Решаем примеры. Развивающая тетрадь для детей 5-7 лет

Е. В. Соколова, Н. Н. Нянковская

  Решаем примеры. Развивающая тетрадь для детей 5-7 лет  Е. В. Соколова, Н. Н. Нянковская  Академия Развития.   Уроки Тины Канделаки для умников и умниц.   Академия Развития. Уроки Тины Канделаки для умников и умниц. "Ваш ребенок совсем скоро пойдет в школу. Несомненно, вы хотите сделать все возможное, чтобы свести к минимуму трудности, связанные с новыми для малыша занятиями. Для этого необходимо начинать заниматься уже сейчас, и особое внимание нужно уделить обучению счету. Тетрадь, которую вы держите в руках, познакомит малыша с элементарными математическими понятиями: число и количество предметов, простые арифметические действия, геометрические фигуры и расположение предметов в пространстве. С вашей помощью ребенок освоит количественный и порядковый счет, научится писать цифры, решать и составлять простые задачи и примеры. Упражнения помогут развить у малыша логическое мышление, память и мелкую моторику руки. Для успешного выполнения заданий позаботьтесь о том, чтобы ребенок был в хорошем настроении и сам хотел заниматься. Не забудьте похвалить маленького ученика даже за незначительные успехи. Удачи вам и вашему малышу!" Тина Канделаки ......

Greek Tycoon's Baby Bargain (Romance Large Print)

Sharon Kendrick

  Greek Tycoon's Baby Bargain (Romance Large Print)  Sharon Kendrick  Alexandros Pavlidis always ended his affairs before he got bored. So he never expected to see his London mistress, Rebecca Gibbs, again?until she showed up with shocking news: she was pregnant with his twins! Xandros was intrigued when Rebecca didn't touch a penny of the substantial payoff he gave her. And when the babies were born, everything changed. These were Pavlidis heirs! Now he was on his way to London to bargain for his sons!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Alexandros Pavlidis always ended his affairs before he got bored. So he never expected to see his London mistress, Rebecca Gibbs, again?until she showed up with shocking news: she was pregnant with his twins! Xandros was intrigued when Rebecca didn't touch a penny of the substantial payoff he gave her. And when the babies were born, everything changed. These were Pavlidis heirs! Now he was on his way to London to bargain for his sons!...

Network Security

  Network Security  This book provides a reference tool for the increasing number of the scientists whose research is related to sensor network security. The book is organized into several sections, each including some chapters exploring a specific topic. Network security is attracting great attention and there are many research topics waiting to be studied. In this book, the topics covered include network design and modeling, network management, data management, security and applications. The aim, intent, and motivation of this book is to provide a reference tool for the increasing number of scientists whose research is more or less involved in network security.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book provides a reference tool for the increasing number of the scientists whose research is related to sensor network security. The book is organized into several sections, each including some chapters exploring a specific topic. Network security is attracting great attention and there are many research topics waiting to be studied. In this book, the topics covered include network design and modeling, network management, data management, security and applications. The aim, intent, and motivation of this book is to provide a reference tool for the increasing number of scientists whose research is more or less involved in network security....

The Story of Pinocchio

Carlo Collodi

  The Story of Pinocchio  Carlo Collodi  Usborne Publishing Ltd..   Usborne Publishing Ltd.. "Only good puppets become real boys," warns the cricket. But some puppets don't like being good. Is Pinocchio doomed to be wooden forever? This traditional tale is warmly retold with characterful illlustrations and captivating text. Retold by Katie Daynes. Формат издания: 25,5 см х 25,5 см....

Russia Beer And Non Alcoholic Beverages Producers Directory

Ibp Usa

  Russia Beer And Non Alcoholic Beverages Producers Directory  Ibp Usa  Russia Beer And Non Alcoholic Beverages Producers Directory  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Russia Beer And Non Alcoholic Beverages Producers Directory...

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Решаем примеры. Развивающая тетрадь для детей 5-7 лет. Е. В. Соколова, Н. Н. Нянковская . Книги.

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