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Focus on Your Future: High School Planning for Career/College Choices Sandy Austin
"Focus on Your Future" is a workbook that takes parents and high school students through a step-by step process in grades 9-12 to prepare students for graduation and career/college planning for what they want to do after graduation. It addresses the importance of grades and extra-curricular activities, how to find what careers may be a fit for them, what training/college experience they need to get into that career field, and help in finding scholarship and financial resources to pay for that training or college degree. Students can use the workbook on their own, or with input from their parents, throughout their high school years....
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Democracy and Political Change in the 'Third World' (Routledge/ECPR Studies in European Political Science) Jeffrey Haynes, Jeff Haynes
This book examines the current position of democracy in the third world and the experience of newly democratized countries such as Mexico, Zambia, India, and Indonesia....
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What Is Globalization? Ulrich Beck
Polity. This important new book offers an engaging and challenging introduction to the thorny paths of the globalization debate....
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Doing the Business: Boost Your Companies Fortunes (Virgin Business Guides) David Hall
How can you boost profits, services and efficiency in your business by using lessons from other entrepreneurs? Doing the Business is a workbook that entrepreneurs can dip into and use with their teams - giving them the confidence to grow, revitalise,reinvent and lead their businesses. Practical toolkits, tips and checklists, on problems such as system slippage, help you along the way and provide a systematic process supported by case examples for each issue, which inspire people to use the toolkits themselves. David Hall has taken his programme around the globe, and his book is based on the tacit wisdom of entrepreneurs the world over, particularly in the UK, Australia and the USA. A book for businesspeople by businesspeople, Doing the Busisnessis a first in supporting entrepreneurs in a very practical, proven manner....
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Review for the CLEP Principles of Management Donald E., Ph. D. Hovey
This book is designed to prepare a student to pass the Principles of Management CLEP test. It contains a subject matter review and a sample test. This book contains all the material from Donald Hovey's popular "Introduction to Management" study guide. This is the guide you need if you want a clear, concise guide for the Principles of Management Examination. The new 2002 edition of this guide contains a special section on how to take the computerized version of the test....
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На главную
Focus on Your Future: High School Planning for Career/College Choices. Sandy Austin . Книги.
Екатеринбург, Томск, Орехово-Зуево, Рязань, Воронеж, Старый Оскол, Октябрьский, Каменск-Уральский, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Чебоксары, Владимир, Южно-Сахалинск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Новотроицк, Тверь, Тольятти, Новосибирск, Омск, Миасс, Новороссийск,
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