The Sweet Potato Queens' Wedding Planner/Divorce Guide

Jill Conner Browne

  The Sweet Potato Queens' Wedding Planner/Divorce Guide  Jill Conner Browne  Three Rivers Press.   The Sweet Potato Queens are bona fide experts at planning a marvelous marriage (and ending one—flip this book right on over if you're looking for advice on dumping a deadweight hubby!), so who better to provide this handy wedding planner? And even if you're not planning your own nuptials, surely you have dreamt about your perfect day, regardless of whether you've met Mr. Right yet! In this essential manual, you'll learn: • How to plan a truly regal wedding • What to wear (and what not to wear) to your own wedding, or to anyone else's • How to organize the sassiest games and sauciest entertainment for the occasion • How to plan and prepare the greasiest, tastiest wedding vittles for your big-ass guests  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Three Rivers Press. The Sweet Potato Queens are bona fide experts at planning a marvelous marriage (and ending one—flip this book right on over if you're looking for advice on dumping a deadweight hubby!), so who better to provide this handy wedding planner? And even if you're not planning your own nuptials, surely you have dreamt about your perfect day, regardless of whether you've met Mr. Right yet! In this essential manual, you'll learn: • How to plan a truly regal wedding • What to wear (and what not to wear) to your own wedding, or to anyone else's • How to organize the sassiest games and sauciest entertainment for the occasion • How to plan and prepare the greasiest, tastiest wedding vittles for your big-ass guests...

Our Gods Wear Spandex

Christopher Knowles

  Our Gods Wear Spandex  Christopher Knowles  Weiser Books.   Was Superman's arch nemesis Lex Luthor based on Aleister Crowley? Can Captain Marvel be linked to the Sun gods on antiquity? In Our Gods Wear Spandex, Christopher Knowles answers these questions and brings to light many other intriguing links between superheroes and the enchanted world of estoerica. Occult students and comic-book fans alike will discover countless fascinating connections, from little known facts such as that DC Comics editor Julius Schwartz started his career as H.P. Lovecraft's agent, to the tantalizingly extensive influence of Madame Blavatsky's Theosophy on the birth of comics, to the mystic roots of Superman. The book also traces the rise of the comic superheroes and how they relate to several cultural trends in the late 19th century, specifically the occult explosion in Western Europe and America. Knowles reveals the four basic superhero archetypes - the Messiah, the Golem, the Amazon, and the Brotherhood - and shows how the occult Bohemian underground of the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Weiser Books. Was Superman's arch nemesis Lex Luthor based on Aleister Crowley? Can Captain Marvel be linked to the Sun gods on antiquity? In Our Gods Wear Spandex, Christopher Knowles answers these questions and brings to light many other intriguing links between superheroes and the enchanted world of estoerica. Occult students and comic-book fans alike will discover countless fascinating connections, from little known facts such as that DC Comics editor Julius Schwartz started his career as H.P. Lovecraft's agent, to the tantalizingly extensive influence of Madame Blavatsky's Theosophy on the birth of comics, to the mystic roots of Superman. The book also traces the rise of the comic superheroes and how they relate to several cultural trends in the late 19th century, specifically the occult explosion in Western Europe and America. Knowles reveals the four basic superhero archetypes - the Messiah, the Golem, the Amazon, and the Brotherhood - and shows how the occult Bohemian underground of the......

Japanese Temari: A Colorful Spin on an Ancient Craft

  Japanese Temari: A Colorful Spin on an Ancient Craft  Barbara B. Suess  Barbara B. Suess  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Barbara B. Suess...

The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet

David Kahn

  The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet  David Kahn  Scribner.   The magnificent, unrivaled history of codes and ciphers -- how they're made, how they're broken, and the many and fascinating roles they've played since the dawn of civilization in war, business, diplomacy, and espionage -- updated with a new chapter on computer cryptography and the Ultra secret. Man has created codes to keep secrets and has broken codes to learn those secrets since the time of the Pharaohs. For 4,000 years, fierce battles have been waged between codemakers and codebreakers, and the story of these battles is civilization's secret history, the hidden account of how wars were won and lost, diplomatic intrigues foiled, business secrets stolen, governments ruined, computers hacked. From the XYZ Affair to the Dreyfus Affair, from the Gallic War to the Persian Gulf, from Druidic runes and the kaballah to outer space, from the Zimmermann telegram to Enigma to the Manhattan Project, codebreaking has shaped the course of human events to an extent beyond any...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Scribner. The magnificent, unrivaled history of codes and ciphers -- how they're made, how they're broken, and the many and fascinating roles they've played since the dawn of civilization in war, business, diplomacy, and espionage -- updated with a new chapter on computer cryptography and the Ultra secret. Man has created codes to keep secrets and has broken codes to learn those secrets since the time of the Pharaohs. For 4,000 years, fierce battles have been waged between codemakers and codebreakers, and the story of these battles is civilization's secret history, the hidden account of how wars were won and lost, diplomatic intrigues foiled, business secrets stolen, governments ruined, computers hacked. From the XYZ Affair to the Dreyfus Affair, from the Gallic War to the Persian Gulf, from Druidic runes and the kaballah to outer space, from the Zimmermann telegram to Enigma to the Manhattan Project, codebreaking has shaped the course of human events to an extent beyond any......

Импрессионизм. Часть 1. Импрессионизм во Франции

Редактор Инго Ф. Вальтер

  Импрессионизм. Часть 1. Импрессионизм во Франции  Редактор Инго Ф. Вальтер  Taschen.   Предлагаемая монография излагает историю живописи импрессионистов, включая так называемый пост- или неоимпрессионизм во Франции. Краме того, она дает обзор родственных художественных течений в других европейских странах, а также в Северной Америке. Первая часть посвящена Франции. У автора была вполне ясная цель - наряду с великими именами, такими как Моне, Ренуар, Мане, Писсарро, Сислей, Дега, Сезанн, Гоген, Ван Гог, Сера или Синьяк, представить тех художников, которые были важны для импрессионизма, однако до сих пор едва известны. Например, Гюстав Кайботт, Taschen. Предлагаемая монография излагает историю живописи импрессионистов, включая так называемый пост- или неоимпрессионизм во Франции. Краме того, она дает обзор родственных художественных течений в других европейских странах, а также в Северной Америке. Первая часть посвящена Франции. У автора была вполне ясная цель - наряду с великими именами, такими как Моне, Ренуар, Мане, Писсарро, Сислей, Дега, Сезанн, Гоген, Ван Гог, Сера или Синьяк, представить тех художников, которые были важны для импрессионизма, однако до сих пор едва известны. Например, Гюстав Кайботт, "открытый" как значительный художник лишь спустя сто лет после смерти. Кайботт представлен 17 картинами. То же самое относится к таким художникам, как Бракмон, Кросс, Форен, Гонзалес, Гийомен, Лебур, Лепин, Люс, Моризо, Раффаэлли или Виньон. Формат: 20 см х 26,5 см....

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The Sweet Potato Queens' Wedding Planner/Divorce Guide. Jill Conner Browne . Книги.

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