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Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2002 James T. Perry, Gary P. Schneider
Accounting students must know how to develop, audit, and use accounting systems so the information contained within them can then be used by managers and decision makers. This textbook teaches students how to perform this role using Microsoft Access 2002, a component of the Microsoft Office XP Professional Suite. Once students are comfortable with the Windows operating system, they receive a solid introduction to database principles and theory, and valuable hands-on experience in constructing accounting systems....
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The Making of American Industrial Research: Science and Business at Ge and Bell, 1876-1926 (Studies in Economic History & Policy: USA in the Twentieth Century) Leonard S. Reich
This book tells the story of how and why industrial research was established in America by two large and innovative corporations: General Electric, formed in a merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston in 1892, and the dominant force in the American electrical industry ever since; and American Telephone and Telegraph, the commercial outgrowth of Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone. Important lessons can be drawn from the early efforts of these two corporations. Through industrial research - and particularly through the development of patented products and processes - large companies could begin to exert a new degree of market control by strongly influencing the rate and direction of technological change. The development of industrial research also had a profound impact on science and technology in America. It affected the content and methods of both by providing new opportunities, incentives, and constraints to the growing community of students and engineers....
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Winning the Innovation Race: Lessons from the Automotive Industry's Best Companies Lee Sage
An Inside Look at the Process of Innovation?and How to Make it Work for your Business While the need for innovation is widely recognized, the practices that nurture it elude many executives. Winning the Innovation Race examines the three dimensions of innovation?people, processes, and technology?and provides vivid examples of practices that encourage innovation. This comprehensive book describes the forms that innovation takes in industrial organizations and how superior companies manage to sustain innovation through effective management. The practices of PACE (Premier Automotive Suppliers? Contributions to Excellence) Award-winning companies are used to illustrate how truly innovative companies make the most of their employees, how they treat product development as a "perfectible process," and how they create reward systems that build cultures of innovation. Some of the vital lessons you?ll learn in this unique resource: The virtue of "cheap failures"......
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Evolutionary Economics and Creative Destruction (Graz Schumpeter Lectures, 1) J. Stanley Metcalfe, J. S. Metcalfe
The central theme of this book is competition treated as an evolutionary process in which the focus is upon economic change and not economic equilibrium. This theme is explored by linking together differences in economic behaviour with the role of markets as coordinating institutions....
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Engineering Ethics Carl Mitcham, R. Shannon Duval
An introduction to using Visual Basic for engineers. Introduces a disciplined approach to engineering analysis with a five-step problem-solving process. Includes numerous exercises and problems, such as ?What if? and ?Try It? features. For engineers and computer scientists interested in learning Visual BASIC....
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Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2002. James T. Perry, Gary P. Schneider . Книги.
Тверь, Екатеринбург,
Труды классиков маркетинга и менеджмента| Оперетты| Фантастические боевики| Компьютерные игры| Архитектура. Градостроительство| ASP, Perl, CGI, Python для разработки Web-сайтов| Средний и малый бизнес| Английский| Биология| Финансы. Банковское дело. Инвестиции| Делопроизводство и секретарское дело.Офис-менеджмент.| Психология и социология менеджмента| Психологические| Экология| Мультипликационные сериалы| Кассеты, диски, стартовые комплекты для видеокамер| Популярная и нетрадиционная медицина| Лучшие боевики| Археология| Деловая литература| Музыкальные инструменты| Загадки, кроссворды| Современный детектив| Релаксация и медитация| Отечественная фантастика| Атласы, карты, путеводители, справочники| Методы "слепого" набора текста| Компьютерная и сетевая безопасность. Защита информации| Барды| Словари-справочники| Автоматика. Радиоэлектроника. Связь| Стратегии (Strategy)| Страхование| Спортивные| Актеры.| Мистические триллеры| Реклама, PR, брендинг, имиджелогия| Искусство. Архитектура. Религия. Традиции.|
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