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Student Leadership Practices Inventory , Observer Instrument (2 Page Insert, NCR Paper) (The Leadership Practices Inventory) James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner
This unique leadership development program is for the young adult who aspires to be an exemplary leader. From the college classroom to the local youth club, the Student Leadership Practices Inventory has helped thousands of young people assess their leadership potential and improve their skills. Drawing from years of impeccable research and real-world experience, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner have developed four practical resources that can be used alone or in a workshop setting: the Self , the Observer , the Student Workbook , and the Facilitator's Guide . Both the Self and Observer are questionnaires for the student leader and the person who has observed the student in action. Each survey features thirty statements based on five important leadership practices: Challenging the Process, Inspiring a Shared Vision, Enabling Others to Act, Modeling the Way, and Encouraging the Heart. To score their results, participants will find in the ......
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Warranties: Planning, Analysis, and Implementation James R. Brennan
Warranties are fast becoming a vital part of conducting business in world markets. Here is the first comprehesive guide to show suppliers and customers in both commercial and government sectors how to use warranties as a powerful tool for insuring quality and profitability. Contract specialists, logistics and systems engineers, and marketing professionals will learn how to plan, cost, negotiate, and execute favorable warranty contracts. Beginning with a thorough review of the principles, types, and requirements of warranties, the book goes on to explore the significance of pertinent trade legislation and the future use of warranties in business practice. Detailed guidelines are presented for dealing with such critical issues as performance guarantee, tradeoffs, and cost-effectiveness. Valuable case histories and sample warranty requirements/clauses help clear up all confusion surrounding the warranty process....
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Electronic Commerce (Networking Series) John Vacca, Pete Loshin, Paul Murphy
The fourth edition of this best-selling title gives a complete overview of the electronic commerce environment. It has been revised and completely updated to reflect the most recent trends in e-commerce, including new material on security technologies, server options, enterprise applications, and investing online. Covering everything from fundamental security issues to future trends, this comprehensive guide provides a thorough knowledge of electronic commerce and the tools needed to conduct business on the Internet. Key Features: * Includes new material on mobile electronic commerce, security technologies, server options, enterprise applications, investing online, smart cards, EDI, intellectual property issues, and supply chain management * Discusses security protocols, e.g., SSL, Java solutions and digital signatures * Provides a thorough discussion of various Internet security issues, e.g., SSL, S-HTTP, Java security, WAP, routers, firewalls, and public key......
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Life & Health Insurance Law, Loma Edition Muriel L. Crawford
McGraw-Hill Irwin. This text presents the major principles of life and health insurance law in a manner that will allow students without legal training to readily understand them. The purpose of this text is to educate students to recognize legal problems so that they can seek advice from legal counsel. The LOMA edition will be the only version of Crawford that we offer. If universities are interested in using this version, we will need to work with the Custom Publishing Department to have the cover of the text altered. The textual information can be utilized as it is. New material concerns court oversight of lawyers, market conduct, the new NAIC Life Insurance Illustrations Model Regulation, genetic information, the constitutionality of punitive damages, state statutes limiting punitive damages, the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, minimum premium plans, self-funded plans, stop-loss contracts, managed care organizations, utilization review, case management, health......
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The Pocket Mortgage Guide : 56 of the Most Important Questions and Answers About Your Home Loan - Plus Interest Amortization Tab Jack Guttentag, Jack Guttentag
The "Mortgage Professor" answers critical homemortgage questions This value-packed consumer reference by a nationally syndicated mortgage columnist is indispensable for anyone looking to secure a home mortgage. The Pocket Mortgage Guide answers 50 of the most commonly asked mortgage questions, including: How can I find the lowest-cost lender? Should I choose a 15-year loan or a 30-year loan? What is PMI and how can I cancel it? How large a mortgage will I be able to afford? What will my monthly mortgage payment be? What is a "debt ratio" used for and how is it calculated? What is a home equity line of credit and what should it be used for? The book also provides valuable interest amortization tables and is the perfect resource for home buyers....
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Student Leadership Practices Inventory , Observer Instrument (2 Page Insert, NCR Paper) (The Leadership Practices Inventory). James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner . Книги.
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