The Information Revolution and Developing Countries (The Information Revolution & Global Politics)

Ernest J., III Wilson

  The Information Revolution and Developing Countries (The Information Revolution & Global Politics)  Ernest J., III Wilson  In this book Ernest Wilson provides a clear, nuanced analysis of the major transformations resulting from the global information revolution. He shows that the information revolution is rooted in societal dynamics, political interests, and social structure. Using the innovative Strategic ReStructuring (SRS) model, he uncovers links between the big changes taking place around the world and the local initiatives of individual information activists, especially in developing countries. Indeed, Wilson shows that many of the structural changes of the information revolution, such as shifts from public to private ownership or from monopoly to competition, are driven by activists struggling individually and collectively to overcome local apathy and entrenched opposition to reform. Wilson applies his SRS model to the politics of Internet expansion in Brazil, China, and Ghana to illustrate the real-world challenges facing policy-makers and practitioners. Examples of such challenges...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In this book Ernest Wilson provides a clear, nuanced analysis of the major transformations resulting from the global information revolution. He shows that the information revolution is rooted in societal dynamics, political interests, and social structure. Using the innovative Strategic ReStructuring (SRS) model, he uncovers links between the big changes taking place around the world and the local initiatives of individual information activists, especially in developing countries. Indeed, Wilson shows that many of the structural changes of the information revolution, such as shifts from public to private ownership or from monopoly to competition, are driven by activists struggling individually and collectively to overcome local apathy and entrenched opposition to reform. Wilson applies his SRS model to the politics of Internet expansion in Brazil, China, and Ghana to illustrate the real-world challenges facing policy-makers and practitioners. Examples of such challenges......

Entrepreneurship And Economic Growth (International Library Lf Entrepreneurship)

  Entrepreneurship And Economic Growth (International Library Lf Entrepreneurship)  `Why do economies grow? For centuries this has been one of the most important questions in economics. The importance of this question is found in the simple fact that the purchasing power of the average individual has increased ten fold in just one hundred years. How do we explain this? Over the past decade there has been a revival of interest in this question after a period of inactivity. In particular, what has been of interest is what role individual entrepreneurs play in innovation, the key to economic growth. Written by leading scholars, mostly during the technological revolution of the 1990s, this volume provides a valuable collection of readings that explore the role of the entrepreneurship in economic growth. The articles are carefully chosen in five areas that advance our understanding of entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth.' - Zoltan J. Acs, George Mason University This authoritative volume presents a collection of the most influential and important articles...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин `Why do economies grow? For centuries this has been one of the most important questions in economics. The importance of this question is found in the simple fact that the purchasing power of the average individual has increased ten fold in just one hundred years. How do we explain this? Over the past decade there has been a revival of interest in this question after a period of inactivity. In particular, what has been of interest is what role individual entrepreneurs play in innovation, the key to economic growth. Written by leading scholars, mostly during the technological revolution of the 1990s, this volume provides a valuable collection of readings that explore the role of the entrepreneurship in economic growth. The articles are carefully chosen in five areas that advance our understanding of entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth.' - Zoltan J. Acs, George Mason University This authoritative volume presents a collection of the most influential and important articles......

Знаки отличия

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Татьяна Геронимус

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  Светозары  Петр Дедов  Вече.   Сибириада.   Сколько бы ни писали в разное время о Сибирской земле, да всё по-разному. Потому как велика и неповторима Сибирь, и нет в ней двух похожих уголков. Можно всю жизнь путешествовать по бескрайним степям, по тайге и болотам, а все равно каждый день открывать землю эту заново! Роман известного сибирского прозаика Петра Павловича Дедова во многом автобиографичен и оттого еще более интересен и достоверен в раскрытии самого духа Сибирской земли. Книга издана к 75-летию писателя.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Вече. Сибириада. Сколько бы ни писали в разное время о Сибирской земле, да всё по-разному. Потому как велика и неповторима Сибирь, и нет в ней двух похожих уголков. Можно всю жизнь путешествовать по бескрайним степям, по тайге и болотам, а все равно каждый день открывать землю эту заново! Роман известного сибирского прозаика Петра Павловича Дедова во многом автобиографичен и оттого еще более интересен и достоверен в раскрытии самого духа Сибирской земли. Книга издана к 75-летию писателя....

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The Information Revolution and Developing Countries (The Information Revolution & Global Politics). Ernest J., III Wilson . Книги.

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