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New Strategies for a New Job Market: 7 Power Techniques for Getting You Hired in Today's Real World at Work Donald J. Strankowski
At no time in history has the job market ever been more competitive. Today, to be noticed and to get hired, one must employ new tactics and new strategies. Donald J. Strankowski, one of America's leading authorities on job search strategies and personal achievement, offers the ultimate guide for getting hired in the 21st Century. New Strategies for a New Job Market will provide any job seeker with the necessary tools, tips, and advice to ultimately win the job they desire-regardless of the strength of the employment market-by: Employ a powerful plan for developing a positive mindset, winning attitude, and higher levels of confidence and persistence. Understand how today's job market really works and what companies are looking for in their ideal candidates. Determine your Number One Brand and top area of expertise. Create a winning resume that positions you as an expert at what you do and propels you to the interview phase. Immediately develop and utilize 7 innovative job search......
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Sharks and Rays of the World Doug Perrine
Voyageur Press. -...
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The Politics of Identity: Solidarity Building Among America's Working Poor (Suny Series in Public Policy) Erin E. O'brien
Makes the surprising claim that identity politics can facilitate rather than undermine worker solidarity....
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Taxing Times
Claire Young...
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Doing Business and Investing in Kiribati Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library) Ibp Usa
Doing Business and Investing in Kiribati Guide...
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New Strategies for a New Job Market: 7 Power Techniques for Getting You Hired in Today's Real World at Work. Donald J. Strankowski . Книги.
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