Экология / Ecologia

О. П. Стреж, А. А. Луговых

  Экология / Ecologia  О. П. Стреж, А. А. Луговых  АСТ, Восток-Запад.   Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие по испанскому языку представляет собой сборник текстов и послетекстовых упражнений на русском и испанском языках по теме АСТ, Восток-Запад. Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие по испанскому языку представляет собой сборник текстов и послетекстовых упражнений на русском и испанском языках по теме "Экология и зашита окружающей среды". Цель пособия - формирование и развитие навыков перевода с испанского языка на русский и с русского языка на испанский, овладение лексическим минимумом по данной теме и расширение общего кругозора. Материалы пособия апробированы в учебном процессе и отредактированы носителями испанского языка....

Fundamentals of BioMEMS and Medical Microdevices

Steven S. Saliterman

  Fundamentals of BioMEMS and Medical Microdevices  Steven S. Saliterman  SPIE Publications.   BioMEMS devices are as important to the future of medicine as microprocessors were to the computer revolution at the end of the last century. BioMEMS is a science that includes more than simply finding biomedical applications for microelectromechanical systems devices. It represents an expansion into a host of new polymer materials, microfluidic physics, surface chemistries and their modification, SPIE Publications. BioMEMS devices are as important to the future of medicine as microprocessors were to the computer revolution at the end of the last century. BioMEMS is a science that includes more than simply finding biomedical applications for microelectromechanical systems devices. It represents an expansion into a host of new polymer materials, microfluidic physics, surface chemistries and their modification, "soft" fabrication techniques, biocompatibility, and cost-effective solutions to biomedical problems. It brings together the creative talents of electrical, mechanical, optical, and chemical engineers, materials specialists, clinical laboratory scientists, and physicians. BioMEMS devices are the platform upon which nanomedicine will be delivered. Based on the author's course on bioMEMS at the University of Minnesota, this book is an introduction to the science and a survey of the state of the art. Topics include microfabrication of silicon, glass, and polymer devices; microfluidics and......

Word 2007

Игорь Пащенко

  Word 2007  Игорь Пащенко  Эксмо.   Шаг за шагом.   С помощью этой книги вы познакомитесь с основными возможностями текстового редактора Эксмо. Шаг за шагом. С помощью этой книги вы познакомитесь с основными возможностями текстового редактора "Microsoft Word 2007". Вы сможете быстро освоить все необходимые приемы, поскольку весь необходимый материал изложен максимально кратко и понятно, с использованием четких пошаговых инструкций. Кроме того, в книге излагаются особенности съемки портретов, архитектурных объектов, пейзажей и событий. В книге в простой и доступной форме описано, как создавать, редактировать и печатать документы, работать с таблицами, использовать графические элементы и объекты, созданные в других приложениях, применять метод слияния для создания стандартных документов. Это и многое другое вы будете уметь после знакомства с книгой И.Пащенко "Word 2007", основанной на многолетнем опыте автора по преподаванию на компьютерных курсах. Книга полно и точно отвечает на возникающие у начинающего пользователя вопросы "Зачем это?" и "Как это сделать?", уделяя особое внимание различиям между новой версией программы и предыдущими......

Corel Paint Shop Pro X Revealed (Revealed)

Sonja Shea

  Corel Paint Shop Pro X Revealed (Revealed)  Sonja Shea  Aimed at readers who are new to Paint Shop Pro, Aimed at readers who are new to Paint Shop Pro, "Paint Shop Pro X Revealed" teaches beginners how to edit their photos, paint digitally, and/or create graphics. Paint Shop Pro is one of the most popular image editing packages in the world, due in part to its combination of low price and powerful images. The book maps to the latest version of the Paint Shop Pro software which includes more arts media tools and more elements that will work with other Corel Products. Written in the proven Revealed pedagogy, the book first walks the reader through all of the basics of the software before breaking down into Paint Shop Pro's tools and techniques. Data files are included with the book so that the reader can follow along and solidify the skills learned....

System Requirements Analysis

Jeffrey O. Grady

  System Requirements Analysis  Jeffrey O. Grady  Systems Requirement Analysis gives the professional systems engineer the tools to set up a proper and effective analysis of the resources, schedules and parts that will be needed in order to successfully undertake and complete any large, complex project. The text offers the reader the methodology for rationally breaking a large project down into a series of stepwise questions so that a schedule can be determined and a plan can be established for what needs to be procured, how it should be obtained, and what the likely costs in dollars, manpower and equipment will be in order to complete the project at hand. Systems Requirement Analysis is compatible with the full range of engineering management tools now popularly used, from project management to competitive engineering to Six Sigma, and will ensure that a project gets off to a good start before its too late to make critical planning changes. The book can be used for either self-instruction or in the classroom, offering a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Systems Requirement Analysis gives the professional systems engineer the tools to set up a proper and effective analysis of the resources, schedules and parts that will be needed in order to successfully undertake and complete any large, complex project. The text offers the reader the methodology for rationally breaking a large project down into a series of stepwise questions so that a schedule can be determined and a plan can be established for what needs to be procured, how it should be obtained, and what the likely costs in dollars, manpower and equipment will be in order to complete the project at hand. Systems Requirement Analysis is compatible with the full range of engineering management tools now popularly used, from project management to competitive engineering to Six Sigma, and will ensure that a project gets off to a good start before its too late to make critical planning changes. The book can be used for either self-instruction or in the classroom, offering a......

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Экология / Ecologia. О. П. Стреж, А. А. Луговых . Книги.

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