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Asterix and the Cleopatra
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G. В. Martini. Concerto in re maggiore per violoncello, archi e cembalo G. В. Martini
Editio Musica Budapest. The Italian composer and theorist Giovanni Battista Martini (Padre Martini, 1706-1784) was one of the most famous and respected music teachers of his time. J. C. Bach was among his pupils and Mozart held his work in high esteem. His compositions, standing midway between the Baroque and Rococo, are splendid examples of Italian music of his time. Formerly he was best known for his organ works and it is only in this century that attention has been drawn to his other instrumental works which, for the most part, remain in manuscript. The source of the present edition is contained on pages 23r-27r of an autograph score held in the Archives of the Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale in Bologna, under the shelf mark HH-32. The manuscript bears the following title and date: Concerto a 4 con Violoncello Obblig. 1749. Although Martini treats the violoncello as a concertante instrument the soloistic material in the third movement is rather sparse. In order to make the performance of this......
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ICI 1 (+ CD) D. Abry, С. Fert, С. Parpette, J. Stauber, M. Soria, S. Borg
CLE International. - Methode de francais pour etudiants etrangers de toutes nationalites concue pour etre utilisee en contexte francois ou francophone. - ICI favorise une approche actionnelle et interculturelle grace a un apprentissage en classe et hors de la classe....
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Fast Projects: Project Management When Time is Short Fergus O'Connell
We are all faced with projects going off the rails, veering far from what we initially set out to do, costing ten times as much and taking far too long to complete - this is just part of everyday working life. Honing our general skills in project management seems like the obvious answer, but "Fast Projects" promises a quicker and easier solution - cutting the time to get projects done in the first place. Learning to operate within a short schedule not only cuts costs and improves revenue and cash flow, but it also sets you aside as a sharper and slicker operation. How to build, shorten and execute a realistic plan in the shortest time possible is covered in detail along with a specific focus on ensuring you have clearly defined goals and are making accurate project predictions with a successful tracking progress. Using worked examples and tried and tested techniques, Fast Projects is your practical guide to ensuring projects not only succeed, but are delivered early. If you want to......
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Аленький цветочек (эксклюзивное подарочное издание) С. Т. Аксаков
Книжный дом, Пан пресс. Лучшие литературные сказки. Эксклюзивное издание в подарочном коробе. Переплет из натуральной кожи. Тиснение золотом и красной металлизированной фольгой. Полноценная металлопластика. Сказка известного русского писателя Сергея Тимофеевича Аксакова "Аленький цветочек" впервые была издана в 1858 году и с тех пор приобрела славу одного из самых популярных литературных произведений. Самое богатое иллюстрированное юбилейное издание сказки предназначено для широкого круга читателей....
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Asterix and the Cleopatra. . Книги.
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