Economics for Business (Palgrave Foundations)

Chris Mulhearn, Howard R. Vane, James Eden

  Economics for Business (Palgrave Foundations)  Chris Mulhearn, Howard R. Vane, James Eden  "Economics for Business" offers an interactive interpretation of the economics that anyone studying business needs to understand. The book explains how firms, consumers and government interact in markets, and how, from a business perspective, the economy as a whole operates. Using numerous examples and case studies, the book brings economic ideas alive in a real world setting. Each chapter concludes with a series of questions and reflective exercises designed to reinforce and deepen the reader's understanding. The book gets right to the heart of the central economic debates shaping our society: is the Euro a good idea? Can politicians be trusted to run the economy? Designed specifically to show the real life relevance of economics to business students, this book provides a flexible core text for undergraduate and HND students....

Wallpaper City Guide: Sydney

  Wallpaper City Guide: Sydney  Phaidon Press.   Wallpaper City Guide.   Phaidon Press. Wallpaper City Guide. "Wallpaper City Guides" not only suggest where to stay, eat, and drink, but what the tourist passionate about design might want to see, whether he or she has a week or just 24 hours in the city. The guides feature up-and-coming areas, landmark buildings in an 'Architour', design centers, and a selection of the best shops to buy items unique to the particular city. "Wallpaper City Guides" present travelers with a fast-track ticket to the chosen location. The edited guides offer the best, the most exciting, and the most beautiful of the featured city. In addition to looking beautiful, the guides are expertly designed with function as a priority. They have tabbed sections so the tourist can easily find what he or she is looking for. Also included are color-coded city maps, rate and currency cards, and an easy navigational tool. They are the ultimate combination of form and function. Compiled by the well-traveled editorial team of Wallpaper and by an extraordinary......

Learning New Languages: A Guide to Second Language Acquisition (Teachersource Book): A Guide to Second Language Acquisition (Teachersource Book)

Thomas Scovel

  Learning New Languages: A Guide to Second Language Acquisition (Teachersource Book): A Guide to Second Language Acquisition (Teachersource Book)  Thomas Scovel  This text provides a thorough account of the key principles of second language acquisition. Voices from the classroom, as well as activities for reflective research, engage the reader in an interactive exploration of how learners acquire new languages.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This text provides a thorough account of the key principles of second language acquisition. Voices from the classroom, as well as activities for reflective research, engage the reader in an interactive exploration of how learners acquire new languages....

The Big Four

Agatha Christie

  The Big Four  Agatha Christie  HarperCollins Publishers.   The Agatha Christie Collection.   Framed in the doorway of Poirot's bedroom stood an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man's gaunt face stared for a moment, then he swayed and fell. Who was he? Was he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what was the significance of the figure 4, scribbled over and over again on a sheet of paper? Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life - and that of his twin brother - to uncover the truth about HarperCollins Publishers. The Agatha Christie Collection. Framed in the doorway of Poirot's bedroom stood an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man's gaunt face stared for a moment, then he swayed and fell. Who was he? Was he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what was the significance of the figure 4, scribbled over and over again on a sheet of paper? Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life - and that of his twin brother - to uncover the truth about "Number Four"....

Денискины рассказы

В. Драгунский

  Денискины рассказы  В. Драгунский  Оникс.   Библиотечка детской классики.   Оникс. Библиотечка детской классики. "Он живой и светится...", Тайное становится явным, Сверху вниз, наискосок!, Заколдованная буква, Ровно 25 кило, Друг детства, Ничего изменить нельзя, Двадцать лет под кроватью. В книгу вошли веселые и добрые рассказы замечательного детского писателя В.Ю.Драгунского....

<<<  Календарь фэншуй 2009. Наталия Правдина             Земельное право. С. А. Боголюбов >>>

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Economics for Business (Palgrave Foundations). Chris Mulhearn, Howard R. Vane, James Eden . Книги.

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