How Users Matter: The Co-Construction of Users and Technology (Inside Technology)

  How Users Matter: The Co-Construction of Users and Technology (Inside Technology)  Users have become an integral part of technology studies. The essays in this volume look at the creative capacity of users to shape technology in all phases, from design to implementation. Using a variety of theoretical approaches, including a feminist focus on users and use (in place of the traditional emphasis on men and machines), concepts from semiotics, and the cultural studies view of consumption as a cultural activity, these essays examine what users do with technology and, in turn, what technology does to users. The contributors consider how users consume, modify, domesticate, design, reconfigure, and resist technological development--and how users are defined and transformed by technology. The essays in part I show that resistance to and non-use of a technology can be a crucial factor in the eventual modification and improvement of that technology; examples considered include the introduction of the telephone into rural America and the influence of non-users of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Users have become an integral part of technology studies. The essays in this volume look at the creative capacity of users to shape technology in all phases, from design to implementation. Using a variety of theoretical approaches, including a feminist focus on users and use (in place of the traditional emphasis on men and machines), concepts from semiotics, and the cultural studies view of consumption as a cultural activity, these essays examine what users do with technology and, in turn, what technology does to users. The contributors consider how users consume, modify, domesticate, design, reconfigure, and resist technological development--and how users are defined and transformed by technology. The essays in part I show that resistance to and non-use of a technology can be a crucial factor in the eventual modification and improvement of that technology; examples considered include the introduction of the telephone into rural America and the influence of non-users of......

Sun Tzu's The Art of War Plus The Art of Sales: Strategy for Salespeople

Gary Gagliardi

  Sun Tzu's The Art of War Plus The Art of Sales: Strategy for Salespeople  Gary Gagliardi  Over ten million salespeople work in America's most competitive and confrontational profession. This is a new, improved edition of Gagliardi's line-by-line adaptation of Sun Tzu's strategic lessons for salespeople.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Over ten million salespeople work in America's most competitive and confrontational profession. This is a new, improved edition of Gagliardi's line-by-line adaptation of Sun Tzu's strategic lessons for salespeople....

Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship And Beyond

Timothy S. Hatten

  Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship And Beyond  Timothy S. Hatten  Hatten offers a balanced look at both entrepreneurship and small business management?concentrating throughout on how a small organization can achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage. In response to reviewer suggestions, the Second Edition has been revised to feature financial and legal topics earlier. In addition, Hatten highlights e-commerce at relevant points throughout the text and in Hatten offers a balanced look at both entrepreneurship and small business management?concentrating throughout on how a small organization can achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage. In response to reviewer suggestions, the Second Edition has been revised to feature financial and legal topics earlier. In addition, Hatten highlights e-commerce at relevant points throughout the text and in "@e-biz" boxed inserts that discuss online marketing, surfing for a franchise, and finding financing on the Web among other issues. The text also includes a full chapter on the business plan, plus two sample plans written by students for service and retail businesses. GoVenture?Live the Life of an Entrepreneur, a management simulation program on CD-ROM, is packaged for free with every new copy of Small Business Management, 2/e. Over 6,000 graphics, audio, and video clips (in a virtual 3D setting) immerse students in the day-to-day challenges......

Fire Places: A Practical Design Guide to Fireplaces and Stoves Indoors and Out

Jane Gitlin

  Fire Places: A Practical Design Guide to Fireplaces and Stoves Indoors and Out  Jane Gitlin  What more appealing scene can you conjure up on a wintry day than a pair of comfortable armchairs pulled up to a crackling fire while wisps of smoke curl from the chimney top? All your senses are in use--the sight of the flickering flames, the sound of the crackling logs, the warmth on your face, and the fragrance and taste of wood smoke. The hearth truly is the essential core of every home, whether it is an actual fireplace or merely a mantel displaying the treasures and trophies of intertwined lives. Long past the days of strictly utilitarian purpose, fireplaces and stoves are a design feature in their own right. They are available in an array of styles, sizes, and colors; offer a variety of fuel choices; and feature benefits beyond mere aesthetics, including heat and cooking. Fireplaces and heat sources are also widely found in many rooms throughout the house, including the family or living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom, as well as outdoors. And the latest innovations in...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What more appealing scene can you conjure up on a wintry day than a pair of comfortable armchairs pulled up to a crackling fire while wisps of smoke curl from the chimney top? All your senses are in use--the sight of the flickering flames, the sound of the crackling logs, the warmth on your face, and the fragrance and taste of wood smoke. The hearth truly is the essential core of every home, whether it is an actual fireplace or merely a mantel displaying the treasures and trophies of intertwined lives. Long past the days of strictly utilitarian purpose, fireplaces and stoves are a design feature in their own right. They are available in an array of styles, sizes, and colors; offer a variety of fuel choices; and feature benefits beyond mere aesthetics, including heat and cooking. Fireplaces and heat sources are also widely found in many rooms throughout the house, including the family or living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom, as well as outdoors. And the latest innovations in......

Наши сказки

  Наши сказки  Детская литература. Москва.   В книге собраны русские народные сказки, песенки, загадки и считалочки для детей дошкольного возраста. Произведения народного творчества, созданые много веков назад, не утратили силы своего воздействия на ребенка и в наши дни. Сказки и песенки в сборнике расположены по нарастающей сложности. Читать детям сразу несколько сказок не следует, лучше одну и ту же повторить несколько раз.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Детская литература. Москва. В книге собраны русские народные сказки, песенки, загадки и считалочки для детей дошкольного возраста. Произведения народного творчества, созданые много веков назад, не утратили силы своего воздействия на ребенка и в наши дни. Сказки и песенки в сборнике расположены по нарастающей сложности. Читать детям сразу несколько сказок не следует, лучше одну и ту же повторить несколько раз....

<<<  Work Your Way Around the World, 13th. Susan Griffith             Экология. 10 (11) класс. Методическое пособие. ... >>>

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How Users Matter: The Co-Construction of Users and Technology (Inside Technology). . Книги.

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