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Investigative Selling Omar Periu
Discover in this best selling "how to" book, the proven skills that will make your career skyrocket. Omar will teach you what he and countless other top producers and business owners know, that is, how to turn 'No into Yes'. You'll learn the 12 principles of Investigative Selling that made Omar a self-made multi-millionaire by the age of 31. This book is a must for any serious student of selling....
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Improving Access to Finance for India's Rural Poor (Directions in Development) Priya Basu
Finance is an extraordinarily effective tool in spreading economic opportunity and fighting poverty. India has a relatively deep financial system and wide network of rural banks. But India?s financial markets and institutions have not served poor people well; despite improvements in the delivery of financial services over the past three decades, the vast majority of India?s poor households, who are concentrated in rural areas, do not have access to formal finance. Improving Access to Finance for India's Rural Poor examines the current level and pattern of access to finance for India?s rural households, evaluates various approaches for delivering financial services to the rural poor, analyzes what lies behind the lack of adequate financial access for the rural poor, and identifies what it would take to improve access to finance for India?s rural poor. Based on the analysis of a large-scale rural household survey, in combination with an evaluation of the role of financial markets......
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Tourism, Security and Safety: From Theory to Practice (The Management of Hospitality and Tourism Enterprises)
The topic of safety and security in the tourism industry is of vital importance globally. In recent years, and mainly after the 9/11 event, both academics and practitioners have started to look into crisis management issues seeking workable solutions in order to mitigate the negative impacts of safety and security incidences on the tourism industry and affected destinations. Tourism, Safety and Security: a multi dimensional analysis brings together the writings of international leading academics and practitioners in this field to discuss prevention measures and crisis management options, in incidences of tourism safety and security. The layout and content of the book are aimed at analyzing different types of safety and security problems as well as finding managerial strategies and tactics to address them. Divided into four sections this book looks at: A· Tourism and security issues: including the impact of terror in the hotel market in Israel A· Tourism and crime......
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Elements of Mathematics. Theory of Sets Nicolas Bourbaki
This is a softcover reprint of the English translation of 1968 of N. Bourbaki's, ThA©orie des Ensembles (1970)....
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Accounting, Volume 7: How to Meet the Challenges of Relevance and Regulation (Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought)
Is the average accountant being strangled by overregulation? Have traditional accounting and auditing practices been misunderstood and unfairly maligned? Can anything be done to reverse these damaging trends? In the 1984 edition of this book, Eugene H. Flegm gave an emphatic yes to all three questions. However, none of his suggestions were followed and today the condition of the accounting profession (defined as to include those in business as well as public accounting) is in dire straits. The regulators--FASB, SEC and the AICPA--have continued to overwhelm practicing accountants with a continuation of detailed rules making. In this updated version of his book, Mr. Flegm explains the causes of the current crisis, how the accounting profession and the FASB failed to deal with the developing problems 20 years ago, and how there is still some hope that the integrity of the profession can be restored. He reiterates his basic belief that only an historical cost based......
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Investigative Selling. Omar Periu . Книги.
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