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Book-art. Лучший дизайн книг Шарлотта Риверз
РИП-Холдинг, Rotovision. Книжки с кARTинками. Book-Art - коллекция новаторских, остроумных, оригинальных и достойных подражания примеров дизайна книг. На страницах книги собранна интереснейшая коллекция, включающая в себя весь спектр книжной продукции от массовых изданий до эксклюзивных авторских книг. Перед вами комплексное исследование использования цвета, художественной ретуши, типографики и постпечатной обработки в создании книг, многие из которых можно считать произведениями искусства. Book-Art необходима тем, кто не боится экспериментировать, кто наслаждается творчеством и использует новейшие технологии, чтобы сделать свои работы неординарными. Издание на английском языке. Формат: 26,5 см х 23,5 см....
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Typography Papers 6: The Classical Tradition in Letters Nicolete giovanni M Gray
Typography Papers is an occasional book-length publication from the Department of Typography at the University of Reading (England) with a broad international scope, publishing extended articles relating typography to adjacent disciplines. Issue 6 is devoted to the reconstruction and reinvention of the classical letter in Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. It includes a previously unpublished article by the late Nicolete Gray; the first English translation of the late Giovanni Mardersteig's brilliant and seminal essay of 1959 ("L. B. Alberti e la rinascita del carattere lapidario romano nel quattrocento"); James Mosley on Giovan Francesco Cresci's formative influence on the form of Western handwriting and typefaces; an analysis of the grand inscriptional capitals which appeared on new buildings in Rome between 1585 and 1590; and Victor Gaultney's innovative survey of how the character repertoire of the Latin alphabet has been extended to cater to languages without......
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The Rational Guide To: Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 (Rational Guides) (Rational Guides) A. T. Mann
Learn how to use all aspects of MicrosoftA® Virtual PC 2004. The Rational Guide To: MicrosoftA® Virtual PC 2004 shows all you need to know to get up to speed quickly with with Microsoft's PC emulation environment. This book takes a rational, no-nonsense approach in a compact guide - only 112 pages. The book is written for a beginner to intermediate-level audience, so you get the basics fast! This book covers the virtually all areas of using Virtual PC, such as installation, configuration, security, usage, and more (see Table of Contents below). Technical accuracy is assured by Ben Armstrong, Program Manager, Virtual Machine Technologies Group, Microsoft Corporation....
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Better Together: Restoring the American Community Robert D. Putnam, Lewis Feldstein, Donald J. Cohen
In his acclaimed Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam describes the United States as a nation in which we have become increasingly disconnected from one another and in which our social structures have disintegrated. But in the final chapter of that book he detects hopeful signs of civic renewal. In Better Together Putnam and coauthor Lewis Feldstein tell the inspiring stories of people who are reweaving the social fabric by bringing their own communities together or building bridges to others. Better Together examines how people across the country are inventing new forms of social activism and community renewal. An arts program in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, brings together shipyard workers and their gentrified neighbors; a deteriorating, crime-ridden neighborhood in Boston is transformed by a determined group of civic organizers; an online "virtual" community in San Francisco allows its members to connect with each other as well as the larger group; in Wisconsin......
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Big Book of Interiors, The: Design Ideas for Every Room Agata Losantos
The Big Book of Interiors features more than 600 different design ideas covering every room in the house...and then some. For easy reference, the chapters are divided by location in the home: Living Rooms Bedrooms Kitchens Bathrooms Home Offices Kid Rooms Entrances and Corridors Each section opens with text describing the decorating challenges unique to that part of the house, followed by full-color design ideas showcasing hundreds of different solutions to outfit every size room with a range of current interior style methods.The styles featured focus on the most popular used by today's best interior designers, including New rococo, Minimalism, New Rustic, Retro and Contemporary. Photographs are accompanied by captions explaining the different approaches from each designer and architect. Whether it's one room or an entire house, Big Book of Interiors is the ultimate......
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