Шлифовщик высокой квалификации

Б. И. Черпаков, И. Д. Остромогольский

  Шлифовщик высокой квалификации  Б. И. Черпаков, И. Д. Остромогольский  Академия.   Повышенный уровень подготовки.   Приведены общие сведения об обрабатываемых материалах, абразивных материалах и их свойствах, шлифовальных кругах, методах их правки и балансировки, других шлифовальных инструментах и областях их применения. Рассмотрены конструкции шлифовальных станков разного назначения, в том числе с числовым программным управлением, методы и режимы обработки на них, методы наладки станков и контроля качества изделий. Для подготовки высококвалифицированных шлифовщиков в учреждениях начального профессионального образования. Может быть полезно студентам учреждений среднего профессионального образования.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Академия. Повышенный уровень подготовки. Приведены общие сведения об обрабатываемых материалах, абразивных материалах и их свойствах, шлифовальных кругах, методах их правки и балансировки, других шлифовальных инструментах и областях их применения. Рассмотрены конструкции шлифовальных станков разного назначения, в том числе с числовым программным управлением, методы и режимы обработки на них, методы наладки станков и контроля качества изделий. Для подготовки высококвалифицированных шлифовщиков в учреждениях начального профессионального образования. Может быть полезно студентам учреждений среднего профессионального образования....

The Information Society: Emerging Landscapes: IFIP International Conference on Landscapes of ICT and Social Accountability, Turku, Finland, June 27-29, ... Federation for Informati

  The Information Society: Emerging Landscapes: IFIP International Conference on Landscapes of ICT and Social Accountability, Turku, Finland, June 27-29, ... Federation for Informati  In 1990, members of IFIP Working Group 9.2 were instrumental in producing one of the first books to describe the ‘Landscape’ of the new phenomena created by the uptake of computerization – the so-called Information Society. Ten years later, at the annual Namur meeting of its Working Group in January 2000, a proposal was made to produce a second book and the brainstorming began. In the time that had passed, the developments in computer technology had brought the Internet within reach of ordinary citizens, and the World Wide Web had spawned a new ‘e-industry’. The landscape of the information society had changed dramatically, and it continues to change at a breathtaking pace. This book is the result of those discussions, culminatingA with the In 1990, members of IFIP Working Group 9.2 were instrumental in producing one of the first books to describe the ‘Landscape’ of the new phenomena created by the uptake of computerization – the so-called Information Society. Ten years later, at the annual Namur meeting of its Working Group in January 2000, a proposal was made to produce a second book and the brainstorming began. In the time that had passed, the developments in computer technology had brought the Internet within reach of ordinary citizens, and the World Wide Web had spawned a new ‘e-industry’. The landscape of the information society had changed dramatically, and it continues to change at a breathtaking pace. This book is the result of those discussions, culminatingA with the "Landscapes" Conference held at Turku University, Finland, in July 2005. The themes chosen for the conference – philosophy, ethics and sociological aspects, culture and education; social aspects; politics and......

Computer Simulation of Shaped Charge Problems

  Computer Simulation of Shaped Charge Problems  Wen Ho Lee  Wen Ho Lee  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wen Ho Lee...

Marxism and Ecological Economics: Toward a Red and Green Political Economy (Historical Materialism Book)

Paul Burkett

  Marxism and Ecological Economics: Toward a Red and Green Political Economy (Historical Materialism Book)  Paul Burkett  This book undertakes the first general assessment of ecological economics from a Marxist point of view, and shows how Marxist political economy can make a substantial contribution to ecological economics. The analysis is developed in terms of four basic issues: (1) nature and economic value; (2) the treatment of nature as capital; (3) the significance of the entropy law for economic systems; (4) the concept of sustainable development. In each case, it is shown that Marxism can help ecological economics fulfill its commitments to multi-disciplinarity, methodological pluralism, and historical openness. In this way, a foundation is constructed for a substantive dialogue between Marxists and ecological economists.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book undertakes the first general assessment of ecological economics from a Marxist point of view, and shows how Marxist political economy can make a substantial contribution to ecological economics. The analysis is developed in terms of four basic issues: (1) nature and economic value; (2) the treatment of nature as capital; (3) the significance of the entropy law for economic systems; (4) the concept of sustainable development. In each case, it is shown that Marxism can help ecological economics fulfill its commitments to multi-disciplinarity, methodological pluralism, and historical openness. In this way, a foundation is constructed for a substantive dialogue between Marxists and ecological economists....


Евгений Замятин

  Мы  Евгений Замятин  АСТ, АСТ Москва.   Книга на все времена.   АСТ, АСТ Москва. Книга на все времена. "Мы". Самая прославленная антиутопия Замятина. Одна из самых знаменитых антиутопий мира. От "Мы" отталкивался, по его собственным словам, Олдос Хаксли в своем "Дивном новом мире". Без "Мы" не существовало бы поразительного романа "1984" Оруэлла. "Славное будущее" по Замятину... Мир, в котором быть личностью - уже преступление. В книгу также ношли повесть "Бич Божий", сказки, повести и рассказы 1914-1935 гг....

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Шлифовщик высокой квалификации. Б. И. Черпаков, И. Д. Остромогольский . Книги.

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