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Катулл. Тибулл. Проперций Катулл. Тибулл. Проперций
Государственное издательство художественной литературы. Библиотека античной литературы. Катулл. Тибулл. Проперций. Издание 1963 года. Сохранность хорошая. Предисловие и редакция переводов Ф. Петровского. Катулл, Тибулл и Проперций... Эти три поэта открывают ту область римской литературы, которая до них оставалась совсем неизвестной для самих римлян. Это - область личной лирики, того литературного жанра, какой в первоначальный период римской литературы совершенно не был в ходу....
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Personal Finance Integrated Planning Approach & Interactive Study Guide (6th Edition) Bernard R. Winger, Ralph J. Frasca
This comprehensive, reader-friendly book is a must-have ?how-to? guide on planning for a successful financial future?walking users through the complexities of today's financial world, and giving them an accurate and currentreflection of the trends affecting their financial present and future. A five-part organization covers the basic framework, liquidity management, buying now and paying later, investing for the future, and protecting your income and wealth. For certified financial planners and chartered financial consultants....
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Deregulation and the Banking Crisis in Nigeria: A Comparative Study (International Political Economy) Howard Stein, Olu Ajakaiye, Peter Lewis, David Olusanya Ishola Ajakaiye
This book provides a multifaceted approach to understanding the origin, nature, and resolution of the banking crisis in Nigeria. Unlike studies that focus only on technical criteria, the contributors examine theoretical, empirical, institutional, political economy, and policy dimensions. Moreover, unlike case studies that focus on a single country, the volume compares liberalization in Nigeria to other regions, demonstrating links to the financial crises in Asia, Latin America, and elsewhere. They emphasize the importance of understanding financial liberalization in its broader embedded context and the need to tailor financial reform to the conditions and capacities of specific developing and transitional countries including Nigeria....
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Course ILT:Financial Management: Basic
An affordable, easily scannable one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses....
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Structured Equity Derivatives: The Definitive Guide to Exotic Options and Structured Notes Harry M. Kat
. Although the pricing and hedging of derivatives contracts has been the subject of a large number of books, hardly any books exist on the actual design of derivatives contracts. Structured Equity Derivatives fills this gap in a remarkable way. The book introduces an approach to the structuring and practical application of derivatives that allows the reader to create his own derivatives solutions to an endless variety of problems. The approach is extremely natural - the only limit is the reader's own creativity. Since it clearly explains the reasons why derivatives exist and why there is such a large variety, this is the book that should be read before picking up any other book on the pricing and hedging of derivatives. As the book concentrates on product design instead of pricing, there are no complex pricing formulas or numerical procedures. The emphasis is on intuition and common sense rather than complex formal results, which makes the book accessible to people from many......
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Катулл. Тибулл. Проперций. Катулл. Тибулл. Проперций . Книги.
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