Лавка нищих. Русские каприччо

Борис Евсеев

  Лавка нищих. Русские каприччо  Борис Евсеев  Время.   Самое время!.   Мясо в цене!, Ехал на Птичку Иван Раскоряк, Островок Рейля, Русское каприччо, Агата Хрестик, Взлет, Берлинская история, Бедным войду я, выйду богатым, Мясо в цене!, Буквы, Лавка нищих, Сухолюб, Шеренга, Македонское вино, Курдупель, Чукаго, Буквы, Два дудука, Нечуй-ветер, Быстрая развязка, Красногорск, Кутум, Сергиев лес, Чугунок спешит на войну, Хутутут, Тамбовская обезьяна, Нечуй-ветер.   Рассказы Бориса Евсеева - неповторимое явление в нынешней русской прозе. В них есть все, что делает литературу по-настоящему художественной и интересной: гибкий и словно бы Время. Самое время!. Мясо в цене!, Ехал на Птичку Иван Раскоряк, Островок Рейля, Русское каприччо, Агата Хрестик, Взлет, Берлинская история, Бедным войду я, выйду богатым, Мясо в цене!, Буквы, Лавка нищих, Сухолюб, Шеренга, Македонское вино, Курдупель, Чукаго, Буквы, Два дудука, Нечуй-ветер, Быстрая развязка, Красногорск, Кутум, Сергиев лес, Чугунок спешит на войну, Хутутут, Тамбовская обезьяна, Нечуй-ветер. Рассказы Бориса Евсеева - неповторимое явление в нынешней русской прозе. В них есть все, что делает литературу по-настоящему художественной и интересной: гибкий и словно бы "овеществленный" язык, динамичный сюжет, прочная документальная основа, глубинное проникновение в суть характеров. Великолепие и нищета современной России, философы из народа и трепетные бандиты, владельцы магазинов "блаженных нищих" и чудаковатые подмосковные жители - вот герои, создающие новую повествовательную среду в "русских каприччо" Евсеева. В книге 20 новых рассказов, ядро сборника было опубликовано в журнале "Октябрь"....

Bound by Law?: Tales from the Public Domain

Keith Aoki, James Boyle, Jennifer Jenkins

  Bound by Law?: Tales from the Public Domain  Keith Aoki, James Boyle, Jennifer Jenkins  A documentary is being filmed. A cell phone rings, playing the Rocky theme song. The filmmaker is told she must pay $10,000 to clear the rights to the song. Can this be true? Eyes on the Prize, the great civil rights documentary, was pulled from circulation because the filmmakers' rights to music and footage had expired. What's going on here? It's the collision of documentary filmmaking and intellectual property law, and it's the inspiration for this comic book. Follow its heroine Akiko as she films her documentary and navigates the twists and turns of intellectual property. Why do we have copyrights? What's A documentary is being filmed. A cell phone rings, playing the Rocky theme song. The filmmaker is told she must pay $10,000 to clear the rights to the song. Can this be true? Eyes on the Prize, the great civil rights documentary, was pulled from circulation because the filmmakers' rights to music and footage had expired. What's going on here? It's the collision of documentary filmmaking and intellectual property law, and it's the inspiration for this comic book. Follow its heroine Akiko as she films her documentary and navigates the twists and turns of intellectual property. Why do we have copyrights? What's "fair use"? Bound by Law? reaches beyond documentary film to provide a commentary on the most pressing issues facing law, art, property, and an increasingly digital world of remixed culture....

Antigua & Barbuda Investment and Business Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Antigua & Barbuda Investment and Business Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Antigua & Barbuda Investment and Business Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Antigua & Barbuda Investment and Business Guide...

Benin Customs, Trade Regulations and Procedures Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Benin Customs, Trade Regulations and Procedures Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Benin Customs, Trade Regulations and Procedures Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Benin Customs, Trade Regulations and Procedures Handbook...

The Practical Guide to Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union

  The Practical Guide to Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union  A Practical Guide to Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union provides detailed coverage of national and EU financial incentives (grants, loans and tax concessions) while drawing a comparative profile for each Member State of corporate and personal taxation, labour costs, social security charges and employment regulations. Some 70 colour charts and tables complement this detailed analysis.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A Practical Guide to Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union provides detailed coverage of national and EU financial incentives (grants, loans and tax concessions) while drawing a comparative profile for each Member State of corporate and personal taxation, labour costs, social security charges and employment regulations. Some 70 colour charts and tables complement this detailed analysis....

<<<  Экзамен в ГИБДД 2009 (+ CD-ROM).              The Elements of Typographic Style. Robert Bringhurst >>>

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Лавка нищих. Русские каприччо. Борис Евсеев . Книги.

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