Миф машины

Льюис Мамфорд

  Миф машины  Льюис Мамфорд  Логос.   Сигма.   Классическое исследование патриарха американской социальной философии, историка и архитектора, чьи труды, начиная с Логос. Сигма. Классическое исследование патриарха американской социальной философии, историка и архитектора, чьи труды, начиная с "Культуры городов" (1938) и заканчивая "Зарисовками с натуры" (1982), оказали огромное влияние на развитие американской урбанистики и футурологии. Книга "Миф машины" впервые вышла в 1967 году и подвела итог пятилетним социологическим и искусствоведческим разысканиям Мамфорда, к тому времени уже - члена Американской академии искусств и обладателя президентской "медали свободы". В ней вводятся понятия, ставшие впоследствии обиходными в самых различных отраслях гуманитаристики: начиная от истории науки и кончая прикладной лингвистикой. В своей книге Мамфорд дает пространную и весьма экстравагантную ретроспекцию этого проекта, начиная с первобытных опытов и кончая поздним Возрождением....

Самосознание европейской культуры XX века

  Самосознание европейской культуры XX века  Издательство политической литературы.   Самосознание европейской культуры XX века.   Книга включает труды западных мыслителей, сохраняющие актуальное значение для современной философии и теории культуры. В ней представлены работы М. Вебера, Г. Марселя, Х. Ортеги-и-Гасета, М. Хайдеггера и др. Собранные вместе, они дают возможность лучше понять западноевропейскую культурологическую мысль новейшего времени в ее развитии.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Издательство политической литературы. Самосознание европейской культуры XX века. Книга включает труды западных мыслителей, сохраняющие актуальное значение для современной философии и теории культуры. В ней представлены работы М. Вебера, Г. Марселя, Х. Ортеги-и-Гасета, М. Хайдеггера и др. Собранные вместе, они дают возможность лучше понять западноевропейскую культурологическую мысль новейшего времени в ее развитии....

The Harvest Gypsies: On the Road to the Grapes of Wrath

John Steinbeck, Charles Wollenberg

  The Harvest Gypsies: On the Road to the Grapes of Wrath  John Steinbeck, Charles Wollenberg  Recently listed in the Top 100 List of the Century's Best American Journalism Gathered in this important volume are seven newspaper articles on migrant farm workers that John Steinbeck wrote for Recently listed in the Top 100 List of the Century's Best American Journalism Gathered in this important volume are seven newspaper articles on migrant farm workers that John Steinbeck wrote for "The San Francisco News" in 1936, three years before _The Grapes of Wrath_. With the inquisitiveness of an investigative reporter and the emotional power of a novelist in his prime, Steinbeck toured the squatters' camps and Hoovervilles of California. Here he found once strong, independent farmers?the backbone of rural America?so reduced in dignity, beaten in spirit, sick, sullen, and defeated that they had been "cast down to a kind of subhumanity." He contrasts their misery with the hope offered by government resettlement camps, where self-help committees, child nurseries, quilting and sewing projects, and decent sanitation were restoring dignity and indeed saving lives. _The Harvest Gypsies_ gives us an eyewitness account of the horrendous Dust Bowl migration, a major event......

Breaking Out: Vmi and the Coming of Women (Vintage)

Laura Fairchild Brodie

  Breaking Out: Vmi and the Coming of Women (Vintage)  Laura Fairchild Brodie  On July 26, 1996, the United States Supreme Court nullified the single-sex admissions policy of the Virginia Military Institute, the last all-male military college in America. Capturing the voices of female and male cadets, administrators, faculty, and alumni, Laura Brodie tells the story of the Institute's intense planning for the inclusion of women and the problems and triumphs of the first year of coeducation. Brodie takes us into the meetings where every aspect of life at VMI was analyzed from the per-spective of a woman's presence: housing, clothing, haircuts, dating, and the infamous On July 26, 1996, the United States Supreme Court nullified the single-sex admissions policy of the Virginia Military Institute, the last all-male military college in America. Capturing the voices of female and male cadets, administrators, faculty, and alumni, Laura Brodie tells the story of the Institute's intense planning for the inclusion of women and the problems and triumphs of the first year of coeducation. Brodie takes us into the meetings where every aspect of life at VMI was analyzed from the per-spective of a woman's presence: housing, clothing, haircuts, dating, and the infamous "Ratline"--the months of physical exertion, minimal sleep, and verbal harassment to which entering cadets are subjected. Throughout the process the administration's aim was to integrate women successfully without making adjustments to VMI's physical standards or giving up its tradition of education under extreme stress. No other military college had done so much to prepare. But would it......

Global Environment Outlook 3

United Nations Environment Programme

  Global Environment Outlook 3  United Nations Environment Programme  "The Global Environment Outlook" (GEO) series are the flagship publications of the world's leading environmental organization. They present comprehensive and authoritative reviews and analyses of worldwide environmental conditions and trends and the policies and policy instruments available to address them. "GEO-3," which includes a CD, is published 10 years after the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 and in time for its successor, the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. It sets an action-oriented environmental agenda for the future. Continuing the global and regional focus of the series, it complements the detailed assessment of the state of the global environment set out in "GEO-2000." "GEO-3" examines environmental trendsover the past 30 years to provide an integrated explanation of the developments that have occurred. It not only examines the state of the environment over that period, but also the full range of social, economic, political and cultural......

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Миф машины. Льюис Мамфорд . Книги.

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