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Программирование в стандарте POSIX. Курс лекций В. А. Галатенко
Интернет-университет информационных технологий. Основы информационных технологий. В курсе рассматривается стандарт на мобильный интерфейс операционной системы (POSIX), а также приемы и методы программирования приложений на основе данного стандарта, поясняемые многочисленными примерами. Затрагиваются вопросы программирования многопроцессных систем, взаимодействия приложений в рамках распределенных конфигураций. Рекомендовано УМО в области прикладной информатики для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальности 351400 "Прикладная информатика"....
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CAD Manager's Guidebook (Reference) Ralph Grabowski
There's one thing CAD managers agree upon: running a CAD department is a difficult job. This new edition of CAD Manager's Guidebook helps readers anticipate problems and devise solutions within their daily jobs. Complete with an all-new companion CD-ROM,this guidebook's convenient, 3-part organization explains the role of the CAD manager; details how to create and institute your own CAD standards, policies, and procedures; and offers tips and suggestions for maximizing CAD efficiency. Thoroughly updated, this book now reflects the current state of CAD, with coverage of topics such as networking, the impact of the Internet, plus the future of CAD and the drawing file. A must-have reference for novice and experienced CAD managers alike!...
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Sams Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes Ben Forta
Sams. RegEx is supported in all major development environments (for use in editing and working with code) and will thus appeal to anyone using these tools. In addition, every JavaScript developer should be using RegEx, but most don't as it has never been taught to them properly before. Developers using ASP, C#, ColdFusion, Java JSP, PHP, Perl, Python, and more can (and should) be using RegEx, and so every one of them is a potential reader too. The reader of this book will learn how to: Match characters sets Match repeating characters (using minimums and maximums if needed) Match (or ignore) based on case Build sub-expressions Use all of the special characters Work with excape sequences Use POSIX classes to simplify complex expressions Use back-references Use look-behind operators Sams Teach Yourself Regular Expressions in 10 Minutes is a tutorial book organized......
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Technology 2001: The Future of Computing and Communications Derek Leebaert
The computer pioneers and strategic planners writing in Technology 2001 discuss the collection of technologies that could well define the computing and communications environment that lies ahead....
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Performing With Microsoft Excel 2002 Comprehensive Course Iris Blanc, Cathy Vento
The Performing Series takes students to a higher level of learning through applied and project-based activities that go beyond the mechanics of the software....
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Программирование в стандарте POSIX. Курс лекций. В. А. Галатенко . Книги.
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