performance of resource-rich countries. Its guidelines for the mitigation of adverse environmental and social impacts have been......

The Universe and Multiple Reality: A Physical Explanation for Manifesting, Magick and Miracles

M. R. Franks

  The Universe and Multiple Reality: A Physical Explanation for Manifesting, Magick and Miracles  M. R. Franks  Book DescriptionUnderstand the nature of your mind and exactly how it interacts with matter at the quantum level to produce manifestations, magick and miracles. Learn the nature of the universe in which we live and the exact process by which you can change your destiny by mere faith and imagination. Understand how modern physics demonstrates the absolute immortality of your consciousness, your mind, your spirit. The Universe and Multiple Reality presents a viewpoint dramatically different from the currently fashionable scientific interpretation of modern physics, an interpretation that denies the most important part of recent scientific discoveries: the mind and its effect on reality. The Universe and Multiple Reality explains the exact physical processes by which paranormal events operate, including how miracles, magick and manifesting occur. This book is a must for any person curious about the place their mind occupies in the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionUnderstand the nature of your mind and exactly how it interacts with matter at the quantum level to produce manifestations, magick and miracles. Learn the nature of the universe in which we live and the exact process by which you can change your destiny by mere faith and imagination. Understand how modern physics demonstrates the absolute immortality of your consciousness, your mind, your spirit. The Universe and Multiple Reality presents a viewpoint dramatically different from the currently fashionable scientific interpretation of modern physics, an interpretation that denies the most important part of recent scientific discoveries: the mind and its effect on reality. The Universe and Multiple Reality explains the exact physical processes by which paranormal events operate, including how miracles, magick and manifesting occur. This book is a must for any person curious about the place their mind occupies in the......

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Какого цвета радуга. Е. Каменева . Книги.

Рязань, Новотроицк, Казань, Арзамас, Чебоксары, Иркутск, Владикавказ, Белгород, Абакан, Орск, Старый Оскол, Иваново, Рыбинск, Брянск, Красноярск, Ногинск,
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