Identifying Consumption: Subjects and Objects in Consumer Society

  Identifying Consumption: Subjects and Objects in Consumer Society  Robert G. Dunn  Robert G. Dunn  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Robert G. Dunn...

Jewish Travel Guide 2007

  Jewish Travel Guide 2007  Mitchell Vallentine & Company.   International Ed edition.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Mitchell Vallentine & Company. International Ed edition....

Guide to Evaluation of Functional Ability (AMA)


  Guide to Evaluation of Functional Ability (AMA)  AMA  Understand the use of FCEs in determining disability Bridging the gap between impairment and disability, the AMA Guide to the Evaluation of Functional Ability provides a practical approach to functional capacity evaluations (FCEs) in relation to assessing patients' physical ability. With this book, readers will be able to: -Know the differences between various functional tests to request the appropriate type -Design, interpret and apply FCEs to process workers' compensation and to rate disability -Clearly discuss and document how to best use the data in FCEs to assess a patient's ability to perform work-related and non-work-related activities of daily living, or ADLs -Interpret and apply an FCE report and understand legal implications of FCEs  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Understand the use of FCEs in determining disability Bridging the gap between impairment and disability, the AMA Guide to the Evaluation of Functional Ability provides a practical approach to functional capacity evaluations (FCEs) in relation to assessing patients' physical ability. With this book, readers will be able to: -Know the differences between various functional tests to request the appropriate type -Design, interpret and apply FCEs to process workers' compensation and to rate disability -Clearly discuss and document how to best use the data in FCEs to assess a patient's ability to perform work-related and non-work-related activities of daily living, or ADLs -Interpret and apply an FCE report and understand legal implications of FCEs...

Клиент всегда прав

Марина Серова

  Клиент всегда прав  Марина Серова  Эксмо.   Детектив-бестселлер от М. Серовой.   Это была сенсация! Вероника Дюкина в прямом эфире призналась в убийстве своего мужа Альберта, владельца местного телеканала. Частный детектив Татьяна Иванова, которая занималась по просьбе отца убитого расследованием этого дела, совсем запуталась. Тем не менее два звена одной цепи: факт любовной связи Дюкина с сурдопереводчицей и его убийство, совершенное Вероникой, - казалось, следовали друг за другом. Вполне возможно, что, отправившись на дачу и застукав там мужа с Зарубиной, она выстрелила в Альберта, движимая ревностью и местью. Неужели это банальное убийство на любовной почве?.. Но Татьяна уверена, что эта история с двойным дном...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Детектив-бестселлер от М. Серовой. Это была сенсация! Вероника Дюкина в прямом эфире призналась в убийстве своего мужа Альберта, владельца местного телеканала. Частный детектив Татьяна Иванова, которая занималась по просьбе отца убитого расследованием этого дела, совсем запуталась. Тем не менее два звена одной цепи: факт любовной связи Дюкина с сурдопереводчицей и его убийство, совершенное Вероникой, - казалось, следовали друг за другом. Вполне возможно, что, отправившись на дачу и застукав там мужа с Зарубиной, она выстрелила в Альберта, движимая ревностью и местью. Неужели это банальное убийство на любовной почве?.. Но Татьяна уверена, что эта история с двойным дном......

Indonesian Exports, Peasant Agriculture, and the World Economy, 1850-2000: Economic Structures in a Southeast Asian State (Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series)

Hiroyoshi Kano

  Indonesian Exports, Peasant Agriculture, and the World Economy, 1850-2000: Economic Structures in a Southeast Asian State (Ohio RIS Southeast Asia Series)  Hiroyoshi Kano  The Indonesian economy, like the Indonesian nation state, took shape as part of the colonial transformation of the archipelago by the Dutch in the mid-nineteenth century. The agricultural sector of the economy provided food and labor to the export sector, which was firmly incorporated into the world economy through international trade. This economic pattern survived several shifts and persisted even after Indonesia became independent in the mid-twentieth century. Hiroyoshi Kano uses international trade statistics to analyze three key elements of the Indonesian economy: the balance of international trade and payments, the transformation undergone by leading export industries, and the way in which the agricultural sector supplied land, labor, and food. Dividing the 150 years covered by the book into four periods, based on the prevailing major export industries, Kano identifies key actors and analyzes long-term changes in agricultural production and rural society, examining how they...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Indonesian economy, like the Indonesian nation state, took shape as part of the colonial transformation of the archipelago by the Dutch in the mid-nineteenth century. The agricultural sector of the economy provided food and labor to the export sector, which was firmly incorporated into the world economy through international trade. This economic pattern survived several shifts and persisted even after Indonesia became independent in the mid-twentieth century. Hiroyoshi Kano uses international trade statistics to analyze three key elements of the Indonesian economy: the balance of international trade and payments, the transformation undergone by leading export industries, and the way in which the agricultural sector supplied land, labor, and food. Dividing the 150 years covered by the book into four periods, based on the prevailing major export industries, Kano identifies key actors and analyzes long-term changes in agricultural production and rural society, examining how they......

<<<  Парусная азбука. М. Макаров, В. Ветров             Diane de France. Bern Stephane >>>

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Identifying Consumption: Subjects and Objects in Consumer Society. Robert G. Dunn . Книги.

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