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Введение в лингвистику / Introduction to Linguistics Р. П. Мильруд
Дрофа. Высшее педагогическое образование. Пособие знакомит с основными направлениями лингвистической науки и способами исследования языка. Данное пособие можно с успехом использовать как в системе высшего образования, так и для повышения квалификации учителей английского языка....
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The Labor Market for Attorneys in the State of California: Past, Present, and Future
Book DescriptionThis report seeks to identify supply-demand mismatches in the legal marketplace and assesses the need for new initiatives. Using four research objectives-developing a profile of practicing attorneys in California, projecting future supply and demand, determining what California's law schools expect to happen, and exploring upcoming trends-the authors found little in the way of potential supply-demand mismatches but note that many areas and groups remain underserved and should have their needs addressed by looking beyond supply-demand considerations....
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Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2001: Aquaculture Production (Yearbook of Fishery Statistics/Annuaire Statistique Des Peches/Anuario Estadistico De Pesca) Alan W. Evans
Book DescriptionThis volume of The FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics: Aquaculture Production, includes summary tables and revisions for data on fish, crustaceans, mollusks and other aquatic animals and plants produced from all culture practices for the years 1992-2001. The statistics are measured in units of quantity and value, and are presented by country or territory, species, culture environment and year, and in various other aggregates. In order to provide complete coverage of aquaculture productionstatistics throughout the world, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has used the best information available to make estimates, in cases where officially reported national statistics are lacking or are considered unreliable. This trilingual publication is in English, French and Spanish....
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Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom Van K. Tharp
Book DescriptionA common sense rules for protecting portfolios without biting into profits....
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The Master Guide to Digital SLR Cameras Ron Eggers
Book Description Everything necessary to choose the right digital single lens reflex (SLR) camera and gain a working knowledge of its functions and features is provided in this guidebook. Up-to-date reviews of the latest digital model offerings from Canon, Nikon, and Pentax are provided and the features of each type of camera are explained, including focusing capabilities, camera controls, and menu options. Sample photographs taken with each of the cameras discussed vividly reveal the strengths and weaknesses of each camera and allow buyers to make a well-informed choice in buying a new SLR....
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Введение в лингвистику / Introduction to Linguistics. Р. П. Мильруд . Книги.
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