Философия на каждый день

Игорь П. Смирнов

  Философия на каждый день  Игорь П. Смирнов  Фонд научных исследований Фонд научных исследований "Прагматика культуры". Один из участников диалогов, которые содержатся в новой книге Игоря П. Смирнова, А. М. Пятигорский, имеет обыкновение утверждать, что у философии нет собственного предмета, что она всеядна, готова судить о чем угодно. К чему бы ни обращался автор " Философии на каждый день ", к воспоминаниям о людях 1960-х годов, к недавно опубликованным литературоведческим и культуроведческим исследованиям, к современной политической ситуации, к проблеме тела и т.д., он стремится взглянуть на вещи с максимальной обобщенностью....

Italy Tax Guide

Leonard Burman, Leonard E. Burman

  Italy Tax Guide  Leonard Burman, Leonard E. Burman  International Business Publications, USA.   Ultimate guide on Italian taxation system and regulations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин International Business Publications, USA. Ultimate guide on Italian taxation system and regulations....

A New Institutional Theory of Production: An Application

Nirmal Sengupta

  A New Institutional Theory of Production: An Application  Nirmal Sengupta  The fundamental contribution of the book is the development of a new systematic analysis framework for analysing social phenomena. The analysis is probabilistic rather than deterministic, which is still new to the social sciences. It demonstrates how different disciplines like economics, sociology, and history can enrich themselves by borrowing from one another. A unique study that shows how empirical work can rest on rigorous theory.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The fundamental contribution of the book is the development of a new systematic analysis framework for analysing social phenomena. The analysis is probabilistic rather than deterministic, which is still new to the social sciences. It demonstrates how different disciplines like economics, sociology, and history can enrich themselves by borrowing from one another. A unique study that shows how empirical work can rest on rigorous theory....

Institutions and Organizations (Foundations for Organizational Science)

W. Richard Scott

  Institutions and Organizations (Foundations for Organizational Science)  W. Richard Scott  Thoroughly revised and expanded, Institutions and Organizations provides a comprehensive overview of the institutionalist approach to organization theory. Dick Scott presents an historical overview of the theoretical literature, an integrative analysis of current institutional approaches, and a review of empirical research related to institutions and organizations. He offers an extensive review and critique of institutional analysis in sociology, political science, and economics as it relates to recent theory and research on organizations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Thoroughly revised and expanded, Institutions and Organizations provides a comprehensive overview of the institutionalist approach to organization theory. Dick Scott presents an historical overview of the theoretical literature, an integrative analysis of current institutional approaches, and a review of empirical research related to institutions and organizations. He offers an extensive review and critique of institutional analysis in sociology, political science, and economics as it relates to recent theory and research on organizations....

Applying for Research Funding: Getting Started and Getting Funded

Joanne B. Ries, Carl G. Leukefeld

  Applying for Research Funding: Getting Started and Getting Funded  Joanne B. Ries, Carl G. Leukefeld  Getting research funding, from both government and the private sector, is becoming increasingly more competitive in an environment of shrinking resources. This useful book is designed to help both beginning and experienced researchers approach the grant application process and develop a successful application. The authors discuss: making initial choices; making key contacts; assessing research environments; what to include on, and when to write, an application; writing a persuasive application; targeting the application; and what to expect when an application is or is not accepted.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Getting research funding, from both government and the private sector, is becoming increasingly more competitive in an environment of shrinking resources. This useful book is designed to help both beginning and experienced researchers approach the grant application process and develop a successful application. The authors discuss: making initial choices; making key contacts; assessing research environments; what to include on, and when to write, an application; writing a persuasive application; targeting the application; and what to expect when an application is or is not accepted....

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Философия на каждый день. Игорь П. Смирнов . Книги.

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