How To Draw Manga Volume 17: Guns & Military Volume 2 (How to Draw Manga)

Ichiro Kamiya

  How To Draw Manga Volume 17: Guns & Military Volume 2 (How to Draw Manga)  Ichiro Kamiya  Book DescriptionFor drawing various guns, accouterment, mechanics of combat planes and warships we introduce the essentials for developing a basic knowledge. Apart from the trove of knowledge and data that makes up the pictorial materials, there are thebasics of character types and story concepts. Not only will this volume become the artist's brave ally, but it will also be enjoyed as reading material and a fountain of knowledge.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFor drawing various guns, accouterment, mechanics of combat planes and warships we introduce the essentials for developing a basic knowledge. Apart from the trove of knowledge and data that makes up the pictorial materials, there are thebasics of character types and story concepts. Not only will this volume become the artist's brave ally, but it will also be enjoyed as reading material and a fountain of knowledge....


Boyd Thomas London

  Creeton  Boyd Thomas London  Book Description?May the power of friendship always be the healing force that holds societies and worlds together, and may every citizen of Earth gain a vision for worldwide peace!? Creeton is a powerful story that depicts the glory of peace, the power of friendship, and the brutality of evil, as John Brown and Dave Miller stumble upon an alien spacecraft and inadvertently engage the autopilot which rockets them to the planet Creeton. Creeton resembles a futuristic Earth, but the people of Creeton have never had any wars, and they have not experienced the crime that plagues Earth. Unfortunately, the peaceful people of Creeton are crying for help as an evil society of aliens called Warlids have begun a conquest of the galaxy, striking Creeton with all of their might. John and Dave have embarked on a journey that will save the lives of billions and that will forever deepen their friendship. Creeton is a heart-pounding adventure from cover to cover!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description?May the power of friendship always be the healing force that holds societies and worlds together, and may every citizen of Earth gain a vision for worldwide peace!? Creeton is a powerful story that depicts the glory of peace, the power of friendship, and the brutality of evil, as John Brown and Dave Miller stumble upon an alien spacecraft and inadvertently engage the autopilot which rockets them to the planet Creeton. Creeton resembles a futuristic Earth, but the people of Creeton have never had any wars, and they have not experienced the crime that plagues Earth. Unfortunately, the peaceful people of Creeton are crying for help as an evil society of aliens called Warlids have begun a conquest of the galaxy, striking Creeton with all of their might. John and Dave have embarked on a journey that will save the lives of billions and that will forever deepen their friendship. Creeton is a heart-pounding adventure from cover to cover!...

My Minocqua

vern Handrick

  My Minocqua  vern Handrick  Book DescriptionMY MINOCQUA (Or at least the Reubentown part of it.) Is a collection of stories of one young man who grew to adulthood in the Town of Minocqua which is located in Oneida County in the State of Wisconsin. The incidents in the stories, contained herein are true and factual. Some facts may have been embellished, to improve the story, but all the names are true and people are real and known, or know of, by the author. Nothing has been changed to protect either the innocent or the guilty.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionMY MINOCQUA (Or at least the Reubentown part of it.) Is a collection of stories of one young man who grew to adulthood in the Town of Minocqua which is located in Oneida County in the State of Wisconsin. The incidents in the stories, contained herein are true and factual. Some facts may have been embellished, to improve the story, but all the names are true and people are real and known, or know of, by the author. Nothing has been changed to protect either the innocent or the guilty....

For Spacious Skies: The Uncommon Journey of a Mercury Astronaut

Scott Carpenter

  For Spacious Skies: The Uncommon Journey of a Mercury Astronaut  Scott Carpenter  Amazon.comM. Scott Carpenter was America's fourth man in space, his 1962 three-orbit mission in a tiny Mercury capsule closely paralleling that of John Glenn's previous mission. But that's where the similarities end: a malfunctioning navigational system caused Carpenter to splash down, dangerously, some 250 miles off-target, and Glenn's fame would somehow forever eclipse that of all seven of his fellow original astronauts combined. This memoir, penned in conjunction with Carpenter's daughter Kris, oddly distances itself from Carpenter's life through use of a third-person narrative (only the astronaut's calm account of his perilous mission is delivered directly in his voice), a device that ultimately echoes the more personal distances Carpenter endured inhis own fateful, if troubled, journey toward the stars. While Carpenter may have been able to trace his lineage back to the Plymouth colony of the 1630s, his immediate family seemed shattered. His research-chemist father was...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Amazon.comM. Scott Carpenter was America's fourth man in space, his 1962 three-orbit mission in a tiny Mercury capsule closely paralleling that of John Glenn's previous mission. But that's where the similarities end: a malfunctioning navigational system caused Carpenter to splash down, dangerously, some 250 miles off-target, and Glenn's fame would somehow forever eclipse that of all seven of his fellow original astronauts combined. This memoir, penned in conjunction with Carpenter's daughter Kris, oddly distances itself from Carpenter's life through use of a third-person narrative (only the astronaut's calm account of his perilous mission is delivered directly in his voice), a device that ultimately echoes the more personal distances Carpenter endured inhis own fateful, if troubled, journey toward the stars. While Carpenter may have been able to trace his lineage back to the Plymouth colony of the 1630s, his immediate family seemed shattered. His research-chemist father was......

Tell Me, Grandmother: Traditions, Stories, And Cultures Of Arapaho People (Women's West)

Virginia J. Sutter

  Tell Me, Grandmother: Traditions, Stories, And Cultures Of Arapaho People (Women's West)  Virginia J. Sutter  Book DescriptionTell Me, Grandmother is at once the biography of Goes-in-Lodge, a traditional Arapaho woman of the nineteenth century, and the autobiography of her descendant, Virginia Sutter, a modern Arapaho woman with a Ph.D. in public administration.Sutter adeptly weaves her own story with that of Goes-in-Lodge?who, in addition to being Sutter?s great-grandmother, was first wife of Sharpnose, the last reigning chief of the Northern Arapaho nation. Told in a question-and-answer format between twenty-first-century granddaughter and matriarchal ancestor and, Sutter discusses four generations of home life, including child rearing, education, courtship, marriage, birthing, and burial. Goes-in-Lodge speaks of social and ceremonial gatherings, the Sun Dance, the sweat lodges, and the changes that took place on the Great Plains throughout her lifetime. Sutter?s portrait of Goes-in-Lodge is based on tribal history and interviews with tribal members. Sutter details her...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionTell Me, Grandmother is at once the biography of Goes-in-Lodge, a traditional Arapaho woman of the nineteenth century, and the autobiography of her descendant, Virginia Sutter, a modern Arapaho woman with a Ph.D. in public administration.Sutter adeptly weaves her own story with that of Goes-in-Lodge?who, in addition to being Sutter?s great-grandmother, was first wife of Sharpnose, the last reigning chief of the Northern Arapaho nation. Told in a question-and-answer format between twenty-first-century granddaughter and matriarchal ancestor and, Sutter discusses four generations of home life, including child rearing, education, courtship, marriage, birthing, and burial. Goes-in-Lodge speaks of social and ceremonial gatherings, the Sun Dance, the sweat lodges, and the changes that took place on the Great Plains throughout her lifetime. Sutter?s portrait of Goes-in-Lodge is based on tribal history and interviews with tribal members. Sutter details her......

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How To Draw Manga Volume 17: Guns & Military Volume 2 (How to Draw Manga). Ichiro Kamiya . Книги.

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