Connectivity Conservation (Conservation Biology)

  Connectivity Conservation (Conservation Biology)  One of the biggest threats to the survival of many plant and animal species is the destruction or fragmentation of their natural habitats. The conservation of landscape connections, where animals, plants, and ecological processes can move freely from one habitat to another, is therefore an essential part of any new conservation or environmental protection plan. In practice, however, maintaining, creating, and protecting connectivity in our increasingly dissected world is a daunting challenge. This fascinating volume provides a synthesis on the current status and literature of connectivity conservation research and implementation. It shows the challenges involved in applying existing knowledge to real-world examples and highlights areas in need of further study. Containing contributions from leading scientists and practitioners, this topical and thought-provoking volume will be essential reading for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners working in conservation biology and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин One of the biggest threats to the survival of many plant and animal species is the destruction or fragmentation of their natural habitats. The conservation of landscape connections, where animals, plants, and ecological processes can move freely from one habitat to another, is therefore an essential part of any new conservation or environmental protection plan. In practice, however, maintaining, creating, and protecting connectivity in our increasingly dissected world is a daunting challenge. This fascinating volume provides a synthesis on the current status and literature of connectivity conservation research and implementation. It shows the challenges involved in applying existing knowledge to real-world examples and highlights areas in need of further study. Containing contributions from leading scientists and practitioners, this topical and thought-provoking volume will be essential reading for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners working in conservation biology and......

Management of Organizational Change: Leveraging Transformation

K Harigopal

  Management of Organizational Change: Leveraging Transformation  K Harigopal  Organizational change is a complex yet essential process for growth and development in business. The Second Edition of the book, examines the nature of this critical process in light of new developments in theory and experience. Revisiting fundamental concepts as well as including new ideas, this book discusses: The nature and process of transformational change The basic concepts of change and new developments in our understanding of them The need for and ways of aligning current tasks, systems processes, and culture with organizational goals The support systems required for change and new behavior and the need to develop and maintain these support systems Supported by numerous case studies and detailed analysis, this book will be a definitive guide for students, scholars and practitioners of change management.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Organizational change is a complex yet essential process for growth and development in business. The Second Edition of the book, examines the nature of this critical process in light of new developments in theory and experience. Revisiting fundamental concepts as well as including new ideas, this book discusses: The nature and process of transformational change The basic concepts of change and new developments in our understanding of them The need for and ways of aligning current tasks, systems processes, and culture with organizational goals The support systems required for change and new behavior and the need to develop and maintain these support systems Supported by numerous case studies and detailed analysis, this book will be a definitive guide for students, scholars and practitioners of change management....

Vietnam's Development Strategies (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)

Pietro Masina

  Vietnam's Development Strategies (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series)  Pietro Masina  Taking a developmental approach, this book critically reviews Vietnam's reform process and shows how the country's reform agenda is still dominated by a developmental orthodoxy inspired by a post-Washington consensus. The author argues that a wider debate is needed in order to give national policy-makers the full spectrum of alternatives to support well-informed policy decisions. In particular, the book indicates that two issues central for any analysis of the Vietnamese development reform process are substantially underdeveloped in the current scientific debate: the experience of the East Asian developmental state and the question of socialism. Presenting a way of thinking about Vietnam that goes beyond the orthodox, the book sets out the various paradigms through which the Vietnamese economy can be analyzed. This is a welcome addition to the literature and will appeal to both practitioners working in the field and the academic community in Southeast Asian studies, economics...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Taking a developmental approach, this book critically reviews Vietnam's reform process and shows how the country's reform agenda is still dominated by a developmental orthodoxy inspired by a post-Washington consensus. The author argues that a wider debate is needed in order to give national policy-makers the full spectrum of alternatives to support well-informed policy decisions. In particular, the book indicates that two issues central for any analysis of the Vietnamese development reform process are substantially underdeveloped in the current scientific debate: the experience of the East Asian developmental state and the question of socialism. Presenting a way of thinking about Vietnam that goes beyond the orthodox, the book sets out the various paradigms through which the Vietnamese economy can be analyzed. This is a welcome addition to the literature and will appeal to both practitioners working in the field and the academic community in Southeast Asian studies, economics......

Portraits from Life in 29 Steps

John Howard Sanden, Elizabeth Sanden

  Portraits from Life in 29 Steps  John Howard Sanden, Elizabeth Sanden  Portraits from Life in 29 Steps presents an elegant, simple and direct procedure for painting a convincing portrait in 29 logical steps. John Howard Sanden has developed this method in more than three decades of painting, demonstrating and teaching. At the heart of this book are two complete portrait-painting demonstrations; each of the 29 steps is descriptively titled, explained and illustrated to show the clear progression of the portrait. Sanden uses an exciting and appealing premier coup approach to painting, where the artist attempts to execute a finished painting from the very first stroke.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Portraits from Life in 29 Steps presents an elegant, simple and direct procedure for painting a convincing portrait in 29 logical steps. John Howard Sanden has developed this method in more than three decades of painting, demonstrating and teaching. At the heart of this book are two complete portrait-painting demonstrations; each of the 29 steps is descriptively titled, explained and illustrated to show the clear progression of the portrait. Sanden uses an exciting and appealing premier coup approach to painting, where the artist attempts to execute a finished painting from the very first stroke....

Общее числовое действие и некоторые его свойства

В. В. Шустов

  Общее числовое действие и некоторые его свойства  В. В. Шустов  ЛКИ.   В настоящей книге предложен новый взгляд на такие известные со школьной скамьи операции, как сложение и вычитание, умножение и деление, возведение в степень, извлечение корня и логарифмирование. На основе представления этих операций в форме числовой переменной введено общее или единое числовое действие, частными случаями которого являются семь известных арифметических операций. Предложены аксиомы общего числового действия, предусматривающие использование новых операндов - номера операции и итерационного числа, что позволило расширить число операций с 7 до множества целых чисел и структурировать понятие ЛКИ. В настоящей книге предложен новый взгляд на такие известные со школьной скамьи операции, как сложение и вычитание, умножение и деление, возведение в степень, извлечение корня и логарифмирование. На основе представления этих операций в форме числовой переменной введено общее или единое числовое действие, частными случаями которого являются семь известных арифметических операций. Предложены аксиомы общего числового действия, предусматривающие использование новых операндов - номера операции и итерационного числа, что позволило расширить число операций с 7 до множества целых чисел и структурировать понятие "суперстепень", интерес к которому возрос в последнее время. Установлен ряд новых свойств общего действия, представленного в привычной, так называемой инфиксной форме записи. Показаны новые возможности, возникающие в связи с предложенным подходом, в частности, единообразный вывод основных свойств числовых действий, изучаемых в вузовской и школьной математике. Книга......

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Connectivity Conservation (Conservation Biology). . Книги.

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