The Condo Owner's Answer Book

  The Condo Owner's Answer Book  Beth Grimm  Beth Grimm  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Beth Grimm...

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

Caldwell B. Esselstyn

  Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease  Caldwell B. Esselstyn  Avery.   Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease challenges conventional cardiology by posing a compelling, revolutionary idea-that we can, in fact, abolish the heart disease epidemic in this country by changing our diets. Drawing on the groundbreaking results of his twenty-year nutritional study, Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., a former surgeon, researcher, and clinician at the Cleveland Clinic, convincingly argues that a plant-based, oil-free diet can not only prevent and stop the progression of heart disease, but also reverse its effects. Furthermore, it can eliminate the need for expensive and invasive surgical interventions, such as bypass and stents, no matter how far the disease has progressed. Dr. Esselstyn began his research with a group of patients who joined his study after traditional medical procedures to treat their advanced heart disease had failed. Within months of following a plant-based, oil-free diet, their angina symptoms eased, their cholesterol levels dropped significantly, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Avery. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease challenges conventional cardiology by posing a compelling, revolutionary idea-that we can, in fact, abolish the heart disease epidemic in this country by changing our diets. Drawing on the groundbreaking results of his twenty-year nutritional study, Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., a former surgeon, researcher, and clinician at the Cleveland Clinic, convincingly argues that a plant-based, oil-free diet can not only prevent and stop the progression of heart disease, but also reverse its effects. Furthermore, it can eliminate the need for expensive and invasive surgical interventions, such as bypass and stents, no matter how far the disease has progressed. Dr. Esselstyn began his research with a group of patients who joined his study after traditional medical procedures to treat their advanced heart disease had failed. Within months of following a plant-based, oil-free diet, their angina symptoms eased, their cholesterol levels dropped significantly, and......

The North Shore Birding Trail: A Guide to Birding Minnesota's North Shore of Lake Superior from Duluth to Grand Portage

  The North Shore Birding Trail: A Guide to Birding Minnesota's North Shore of Lake Superior from Duluth to Grand Portage  Audubon Minnesota  Audubon Minnesota  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Audubon Minnesota...

Listening from the Heart of Silence: Nondual Wisdom & Psychotherapy

Editor by John J. Prendergast, G. Kenneth Bradford

  Listening from the Heart of Silence: Nondual Wisdom & Psychotherapy  Editor by John J. Prendergast, G. Kenneth Bradford  Paragon House Publishers.   Paragon House Publishers. "Listening from the Heart of Silence: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy", Volume 2 is a companion volume to The Sacred Mirror, which will expand and deepen the groundbreaking dialogue begun in The Sacred Mirror. The title "Listening from the Heart of Silence" refers to a quality of listening that originates prior to the duality of the one who listens and the one who is heard. It is a listening that is global, spacious, and paradoxically (to the mind at least), extremely intimate. It comes from and points to our homeground in silent, lucid openness - what some have called the Heart. When we listen from this heart of silence, we invite healing on the deepest level, welcoming everything just as it is. This is as true in our ordinary relationships as it is in the specialized relationship between therapist and client. Once the heart of silence is fully recognized, our lives begin to move from the inside out with greater honesty, love, spontaneity and power, radiating out like......

Living and Dying with Dementia: Dialogues about Palliative Care

  Living and Dying with Dementia: Dialogues about Palliative Care  Neil Small, Katherine Froggatt, Murna Downs  Neil Small, Katherine Froggatt, Murna Downs  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Neil Small, Katherine Froggatt, Murna Downs...

<<<  Основы вычислительной физики. Часть 1. Введение в конечно-разностные методы. ...             The Jericho Principle: How Companies Use Strategic Collaboration to ... >>>

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The Condo Owner's Answer Book. Beth Grimm . Книги.

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