Balancing Job Satisfaction and Performance : A Guide for Human Resource Professionals

Willa M. Bruce, J. Walton Blackburn

  Balancing Job Satisfaction and Performance : A Guide for Human Resource Professionals  Willa M. Bruce, J. Walton Blackburn  The philosophy of this book is that organizations should provide The philosophy of this book is that organizations should provide "good work" in which people utilize their unique talents in a working environment conducive to mental and physical health. The book provides practical advice on managing work force diversity, the interface of family with the work place, and the impact of technology on workers. It explains the positive effects of training and participative planning. Appendices contain training outlines, guidelines for preventing and addressing sexual harassment complaints, and forms to utilize in organizing a participative planning process....

Wireless Data for the Enterprise

George S Faigen, Boris Fridman, Arielle Emmett

  Wireless Data for the Enterprise  George S Faigen, Boris Fridman, Arielle Emmett  Everything you should know about Everything you should know about "going wireless" A valuable reality check for the many claims about wireless, Wireless Data For The Enterprise sorts out myth from fact, truth from exaggeration. This guide by George Faigen, Boris Fridman, and Arielle Emmett shows you how your enterprise can extend its knowledge base to encompass mobile workers, customers and suppliers--and make money doing it. .This superb overview of what is currently possible with wireless data – as well as an eye-opening futuristic view of how wireless data will touch every aspect of our lives -- helps you select and implement wireless devices, gateways, and networks to link enterprise assets securely with people using varying mobile devices. You get detailed, step-by-step guidelines on researching and developing wireless pilots, and "blueprints" for selecting middleware and implementing security measures. Case studies of several early Fortune 500 wireless adopters vividly illustrate......

The Quality Technician's Handbook (5th Edition)

Gary K. Griffith

  The Quality Technician's Handbook (5th Edition)  Gary K. Griffith  An ASQ best-seller, this volume covers a variety of the basic skills that contribute to ongoing quality at the technician level. It is now one of the primary reference books used by people taking the ASQ Certification Exams. The volume provides an introduction to quality, and examines total quality management, quality costs and audits, inspection systems and planning, reading engineering drawings, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, graphical inspection analysis, common measuring tools and measurements, plate inspection methods, special measuring equipment and techniques, lot-by-lot acceptance sampling plans, statistical process control and shop mathematics. For Quality Engineers, Quality Technicians and Inspectors.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин An ASQ best-seller, this volume covers a variety of the basic skills that contribute to ongoing quality at the technician level. It is now one of the primary reference books used by people taking the ASQ Certification Exams. The volume provides an introduction to quality, and examines total quality management, quality costs and audits, inspection systems and planning, reading engineering drawings, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, graphical inspection analysis, common measuring tools and measurements, plate inspection methods, special measuring equipment and techniques, lot-by-lot acceptance sampling plans, statistical process control and shop mathematics. For Quality Engineers, Quality Technicians and Inspectors....

The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Real Estate Investment Course

Jack Cummings

  The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Real Estate Investment Course  Jack Cummings  Written with the local investor in mind, Cummings' quick and easy blueprint for success is structured in the step-by-step, ready-to-apply format that has made the 36-Hour Series so popular with readers. Each information-packed chapter contains learning objectives, key terms and concepts, common questions with straightforward answers, study and review sections, and a variety of case studies that aptly illustrate how real estate investing works in the real world. There is also a Written with the local investor in mind, Cummings' quick and easy blueprint for success is structured in the step-by-step, ready-to-apply format that has made the 36-Hour Series so popular with readers. Each information-packed chapter contains learning objectives, key terms and concepts, common questions with straightforward answers, study and review sections, and a variety of case studies that aptly illustrate how real estate investing works in the real world. There is also a "final exam" at the end of the book that readers may complete and send in to receive a Certificate of Achievement. Offering readers the benefits of his extraordinary, decades-long track record, Cummings delivers the rock-solid knowledge they need to get started, as well as the astute insights they need to move forward quickly. Finally, as a tireless and widely respected promoter of his work, Jack Cummins boasts extensive contacts both in the media and in his own field. Put it all together and The McGraw-Hill......

География России. Природа. 8 класс. Рекомендации к планированию уроков по учебнику И. И. Бариновой "География России. Природа"

И. И. Баринова

  География России. Природа. 8 класс. Рекомендации к планированию уроков по учебнику И. И. Бариновой Дрофа. Рекомендации к планированию уроков - составная часть учебно-методического комплекта по курсу географии для 8 класса. Данное пособие содержит поурочные разработки по курсу "География России. Природа". Его структура и содержание облегчат подготовку учителя к каждому уроку и помогут организовать деятельность учащихся....

<<<  Двери в песке. Роджер Желязны             Программирование на языке Ассемблера для микроконтроллеров ... >>>

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Balancing Job Satisfaction and Performance : A Guide for Human Resource Professionals. Willa M. Bruce, J. Walton Blackburn . Книги.

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