Advertising Ratios & Budgets 2008 (Advertising Ratios and Budgets)

Schonfeld & Associates, Inc.

  Advertising Ratios & Budgets 2008 (Advertising Ratios and Budgets)  Schonfeld & Associates, Inc.  The detailed annual report by Schonfeld & Associates, Inc. covers over 5,000 companies and 300 industries with information on last year advertising budgets, current year ad to sales ratios and ad to gross margin ratios, as well as current and next year budgets and growth rate forecasts. Use it to track competition, win new ad agency clients, set and justify ad budgets, sell space and time or plan new media ventures and new products. Includes industry and advertiser ad spending rankings.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The detailed annual report by Schonfeld & Associates, Inc. covers over 5,000 companies and 300 industries with information on last year advertising budgets, current year ad to sales ratios and ad to gross margin ratios, as well as current and next year budgets and growth rate forecasts. Use it to track competition, win new ad agency clients, set and justify ad budgets, sell space and time or plan new media ventures and new products. Includes industry and advertiser ad spending rankings....

How Computer Technology Influences Art and DesignPrograms: Opinions from 37 professionals and Educators of 9Universities and Colleges

Carin Wu

  How Computer Technology Influences Art and DesignPrograms: Opinions from 37 professionals and Educators of 9Universities and Colleges  Carin Wu  This one-year qualitative research project exploredhow computer technology influences art and designprograms in higher education. It involved 37educators from 9 universities and colleges located inCalifornia, USA.It is discovered that with the ubiquitous applicationof computer technology, the current reality hasbecome one that is multicultural and pluralistic,dissolving the timeline of history and boundaries ofart forms. Moreover, computer technology has openedup new career opportunities and accelerated workprocesses. It has also induced new ways of creatingart and provided novel channels to distributeartworks. Today, interactivity and networking isfacile with or without physical presence. Educators involved in this research revealed thatcurricula adjustments and trends have includedemphasizing basic computer competency and traditionalskills simultaneously, encouraging experimentationand interactivity through new tools, fosteringinterdisciplinary education, engaging students in...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This one-year qualitative research project exploredhow computer technology influences art and designprograms in higher education. It involved 37educators from 9 universities and colleges located inCalifornia, USA.It is discovered that with the ubiquitous applicationof computer technology, the current reality hasbecome one that is multicultural and pluralistic,dissolving the timeline of history and boundaries ofart forms. Moreover, computer technology has openedup new career opportunities and accelerated workprocesses. It has also induced new ways of creatingart and provided novel channels to distributeartworks. Today, interactivity and networking isfacile with or without physical presence. Educators involved in this research revealed thatcurricula adjustments and trends have includedemphasizing basic computer competency and traditionalskills simultaneously, encouraging experimentationand interactivity through new tools, fosteringinterdisciplinary education, engaging students in......

John Bock: Skipholt

  John Bock: Skipholt  Stefan Bidner  Stefan Bidner  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Stefan Bidner...

NeoHooDoo: Art for a Forgotten Faith (Menil Collection)

Ishmael Reed

  NeoHooDoo: Art for a Forgotten Faith (Menil Collection)  Ishmael Reed  NeoHooDoo, a phrase coined by the poet Ishmael Reed in 1970, celebrates the practice of rituals, folklore, and spirituality in the Americas beyond the scope of Christianity and organized religion. The endurance of these centuries-old traditions of magic and healing are the unique focus of this book. Exploring how spirituality influenced artists in the late 20th century and bringing together an intergenerational group of artists from North, Central, and South America, NeoHooDoo reveals the wider implications of ritualized practice in contemporary art.This book examines the work of thirty-three artists––including Jimmie Durham, David Hammons, Jose Bedia, Rebecca Belmore, and James Lee Byars––who began using ritualistic practices during the 1970s and 1980s as a way of reinterpreting aspects of their cultural heritage. Younger artists such as Tania Bruguera and Michael Joo are shown to have drawn upon the iconography of ritual. The original essays, which range over artistic use of ritual...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин NeoHooDoo, a phrase coined by the poet Ishmael Reed in 1970, celebrates the practice of rituals, folklore, and spirituality in the Americas beyond the scope of Christianity and organized religion. The endurance of these centuries-old traditions of magic and healing are the unique focus of this book. Exploring how spirituality influenced artists in the late 20th century and bringing together an intergenerational group of artists from North, Central, and South America, NeoHooDoo reveals the wider implications of ritualized practice in contemporary art.This book examines the work of thirty-three artists––including Jimmie Durham, David Hammons, Jose Bedia, Rebecca Belmore, and James Lee Byars––who began using ritualistic practices during the 1970s and 1980s as a way of reinterpreting aspects of their cultural heritage. Younger artists such as Tania Bruguera and Michael Joo are shown to have drawn upon the iconography of ritual. The original essays, which range over artistic use of ritual......

Мир природного аквариума

Такаши Амано

  Мир природного аквариума  Такаши Амано  Аквариум-Принт, Харвест.   Аквариум - маленький изолированный мир, создание которого возведено автором этой книги в искусство. Аквариумный дизайн Такаши Амано, соединяя рациональное и абстрактное, науку и эстетику, несет красоту в нашу жизнь. Благодаря этому альбому вы соприкоснетесь с гармоничным и загадочным миром природного аквариума - трехмерным произведением искусства. Формат: 25 см x 26,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Аквариум-Принт, Харвест. Аквариум - маленький изолированный мир, создание которого возведено автором этой книги в искусство. Аквариумный дизайн Такаши Амано, соединяя рациональное и абстрактное, науку и эстетику, несет красоту в нашу жизнь. Благодаря этому альбому вы соприкоснетесь с гармоничным и загадочным миром природного аквариума - трехмерным произведением искусства. Формат: 25 см x 26,5 см....

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Advertising Ratios & Budgets 2008 (Advertising Ratios and Budgets). Schonfeld & Associates, Inc. . Книги.

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