Real Stories of Nursing Research: The Quest for Magnet Recognition

M. Maureen Kirkpatrick McLaughlin, Sally A Bulla

  Real Stories of Nursing Research: The Quest for Magnet Recognition  M. Maureen Kirkpatrick McLaughlin, Sally A Bulla  Real Stories of Nursing Research: The Quest for Magnet Recognition demonstrates how direct care nurses in clinical settings can overcome their fear and conduct nursing research studies that impact and improve patient care. Highlighting research in Magnet-designated hospitals located in all types of settings, this reference includes studies that have used quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method designs. This text takes real nurses stories and their research abstracts and shows that staff nurses really can do research. Including helpful hints from experts like librarians, statisticians, and IRB reviewers who show the reader how to make the research journey smoother, Real Stories of Nursing Research addresses overcoming fears of research and is an essential text for any nurse or hospital seeking magnet status.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Real Stories of Nursing Research: The Quest for Magnet Recognition demonstrates how direct care nurses in clinical settings can overcome their fear and conduct nursing research studies that impact and improve patient care. Highlighting research in Magnet-designated hospitals located in all types of settings, this reference includes studies that have used quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method designs. This text takes real nurses stories and their research abstracts and shows that staff nurses really can do research. Including helpful hints from experts like librarians, statisticians, and IRB reviewers who show the reader how to make the research journey smoother, Real Stories of Nursing Research addresses overcoming fears of research and is an essential text for any nurse or hospital seeking magnet status....

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Real Stories of Nursing Research: The Quest for Magnet Recognition. M. Maureen Kirkpatrick McLaughlin, Sally A Bulla . Книги.

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