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Звезды спорта Дмитрий Гордон
Фолио. Знаменитый баскетболист Игорос Миглиекс в одном из интервью как-то сказал: `Не стоит жертвовать собой ради спорта, как и ради бизнеса или политики - разве что в исключительных случаях. Когда я слышу о `жертвах`, обычно это просто слова. Но если это правда, значит, такие люди пренебрегают окружающими: родителями, друзьями, любимыми`. Даже не столько пренебрегают, скорее, теряют в своем стремлении стать лучшими, добиться титулов и славы. Молодость нетерпелива, хочется всего сразу: успеха, денег, а расплатимся за все потом. И `потом` приходит - возраст, болезни, забвение. Иные времена, иные имена. Театр, в котором для тебя уже давно нет роли... Журналист Дмитрий Гордон очень бережно рассказывает читателям о наших былых кумирах, известных спортсменах. Нет, не так. Не рассказывает. Он спрашивает, а они сами предельно искренне повествуют о своей жизни....
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Иная сила Вадим Сухачевский
Гелеос. Тайна. Действие романа "Иная сила" из серии "Тайна" происходит в Петербурге в последние дни XVIII века. Мальтийский рыцарь, приехавший в Россию, несет в себе великую Тайну и из-за этого попадает в паутину загадочных событий. Фоном романа является подготовка покушения на императора Павла, борьба различных сил и интриги масонов. В конце концов, герою удается распутать клубок загадок и донести свою Тайну до императора....
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Individually Managed Accounts: An Investor's Guide Robert B. Jorgensen, Robert Jorgensen
Praise for Individually Managed Accounts "Individually Managed Accounts: An Investor?s Guide is a great step-by-step, how-to guide not only for high net worth investors but the professional advisors who serve them." ?Leonard Reinhart, CEO and Founder, Lockwood Financial "Robert Jorgensen is really a leader in the area of individually managed accounts. This book is a great contribution to the rapidly growing body of knowledge on IMAs and the advantages they can bring to the tax-efficient investor." ?Donald C. Cody, President and CEO, Tax-Efficient Investor "This is the first book that brings readers inside the world of private professional money management. The interviews with the eight professional money management firms are worth the purchase price alone. This book goes a long way to helping individual investors understand what it takes to manage a stock and bond portfolio 365 days a year." ?Gordon J. Ceresino, CEO,......
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50 Steps to Business Success: Entrepreneurial Leadership in Manageable Bites Peter M. Cleveland
Here is a master plan for leaders who want to know the dynamic, proven techniques any business leader-from the fruit stand owner to the Fortune 500 chairman-must use to build a successful entrepreneurial enterprise. At the heart of this program is a fundamental belief in the continuous work necessary to improve all activities-a constant quest to improve the conduct of business, from mission statements to the simplest of action plans. Each principle, or "bite," is a business fundamental that every business leader needs to understand and is a proven leadership principle of successful people. Each bite moves the reader one step ahead and combines with other principles that work together to create a building block toward total leadership. Each bite represents a stepping stone toward a sound business practice that, if applied with patience, discipline, consistency, and ethics, will result in success....
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Nine Lives: Stories of Women Business Owners Landing on Their Feet Mary Cantando, Laurie Zuckerman
Nine Lives offers a candid look into the hearts and minds of nine extraordinary women business owners from around the country. There is Judy Rosenberg who, on a perpetual diet, grew up with a gnawing, aching sense of deprivation. The cookies she coveted, the cakes she savored?all seemed just out of reach. So what did Judy do when she grew up? She started a chain of bakeries driven by her pure appreciation for that which is self-indulgent and beautiful. And there is Rebecca Boenigk, the CEO of the only woman-owned business ever to trade on NASDAQ who found that the quarterly numbers "dance" wasn?t to her liking and bought her company back from the public market. "The stories the women told were awe inspiring, funny, mind boggling . .. and sometimes painful," Cantando wrote in the preface. "There were tough moments when the women opened up about still-raw details of their past Yet, time and again, these brave women said that they were willing to swallow......
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