Ukraine Industrial And Business Directory (World Business, Investment and Government Library) (World Business, Investment and Government Library)

Ibp Usa

  Ukraine Industrial And Business Directory (World Business, Investment and Government Library) (World Business, Investment and Government Library)  Ibp Usa  Ukraine Industrial And Business Directory (World Business, Investment and Government Library)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ukraine Industrial And Business Directory (World Business, Investment and Government Library)...

Сокровища импрессионизма (подарочное издание)

Джон Кер

  Сокровища импрессионизма (подарочное издание)  Джон Кер  Олма Медиа Групп.   Великолепно оформленное подарочное издание большого формата в твердом футляре. В книге представлено более 145 репродукций самых знаменитых шедевров импрессионистов, а также свыше 40 иллюстраций картин их предшественников и современников. За последние 200 лет ни одно художественное направление не оказало такого влияния на развитие искусства, как импрессионизм. В книге Олма Медиа Групп. Великолепно оформленное подарочное издание большого формата в твердом футляре. В книге представлено более 145 репродукций самых знаменитых шедевров импрессионистов, а также свыше 40 иллюстраций картин их предшественников и современников. За последние 200 лет ни одно художественное направление не оказало такого влияния на развитие искусства, как импрессионизм. В книге "Сокровища импрессионизма" прослеживается как общая история зарождения и развития импрессионистического течения, так и творческий путь наиболее ярких его представителей, которые совершили революцию в искусстве, обратившись к новым современным темам и новаторской живописной технике Знакомство с историей успехов и неудач импрессионизма станет еще глубже благодаря 30 редким факсимильным документам. Среди них: Наброски Мане, Дега, Сезанна и Моне (включая предварительные рисунки прославленных "Кувшинок"); Эскизы Писсарро, Ренуара, Моризо, Сислея; Страницы......

Career Transition: A Faith-Based Approach

Darren E. Holmes

  Career Transition: A Faith-Based Approach  Darren E. Holmes  In an uncertain economy, job loss is, unfortunately, common. If you ve lost your job and are looking for inspiration to help get you back on your feet, Darren E. Holmes s Career Transition: A Faith-Based Approach provides just the necessary sparks to rejuvenate your attitude and point you in the right direction. Darren Holmes has held executive positions with some of the nation s largest financial services corporations, including Wells Fargo and Citigroup, as well as staff positions in a CPA firm and a bank holding company. He has re-organized, upsized, downsized, started, and closed dozens of individual departments. He is also candid about his own job eliminations; as one who has been there and rebounded successfully, he has the experience to write credibly about career transitions. Career Transition: A Faith-Based Approach focuses principally on attitude and faith. As Holmes writes, The situation you are in is what it is, but how you look at it makes all the difference. You...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In an uncertain economy, job loss is, unfortunately, common. If you ve lost your job and are looking for inspiration to help get you back on your feet, Darren E. Holmes s Career Transition: A Faith-Based Approach provides just the necessary sparks to rejuvenate your attitude and point you in the right direction. Darren Holmes has held executive positions with some of the nation s largest financial services corporations, including Wells Fargo and Citigroup, as well as staff positions in a CPA firm and a bank holding company. He has re-organized, upsized, downsized, started, and closed dozens of individual departments. He is also candid about his own job eliminations; as one who has been there and rebounded successfully, he has the experience to write credibly about career transitions. Career Transition: A Faith-Based Approach focuses principally on attitude and faith. As Holmes writes, The situation you are in is what it is, but how you look at it makes all the difference. You......

Doing Business and Investing in Estonia Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Doing Business and Investing in Estonia Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Doing Business and Investing in Estonia Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Doing Business and Investing in Estonia Guide...

Guide to Making Effective Presentations

Dr. John Hodges Reed

  Guide to Making Effective Presentations  Dr. John Hodges Reed  Effective presentations don?t just happen, they are made. Like pieces of a puzzle, there are seven basic elements that have to come together to make a winning presentation. This guide discusses each of these elements with a practical and straightforward approach. Beginning and experienced presenters alike can develop and add to their skill set with this compact, comprehensive guide.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Effective presentations don?t just happen, they are made. Like pieces of a puzzle, there are seven basic elements that have to come together to make a winning presentation. This guide discusses each of these elements with a practical and straightforward approach. Beginning and experienced presenters alike can develop and add to their skill set with this compact, comprehensive guide....

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Ukraine Industrial And Business Directory (World Business, Investment and Government Library) (World Business, Investment and Government Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.

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