Строгая дама

Ольга Новикова

  Строгая дама  Ольга Новикова  Центрполиграф.   Красная линия.   Строгая дама, Вино и страсть, Участь, С первого взгляда, Филемон и Бавкида, Суперфлю.   В произведениях Ольги Новиковой действующих героев всегда двое: Он и Она перед зеркалом Вечности. Вы застанете их в тот момент, когда можно услышать сокровенную мелодию невесть откуда взявшегося чувства. И содрогнетесь у края бездны, куда можно упасть или вознестись. Грубый зов плоти пробудит дух, и он с хладных высот сорвется в гудящую геенну страстей...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Центрполиграф. Красная линия. Строгая дама, Вино и страсть, Участь, С первого взгляда, Филемон и Бавкида, Суперфлю. В произведениях Ольги Новиковой действующих героев всегда двое: Он и Она перед зеркалом Вечности. Вы застанете их в тот момент, когда можно услышать сокровенную мелодию невесть откуда взявшегося чувства. И содрогнетесь у края бездны, куда можно упасть или вознестись. Грубый зов плоти пробудит дух, и он с хладных высот сорвется в гудящую геенну страстей......

Филаретовский альманах. Выпуск 2

  Филаретовский альманах. Выпуск 2  Православный Свято-Тихоновский гуманитарный университет.   Филаретовский альманах (альманах).   Святитель Филарет (Дроздов) в его отношении к женскому монашеству, Путь волхвов, Участие святителя Филарета (Дроздова) в развитии академического богословия XIX века, О проекте святителя Филарета, митрополита Московского, по учреждению митрополичьих округов в России, Проект положения о управлении Церковном областном, Святитель Филарет и проблема митрополичьих округов в церковной жизни России XIX в, Святитель Филарет (Дроздов) и Н.М.Карамзин.   Второй выпуск Филаретовского альманаха включает в себя статьи и материалы, посвященные различным сторонам деятельности святителя Филарета (Дроздова): богословие, церковно-административная деятельность, участие в культурной жизни России.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Православный Свято-Тихоновский гуманитарный университет. Филаретовский альманах (альманах). Святитель Филарет (Дроздов) в его отношении к женскому монашеству, Путь волхвов, Участие святителя Филарета (Дроздова) в развитии академического богословия XIX века, О проекте святителя Филарета, митрополита Московского, по учреждению митрополичьих округов в России, Проект положения о управлении Церковном областном, Святитель Филарет и проблема митрополичьих округов в церковной жизни России XIX в, Святитель Филарет (Дроздов) и Н.М.Карамзин. Второй выпуск Филаретовского альманаха включает в себя статьи и материалы, посвященные различным сторонам деятельности святителя Филарета (Дроздова): богословие, церковно-административная деятельность, участие в культурной жизни России....

The Manager's Book of Decencies

Steve Harrison

  The Manager's Book of Decencies  Steve Harrison  There is a philosophy of doing business that goes beyond the transfer of goods and services. It calls for a transfer of values known as of small decencies. This book shows the way. Steve Harrison, longtime management and corporate culture innovator, knows one simple truth: The long term success of any company, small or large, local or global, depends largely on its culture. Change a company's internal culture for the better, and results skyrocket. But can a manager really adjust the culture of an entire work force, especially in a large corporation? Small decencies make it easy, and in this book Harrison describes dozens of such decencies, all field-tested by the best companies in the world. All represent small changes that produce big results. Addressing concerns at every level of corporate culture, from the entry level to the CEO's office, Harrison shows how decencies will enhance communication, build teamwork, boost productivity, and create a stronger...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин There is a philosophy of doing business that goes beyond the transfer of goods and services. It calls for a transfer of values known as of small decencies. This book shows the way. Steve Harrison, longtime management and corporate culture innovator, knows one simple truth: The long term success of any company, small or large, local or global, depends largely on its culture. Change a company's internal culture for the better, and results skyrocket. But can a manager really adjust the culture of an entire work force, especially in a large corporation? Small decencies make it easy, and in this book Harrison describes dozens of such decencies, all field-tested by the best companies in the world. All represent small changes that produce big results. Addressing concerns at every level of corporate culture, from the entry level to the CEO's office, Harrison shows how decencies will enhance communication, build teamwork, boost productivity, and create a stronger......

Conflict Resolution for Managers and Leaders, Participants Workbook: The CDR Associates Training Package

CDR Associates

  Conflict Resolution for Managers and Leaders, Participants Workbook: The CDR Associates Training Package  CDR Associates  CDR Associates’ training programs have been recognized throughout the world for their high-quality, effective, and innovative approaches to handling conflict in diverse workplace settings. Conflict Resolution for Managers and Leaders offers you a proven program that will help you learn the key concepts and skills in conflict management, negotiation, and dispute resolution. The Participant’s Workbook is designed to make you a better leader and manager by equipping you to address conflict with confidence. Conflict Resolution for Managers and Leaders is filled with information and interactive exercises to help you develop practical skills in a fun and engaging manner. This workbook contains the information you need to participate in the CDR training program. Although the comprehensive program consists of eight modules, your trainer may customize the session by using select modules.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин CDR Associates’ training programs have been recognized throughout the world for their high-quality, effective, and innovative approaches to handling conflict in diverse workplace settings. Conflict Resolution for Managers and Leaders offers you a proven program that will help you learn the key concepts and skills in conflict management, negotiation, and dispute resolution. The Participant’s Workbook is designed to make you a better leader and manager by equipping you to address conflict with confidence. Conflict Resolution for Managers and Leaders is filled with information and interactive exercises to help you develop practical skills in a fun and engaging manner. This workbook contains the information you need to participate in the CDR training program. Although the comprehensive program consists of eight modules, your trainer may customize the session by using select modules....

The Book Without Words: A Fable of Medieval Magic


  The Book Without Words: A Fable of Medieval Magic  Avi  In the ancient Northumbrian town of Fulwich, there is an old man whom nobody knows. This man, Thorston by name, has lived a secret life so that he may stay alive--forever.A Call him an alchemist butA his posession of The Book Without Words contains the secret of immortality.A But to make this secret a reality, he must sacrifice his minion, Odo, a coal-black raven, and Sybil, his thirteen-year-old servant.A Just as Thorton is on the brink of imortality, Sybil decides she wants to live her own life, and Odo wants the gold he believes Thorton as made.A Who then will live, and who will die?A And who will get the gold?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the ancient Northumbrian town of Fulwich, there is an old man whom nobody knows. This man, Thorston by name, has lived a secret life so that he may stay alive--forever.A Call him an alchemist butA his posession of The Book Without Words contains the secret of immortality.A But to make this secret a reality, he must sacrifice his minion, Odo, a coal-black raven, and Sybil, his thirteen-year-old servant.A Just as Thorton is on the brink of imortality, Sybil decides she wants to live her own life, and Odo wants the gold he believes Thorton as made.A Who then will live, and who will die?A And who will get the gold?...

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Строгая дама. Ольга Новикова . Книги.

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