Isabell Heimerdinger: Four Films & True Stories

Frederic Paul, Raimar Stange, Isabell Heimerdinger

  Isabell Heimerdinger: Four Films & True Stories  Frederic Paul, Raimar Stange, Isabell Heimerdinger  Isabell Heimerdinger's work investigates and questions the notion of acting. This volume collects recent work, including projects involving theater and movie actors like Udo Kier, Martin Glade, Bibiana Beglau, Wolfram Berger and Dorothee Hartinger. The volume is conceived as two separate books bound together.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Isabell Heimerdinger's work investigates and questions the notion of acting. This volume collects recent work, including projects involving theater and movie actors like Udo Kier, Martin Glade, Bibiana Beglau, Wolfram Berger and Dorothee Hartinger. The volume is conceived as two separate books bound together....

Democracy's Debt: The Historical Tensions Between Political and Economic Liberty

M. Lane Bruner

  Democracy's Debt: The Historical Tensions Between Political and Economic Liberty  M. Lane Bruner  It is an undeniable fact that economic circumstances can directly impact political affairs, that wealth is easily translated into political influence, and that political movements and constitutional arrangements can directly influence economic environments. There is no consensus, however, on how to best manage the tensions between the production and maintenance of wealth and the just and responsible exercise of political power.In an in-depth analysis of these historic tensions, Professor of Communication M. Lane Bruner surveys the history of argumentation related to wealth and statecraft, and, more important, the actual economic and political practices in republican polities of the past to compare arguments to policies. The overriding goal of the study is to analyze which forms of governance have provided the most useful guides for the reform of contemporary institutions in charge of global governance.Bruner begins by discussing the interrelationships among forces of the state, the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин It is an undeniable fact that economic circumstances can directly impact political affairs, that wealth is easily translated into political influence, and that political movements and constitutional arrangements can directly influence economic environments. There is no consensus, however, on how to best manage the tensions between the production and maintenance of wealth and the just and responsible exercise of political power.In an in-depth analysis of these historic tensions, Professor of Communication M. Lane Bruner surveys the history of argumentation related to wealth and statecraft, and, more important, the actual economic and political practices in republican polities of the past to compare arguments to policies. The overriding goal of the study is to analyze which forms of governance have provided the most useful guides for the reform of contemporary institutions in charge of global governance.Bruner begins by discussing the interrelationships among forces of the state, the......

Мы и характеры детей. Как родителям не испортить жизнь детям

Елена Левенталь

  Мы и характеры детей. Как родителям не испортить жизнь детям  Елена Левенталь  Новый хронограф.   Предлагаемая книга является продолжением основополагающего труда Е.Левенталь Новый хронограф. Предлагаемая книга является продолжением основополагающего труда Е.Левенталь "Характеры и роли" и адресована в первую очередь родителям. Трудно найти столь блестяще изложенную концепцию воспитания ребенка, сочетающую уважение к его индивидуальности с грамотно дозированным принуждением по привитию социальных норм и развитию социального интеллекта. Детально описаны ошибки в воспитании детей, совершаемые родителями и их родственниками в зависимости от типов их характеров и характеров самих детей. Дан глубокий анализ программирования детской психики, индивидуализации ребенка и становления детских социальных ролей. Особый упор сделан на то, что все эти процессы протекают гораздо раньше, чем думает большинство родителей. Книга, несомненно, займет достойное место в дошкольном образовании и подготовке педагогических кадров....

Домашняя правовая энциклопедия (+ CD-ROM)

  Домашняя правовая энциклопедия (+ CD-ROM)  Эксмо.   Проверено. Гарант. Правильные ответы.   Эксмо. Проверено. Гарант. Правильные ответы. "Домашняя правовая энциклопедия" - это семейный справочник и надежный советчик в решении повседневных правовых вопросов. В книге простым и понятным неспециалисту языком изложено содержание наиболее актуальных для граждан норм законодательства. В энциклопедии нашли отражение все стороны жизни современного человека: работа, отдых, семья, дом, дети и их обучение, медицина, служба в армии, пенсии, недвижимость, автомобили, банковские счета и многое другое. Читатель найдет информацию по таким важным вопросам, как обращение в суд, помощь адвоката, элементы гражданского права (сделки, лица, обязательства и пр.), защита прав потребителей, налоги. Будут полезны практические примеры и образцы документов - договоров, заявлений, доверенностей. Несмотря на простоту изложения, авторы старались не отступать от юридической корректности формулировок. У читателя, которому требуется более глубокое изучение вопроса, есть возможность обратиться к первоисточникам. Диск-приложение содержит......

Ice Warriors: The Pacific Coast/Western Hockey League 19481974

Jon C. Stott

  Ice Warriors: The Pacific Coast/Western Hockey League 19481974  Jon C. Stott  Heritage House Publishing.   Ice Warriors tells the story of the Western Hockey League (known as the Pacific Coast Hockey League before 1952), a determined, ambitious league that at its height aspired to establish itself as a second major league, a western counterpart to the eastern NHL. Between 1948 and 1974, more than 2,500 minor-league professional hockey players skated for the 23 teams that made up the Western Hockey League. A small percentage of these players went on to enjoy substantial careers in the National Hockey League; others were former NHLers who chose to end their pro careers in the minors. Most of them, however, were minor-league lifers who played many seasons in the WHL and other minor pro leagues. Ice Warriors traces the leagues origins, rise and fall. The author analyzes off-ice influences on the WHLs development and portrays the on-ice highlights of each season, including interviews with players, coaches and fans, and statistical records and pictures from the era. The leagues aspirations ended...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Heritage House Publishing. Ice Warriors tells the story of the Western Hockey League (known as the Pacific Coast Hockey League before 1952), a determined, ambitious league that at its height aspired to establish itself as a second major league, a western counterpart to the eastern NHL. Between 1948 and 1974, more than 2,500 minor-league professional hockey players skated for the 23 teams that made up the Western Hockey League. A small percentage of these players went on to enjoy substantial careers in the National Hockey League; others were former NHLers who chose to end their pro careers in the minors. Most of them, however, were minor-league lifers who played many seasons in the WHL and other minor pro leagues. Ice Warriors traces the leagues origins, rise and fall. The author analyzes off-ice influences on the WHLs development and portrays the on-ice highlights of each season, including interviews with players, coaches and fans, and statistical records and pictures from the era. The leagues aspirations ended......

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Isabell Heimerdinger: Four Films & True Stories. Frederic Paul, Raimar Stange, Isabell Heimerdinger . Книги.

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