Die Anderen Stadte: IBA Stadtumbau 2010

IBA Buro

  Die Anderen Stadte: IBA Stadtumbau 2010  IBA Buro  Book DescriptionWhat does the increasing vacancy rate of apartments in East Germany have to do with the price of tea in China? It marks a paradigm shift that will affect the future of the world's cities, that will require a basic rethinking of architecture and planning according to the principle of less is more. At the initiative of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, the German state of Saxony-Anhalt has inaugurated the International Building Exhibition (IBA), whose principle aim will be to discover model solutions for this structural transformation by 2010. This first publication of the IBA explains the basic parameters of the project, describes its philosophy, strategies, and working methods, and presents selected initiatives through examples from IBA cities. Paperback, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 176 pgs / Illustrated throughout.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWhat does the increasing vacancy rate of apartments in East Germany have to do with the price of tea in China? It marks a paradigm shift that will affect the future of the world's cities, that will require a basic rethinking of architecture and planning according to the principle of less is more. At the initiative of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, the German state of Saxony-Anhalt has inaugurated the International Building Exhibition (IBA), whose principle aim will be to discover model solutions for this structural transformation by 2010. This first publication of the IBA explains the basic parameters of the project, describes its philosophy, strategies, and working methods, and presents selected initiatives through examples from IBA cities. Paperback, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 176 pgs / Illustrated throughout....

Moneymaker : How an Amateur Poker Player Turned $40 into $2.5 Million at the World Series of Poker

Chris Moneymaker

  Moneymaker : How an Amateur Poker Player Turned $40 into $2.5 Million at the World Series of Poker  Chris Moneymaker  Book Description In 2004 the number of entrants -- and the winning pool -- at the World Series of Poker tripled, thanks in large part to Chris Moneymaker, an amateur player who came out of nowhere to win the 2003 Series, and prove to newcomers and poker pros alike that anything is possible with a chip and a chair. Moneymaker was a young accountant from Tennessee who loved to gamble but only took up cards after college. Three years later he was playing a $40 game of online Texas Hold 'Em and won a coveted seat at the 2003 World Series of Poker. Borrowing money to get to Las Vegas, he entered his first real-time tournament and spent the next four days battling for a top spot at the final table. Filled with everything from his early gamblingventures to a play-by-play of his major hands at the World Series of Poker, Moneymaker is a gripping, fast-paced story for anyone who has ever dreamed of winning it big. Download Description Chris Moneymaker was just a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description In 2004 the number of entrants -- and the winning pool -- at the World Series of Poker tripled, thanks in large part to Chris Moneymaker, an amateur player who came out of nowhere to win the 2003 Series, and prove to newcomers and poker pros alike that anything is possible with a chip and a chair. Moneymaker was a young accountant from Tennessee who loved to gamble but only took up cards after college. Three years later he was playing a $40 game of online Texas Hold 'Em and won a coveted seat at the 2003 World Series of Poker. Borrowing money to get to Las Vegas, he entered his first real-time tournament and spent the next four days battling for a top spot at the final table. Filled with everything from his early gamblingventures to a play-by-play of his major hands at the World Series of Poker, Moneymaker is a gripping, fast-paced story for anyone who has ever dreamed of winning it big. Download Description Chris Moneymaker was just a......

Air and Your Health: Clean Air Is Vital to Your Health (Basic Health Guides)

Beatrice Trum Hunter

  Air and Your Health: Clean Air Is Vital to Your Health (Basic Health Guides)  Beatrice Trum Hunter  Book DescriptionMost people have no idea that they aren't breathing only oxygen when they inhale. Outdoors, they may be inhaling volatile organic compounds (VOGs) from automobile exhaust, benzene, solvents, PCBs, MTBE, wood smoke, dust particulates, soot, and ozone. Indoors, they may be inhaling formaldehyde, radon radiation, or asbestos fibrils. Without even knowing it, they may be suffering from sick-building syndrome. This book is important reading for everyone who wants to know how air quality relates to health and how it can be improved in their personal environments.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionMost people have no idea that they aren't breathing only oxygen when they inhale. Outdoors, they may be inhaling volatile organic compounds (VOGs) from automobile exhaust, benzene, solvents, PCBs, MTBE, wood smoke, dust particulates, soot, and ozone. Indoors, they may be inhaling formaldehyde, radon radiation, or asbestos fibrils. Without even knowing it, they may be suffering from sick-building syndrome. This book is important reading for everyone who wants to know how air quality relates to health and how it can be improved in their personal environments....

Волшебный колокольчик. Молдавские сказки (аудиокнига СD)

  Волшебный колокольчик. Молдавские сказки (аудиокнига СD)  Квадро-Диск.   Книга добрых сказок.   Фэт-фрумос, Волшебный колокольчик, Конь и медведь, Три брата, Кремень-молодец.   В издание вошли молдавские сказки в адаптированном пересказе Вадима Дузь-Крятченко.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Квадро-Диск. Книга добрых сказок. Фэт-фрумос, Волшебный колокольчик, Конь и медведь, Три брата, Кремень-молодец. В издание вошли молдавские сказки в адаптированном пересказе Вадима Дузь-Крятченко....

Артикуляционная гимнастика в стихах и картинках

Т. А. Куликовская

  Артикуляционная гимнастика в стихах и картинках  Т. А. Куликовская  ГНОМ и Д.   Это пособие познакомит дошкольников, имеющих трудности при произношении некоторых звуков, с основными органами речевого аппарата. А также научит правильно выполнять несколько комплексов артикуляционной гимнастики в игровой форме. Описание артикуляционных упражнений сопровождается рисунками и стихотворениями. Книга адресована детям, логопедам, воспитателям логопедических групп и родителям.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ГНОМ и Д. Это пособие познакомит дошкольников, имеющих трудности при произношении некоторых звуков, с основными органами речевого аппарата. А также научит правильно выполнять несколько комплексов артикуляционной гимнастики в игровой форме. Описание артикуляционных упражнений сопровождается рисунками и стихотворениями. Книга адресована детям, логопедам, воспитателям логопедических групп и родителям....

<<<  Objetar To Object: Memoria y Creacion Memory and Creation. Martin ...             Lucky. Cecily von Ziegesar >>>

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Die Anderen Stadte: IBA Stadtumbau 2010. IBA Buro . Книги.

Казань, Коломна, Абакан, Новокуйбышевск, Владивосток, Кемерово, Нефтекамск, Новошахтинск, Энгельс, Находка, Волгодонск, Магнитогорск, Пермь, Улан-Удэ, Новокуйбышевск, Орск, Миасс, Невинномысск, Улан-Удэ, Тула, Новомосковск, Прокопьевск, Артём, Черкесск, Армавир, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Балаково,
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