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Inspire to Innovate Arnoud De Meyer
Book Description Significant changes are taking place in Asia which suggest that innovation will be the major engine of future economic growth in the region, particularly in China and India. This book draws upon substantial research and interaction with senior managers in Asia and argues that effective innovation in Asia will require specific ways of managing innovation that will be different from existing models and approaches....
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Self-Taught & Outsider Art: The Anthony Petullo Collection Anthony Petullo
Book DescriptionThis spectacular volume reproduces in full color some 150 pieces from the Anthony Petullo Collection, an extraordinary assemblage of paintings and drawings produced by individuals working outside the perimeter of conventional art trainingand traditions. Some of the pieces are fanciful, even whimsical. Others are haunting in their unembellished depiction of vulnerability and terror. Some are spare; others are crowded with figures. Some exhibit a childlike simplicity; others are almost sculpted in their precision and clarity. The thirty-six European and North American artists represented in Self-Taught and Outsider Art include a hospital janitor, a factory worker, concentration camp survivors, a truck driver, a guard at the Tate Gallery, a self-proclaimed fortuneteller and healer, and a female impersonator and Hollywood screenwriter. Their "canvases" include paper, wood, long strips of calico cloth, and cardboard. One artist paints with both hands simultaneously;......
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Neil Leifer: Portraits Neil Leifer
Book DescriptionNeil Leifer has shot more covers for Sports Illustrated, Time and People --over 200--than any other photographer. One of the world's greatest sports photographers, he has photographed 15 Olympic Games, 4 soccer World Cups, 15 Kentucky Derbies, countless World Series games, the first 10 Super Bowls and every important heavyweight title fight since Floyd Patterson beat Ingemar Johansson to regain the title in 1960. But Neil Leifer has also shot some of the most exceptional portraits of celebrities and sport stars ever, from presidents to Hollywood actors to Olympic champions.~Leifer became a professional photographer while still in his teens. Using the skills he'd learned in the mid-50s on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, at theHenry Street Settlement's photo workshop, he quickly moved from being picture editor at his high-school paper to working as a freelancer for major national magazines, eventually working for nearly all of them, including The Saturday......
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The Singular Objects of Architecture Jean Baudrillard
Book Description What is a singular object? An idea, a building, a color, a sentiment, a human being. Each in turn comes under scrutiny in this exhilarating dialogue between two of the most interesting thinkers working in philosophy and architecture today. From such singular objects, Jean Baudrillard and Jean Nouvel move on to fundamental problems of politics, identity, and aesthetics as their exchange becomes an imaginative exploration of the possibilities of modern architecture and the future of modern life. Among the topics the two speakers take up are the city of tomorrow and the ideal of transparency, the gentrification of New York City and Frank Gehry’s surprising Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. As Nouvel prompts Baudrillard to reflect on some of his signature concepts (the virtual, transparency, fatal strategies, oblivion, and seduction, among others), the confrontation between such philosophical concerns and the specificity of architecture gives rise to......
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Handbook on the Antitrust Aspects of Standards Setting (American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law Monograph) Bar Association American
Book DescriptionThis book explores the antitrust constraints on standards setting and enforcement. It addresses how the antitrust laws balance the pro-competive effects of standards....
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Inspire to Innovate. Arnoud De Meyer . Книги.
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