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Фитнес для менеджеров. Карманный справочник Джиллиан Берн
Hippo. Карманные справочники. Книга советов, инструментов и способов повышения своего энергетического потенциала, активности и энтузиазма на работе....
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Basic Camp Management: An Introduction to Camp Administration Armand Ball
Book Description This instructional guide serves both as a learning resource for the novice camp director and as a quick reference for the more experienced director. Covering 14 topics of study identified by the American Camping Association as core areas of knowledge for camping professionals, this book includes discussions of leadership, participation, program design, risk management, finances, marketing, site and facilities, and strategic planning. Interpretive charts, tables, and graphics illustrate both the basics and the nuances of camp administration. Each topic is followed by a series of checkpoints and questions to be used as tools for further review....
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Annual Review of Nursing Education 2003 (Annual Review of Nursing Education) Marilyn H. Oermann
Book DescriptionWayne State Univ., Detroit, MI. Annual text is the first volume in a series and focuses on the practice of teaching for nursing educators. Emphasizes current innovations and trends in nursing education in all healthcare environments....
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Practical Financial Management : A Guide for Today's Manager (Wiley Finance) Dmitri Faguet
Book DescriptionProvides a solid, real-world foundation of what financial management is for those with limited financial knowledge. * Contains a CD-ROM with financial models that cover all major aspects of everyday financial work. * Examines potential losses for those companies exploring the possibility of expanding overseas. * Provides a detailed explanation of the budgeting process. * Shows how the manufacturing and sales arms of a company can communicate to make the companymore competitive....
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The Pfeiffer Handbook of Structured Experiences: Learning Activities for Intact Teams and Workgroups w/ CD
Book Description Learning Activities for Intact Teams and Workgroups includes more than one hundred learning designs that target the growth and development of individuals who work in teams or within a collaborative for a team or an organization. The experiences are organized according to the level of participant involvement, beginning with relatively low-risk activities and progressing to highly involving exercises. The book is further organized into three topical categories: Communication and Trust; Roles and Processes; and Leadership and Decision Making. A must-have resource for corporate trainers and consultants, Learning Activities for Intact Teams and Workgroups Includes more than 100 ready-to-use training designs with clearly-stated outcomes. Offers robust and proven instructional-design principles to help create structured experiences. Contains activities especially suited for learners who work on the same team or for the same......
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Фитнес для менеджеров. Карманный справочник. Джиллиан Берн . Книги.
СергиевПосад, Казань, Ноябрьск, Волгодонск, Новошахтинск, Пенза, Дербент, Санкт-Петербург, Краснодар, Новомосковск, Братск, ВеликийНовгород, Волгодонск, Волгодонск, Оренбург, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Саранск, Салават, Батайск, Нефтеюганск, Хабаровск, Новороссийск, Новотроицк, Рыбинск, Нижневартовск, Майкоп, Кисловодск, Рубцовск, Обнинск,
Песенники. Музыка| Методы "слепого" набора текста| Мистика и ужасы| Воспитание и педагогика| Релаксация и медитация| История Древней Руси. Средневековье| Биографические фильмы| Учебники, самоучители, пособия| Школа раннего развития (до 5 лет)| Обучающие программы для детей| Теоретические основы строительства| Великие спортсмены| Аркада (Arcade)| Индийские боевики| Страхование| Мультипликационные сериалы| Биографические фильмы| Куклы| Молодежное кино| Драмы| Раскраски| Общественные и гуманитарные науки| Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Красота и здоровье. Видеоуроки| Инвестиции| Музыка к фильмам, спектаклям| Отечественная история| Хоккей| Автомотоспорт| Черный юмор| Музыкальные инструменты| Офисные приложения| Экономика| Каталоги| Фотоискусство. Художественная фотография| Индийские мелодрамы| Современные драмы| Химическая и лесная промышленность. Полиграфия| Домашний круг| Право. Юридические науки| Теоретическая физика| Политика| Фантастические боевики| Изобразительное искусство. Архитектура. Альбомы| Современные мелодрамы| Барды|
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