Женитьба повесы

Кристина Кук

  Женитьба повесы  Кристина Кук  АСТ, АСТ Москва.   Шарм.   Легкомысленный повеса Колин Розмур, обвиненный в нечестной игре, понимает: единственный шанс восстановить репутацию - удачно жениться. Красавица Бренна Маклахлан богата, умна, держит обширное поместье в своих крепких руках, и, кажется, ее совсем не интересуют мужчины. Так что же ожидает Розмура в будущем - брак по расчету или глубокое, страстное чувство?..  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва. Шарм. Легкомысленный повеса Колин Розмур, обвиненный в нечестной игре, понимает: единственный шанс восстановить репутацию - удачно жениться. Красавица Бренна Маклахлан богата, умна, держит обширное поместье в своих крепких руках, и, кажется, ее совсем не интересуют мужчины. Так что же ожидает Розмура в будущем - брак по расчету или глубокое, страстное чувство?.....

Мои визитки

  Мои визитки  Эксмо.   Визитка специально для мальчиков. Заполни и вырежи шаблон и получи свои собственные модные, классные визитки! Их можно носить свободно в кармане или рюкзаке - они не помнутся!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Визитка специально для мальчиков. Заполни и вырежи шаблон и получи свои собственные модные, классные визитки! Их можно носить свободно в кармане или рюкзаке - они не помнутся!...

Entrepreneurship (Greenwood Guides to Business and Economics)

Alan L. Carsrud, Malin E. Brannback

  Entrepreneurship (Greenwood Guides to Business and Economics)  Alan L. Carsrud, Malin E. Brannback  Nearly everyone recognizes iconic companies like Microsoft, Dell, and Ford. But what do we really know about the entrepreneurs (Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Henry Ford, respectively) who founded these firms or the factors that influenced the birth and development of these corporate giants? How do entrepreneurs identify opportunity and how do they address the personal, social, and financial risks associated with designing, launching, and sustaining a new venture? There are many steps between having an idea and going public--this book explores the entrepreneurial process through all of its stages, a process in which some half a billion people are engaged worldwide every year. Illustrated through numerous real-life examples, the book is a map of the entrepreneurial journey, exploring the wide variety of opportunities open to the entrepreneur and how to build upon them, including an overview of such essential principles as screening, market research, product development, financing, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Nearly everyone recognizes iconic companies like Microsoft, Dell, and Ford. But what do we really know about the entrepreneurs (Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Henry Ford, respectively) who founded these firms or the factors that influenced the birth and development of these corporate giants? How do entrepreneurs identify opportunity and how do they address the personal, social, and financial risks associated with designing, launching, and sustaining a new venture? There are many steps between having an idea and going public--this book explores the entrepreneurial process through all of its stages, a process in which some half a billion people are engaged worldwide every year. Illustrated through numerous real-life examples, the book is a map of the entrepreneurial journey, exploring the wide variety of opportunities open to the entrepreneur and how to build upon them, including an overview of such essential principles as screening, market research, product development, financing, and......

Ultimate Game Programming With DirectX

Allen Sherrod

  Ultimate Game Programming With DirectX  Allen Sherrod  Creating computer games is challenging. It requires plenty of technical skill, dedication, and creativity. Ultimate Game Programming with DirectX teaches you how to combine your existing skills and dedication for playing games with some basic C++ programming skills to create your own games. Written for game development students, beginning game programmers, and C++ programmers wanting to learn game development, this book covers every part of the process. Throughout the book, you'll be creating a first-person shooter game called Stranded. Beginning with an introduction to Direct X and Direct3D graphics, you'll build the game engine and complete game chapter by chapter. You'll learn the fundamental graphical techniques, essential mathematics, collision detection, input device detection and response, sound playback, scene management, animation, and model/character loading and drawing. Once you've built this game, you can easily expand upon it and customize it to add your own unique...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Creating computer games is challenging. It requires plenty of technical skill, dedication, and creativity. Ultimate Game Programming with DirectX teaches you how to combine your existing skills and dedication for playing games with some basic C++ programming skills to create your own games. Written for game development students, beginning game programmers, and C++ programmers wanting to learn game development, this book covers every part of the process. Throughout the book, you'll be creating a first-person shooter game called Stranded. Beginning with an introduction to Direct X and Direct3D graphics, you'll build the game engine and complete game chapter by chapter. You'll learn the fundamental graphical techniques, essential mathematics, collision detection, input device detection and response, sound playback, scene management, animation, and model/character loading and drawing. Once you've built this game, you can easily expand upon it and customize it to add your own unique......

The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition (Definitive Guide)

William von Hagen

  The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition (Definitive Guide)  William von Hagen  The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) offers a variety of compilers for different programming languages including C, C++, Java, Fortran, and Ada. The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition has been revised to reflect the changes made in the most recent major GCC release, version 4. Providing in-depth information on GCC's enormous array of features and options, and introducing crucial tools such as autoconf, gprof, and libtool, this book functions as both a guide and reference. This book goes well beyond a general introduction to GCC and covers key programming techniques such as profiling and optimization that, when used in conjunction with GCC's advanced features, can greatly improve application performance. This second edition will prove to be an invaluable resource, whether you're a student seeking familiarity with this crucial tool or an expert who uses GCC on a daily basis.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) offers a variety of compilers for different programming languages including C, C++, Java, Fortran, and Ada. The Definitive Guide to GCC, Second Edition has been revised to reflect the changes made in the most recent major GCC release, version 4. Providing in-depth information on GCC's enormous array of features and options, and introducing crucial tools such as autoconf, gprof, and libtool, this book functions as both a guide and reference. This book goes well beyond a general introduction to GCC and covers key programming techniques such as profiling and optimization that, when used in conjunction with GCC's advanced features, can greatly improve application performance. This second edition will prove to be an invaluable resource, whether you're a student seeking familiarity with this crucial tool or an expert who uses GCC on a daily basis....

<<<  Информационные технологии. М. Е. Елочкин, Ю. С. Брановский, И. Д. Николаенко             Diane de France. Bern Stephane >>>

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Женитьба повесы. Кристина Кук . Книги.

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