Сны мегаполиса

Анна Бялко

  Сны мегаполиса  Анна Бялко  Октопус.   Dreams.   Образ мыслей, Старый дом, Чертова бабушка, Малая Мстя, Фея молчания, Краткие визиты в страну фей.   Октопус. Dreams. Образ мыслей, Старый дом, Чертова бабушка, Малая Мстя, Фея молчания, Краткие визиты в страну фей. "Сны мегаполиса" - современные городские новеллы, в которых, как во сне, стирается граница между реальностью и фантазией. Действительность в них преображается, а все мечты выглядят осуществимыми. Вы узнаете тайну старого дома, познакомитесь с чертовой бабушкой, посетите страну фей... И забудете о всех делах и проблемах!...

Почему француженки не толстеют

Мирей Гильяно

  Почему француженки не толстеют  Мирей Гильяно  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Транзиткнига.   Советы на каждый день.   Француженки любят хлеб, не отказываются от десертов и при этом не страдают от угрызений совести! Француженки обожают овощи и фрукты, следуют правилу АСТ, АСТ Москва, Транзиткнига. Советы на каждый день. Француженки любят хлеб, не отказываются от десертов и при этом не страдают от угрызений совести! Француженки обожают овощи и фрукты, следуют правилу "лучше меньше, да лучше" и презирают фаст-фуд. Француженки доверяют не весам, а "синдрому застежки-молнии". Француженки никогда не перекусывают наспех и пьют за едой только сухое вино. Француженки ходят пешком и не пользуются лифтами. И это - лишь немногие секреты истинных француженок!...

Land Conservation Financing

The Conservation Fund

  Land Conservation Financing  The Conservation Fund  Book Description Written by two of the nation's leading experts on land conservation, Land Conservation Financing provides a comprehensive overview of successful land conservation programs -- how they were created, how they are funded, and whatthey've accomplished -- along with detailed case studies from across the United States. The authors present important new information on state-of-the-art conservation financing, showcasing programs in states that have become the nation's leaders in open-space protection: California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and New Jersey. They look at key local land protection efforts by examining model programs in DeKalb County, Georgia; Douglas County, Colorado; Jacksonville,Florida; Lake County, Illinois; Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; Marin County, California; the St. Louis metro area in Missouri and Illinois, and on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The authors then examine how hundreds of communities have...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Written by two of the nation's leading experts on land conservation, Land Conservation Financing provides a comprehensive overview of successful land conservation programs -- how they were created, how they are funded, and whatthey've accomplished -- along with detailed case studies from across the United States. The authors present important new information on state-of-the-art conservation financing, showcasing programs in states that have become the nation's leaders in open-space protection: California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and New Jersey. They look at key local land protection efforts by examining model programs in DeKalb County, Georgia; Douglas County, Colorado; Jacksonville,Florida; Lake County, Illinois; Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; Marin County, California; the St. Louis metro area in Missouri and Illinois, and on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The authors then examine how hundreds of communities have......

The Graphic Designer's Digital Toolkit (General Interest)

Alan Wood

  The Graphic Designer's Digital Toolkit (General Interest)  Alan Wood  Book Description One of the most important skills in graphic design today is the ability to integrate different software programs into a seamless whole. Yet software books continue to teach one program at a time without regard to the integration issues that lie at the heart of good digital design. The Graphic Designer?s Digital Toolkit provides a comprehensive overview of the ?big three? digital design programs used in industry today?Illustrator®, Photoshop®, and QuarkXPress®. The book then examines in practical detail how to merge results of these programs into good, workable designs. The Graphic Designer?s Digital Toolkit features a highly visual introduction to the essential tools and functions of each application from the perspective of the working designer. Readers are then given the opportunity to put what they learn to work by tackling design projects from concept to completion, with assignments drawn from the everyday world of professional graphic designers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description One of the most important skills in graphic design today is the ability to integrate different software programs into a seamless whole. Yet software books continue to teach one program at a time without regard to the integration issues that lie at the heart of good digital design. The Graphic Designer?s Digital Toolkit provides a comprehensive overview of the ?big three? digital design programs used in industry today?Illustrator®, Photoshop®, and QuarkXPress®. The book then examines in practical detail how to merge results of these programs into good, workable designs. The Graphic Designer?s Digital Toolkit features a highly visual introduction to the essential tools and functions of each application from the perspective of the working designer. Readers are then given the opportunity to put what they learn to work by tackling design projects from concept to completion, with assignments drawn from the everyday world of professional graphic designers....

Redneck Economics

John W. Terry

  Redneck Economics  John W. Terry  Book Description Redneck Economics provides a case for extreme economic conservatism on an individual basis, in a plainspoken blue-collar fashion. John W. Terry provides advice and thoughts on accomplishing personal fulfillment by trusting in the individual, based on the belief of laissez faire economics and political liberty that avoid complexity. For example, chapter 4: Things to Remember About Economics, follows the keeping it simple concept expressed in chapter 3 by stating, Book Description Redneck Economics provides a case for extreme economic conservatism on an individual basis, in a plainspoken blue-collar fashion. John W. Terry provides advice and thoughts on accomplishing personal fulfillment by trusting in the individual, based on the belief of laissez faire economics and political liberty that avoid complexity. For example, chapter 4: Things to Remember About Economics, follows the keeping it simple concept expressed in chapter 3 by stating, "Supply and Demand: that's it, that is all you need to know about economics. Forget all those graphs that make you feel as though you enrolled in a Mandarin Chinese language class." Reading through the pages you're exposed to a set of beliefs with goals and given options for accomplishing those goals. Themes: Simplicity, activism and individualism. Concepts: Personal investment by saving through diversification, political expression and being skeptical of so called......

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Сны мегаполиса. Анна Бялко . Книги.

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