Positively M.A.D. : Making a Difference in Your Organizations, Communities, and the World

Bill Treasurer

  Positively M.A.D. : Making a Difference in Your Organizations, Communities, and the World  Bill Treasurer  Book DescriptionM.A.D. stands for Making A Difference; Positively M.A.D. shows how. This uplifting collection promoting organizational activism addresses the disenchantment felt by many who work in large organizations. Featuring Book DescriptionM.A.D. stands for Making A Difference; Positively M.A.D. shows how. This uplifting collection promoting organizational activism addresses the disenchantment felt by many who work in large organizations. Featuring "can do" vignettes by more than 50 renowned writers such as Beverly Kaye, Chip Bell, Richard Lieder, and Leslie Yerkes, the collection recounts "mad" stories about people and actions that transcend the ordinary. Here are stories, advice, and examples designed to provoke individual change in all types of organizations and, by extension, in communities, and the world at large. Individual chapters cover such topics as Having a Higher Purpose ("having a higher purpose helps the person who is M.A.D. maintain their conviction and focusduring challenging times") and "Standing Up to Authority" ("people who are M.A.D. are self-assured enough, and have enough conviction, to stand up [and speak up] to authority"). This book shows that getting M.A.D. doesn't mean getting......

Собака женского рода

Татьяна и Олег Алексеенковы

  Собака женского рода  Татьяна и Олег Алексеенковы  Азбука-классика.   Татьяна и Олег Алексеенковы - супруги с тридцатилетним стажем. Татьяна - профессиональный журналист, окончила факультет журналистики МГУ, восемнадцать лет проработала корреспондентом радиостанции Азбука-классика. Татьяна и Олег Алексеенковы - супруги с тридцатилетним стажем. Татьяна - профессиональный журналист, окончила факультет журналистики МГУ, восемнадцать лет проработала корреспондентом радиостанции "Юность", член Международного союза журналистов. Олег по образованию инженер, окончил Высшее техническое училище имени Баумана, долгое время работал в Госкомитете по атомной энергии СССР, затем руководил группой в Международном агентстве по атомной энергии в Вене. Татьяна и Олег много путешествуют, встречаются с интересными людьми. Их литературное творчество началось совсем недавно с создания серии остросюжетных приключенческих романов, которые мы и рекомендуем нашему читателю. Кого только не встретишь на страницах увлекательных боевиков Татьяны и Олега Алексеенковых: выходцев из всесильного некогда КГБ и современных олигархов, уголовников и проституток, продажных Ментов и честных жуликов... В мире, где нельзя доверять никому, где девять граммов свинца или отточенная сталь могут......

I Love You: A Flip Book By Santiago Melazzini

Santiago Melazzini

  I Love You: A Flip Book By Santiago Melazzini  Santiago Melazzini  Book DescriptionA flip book, folioscope, thumbfilm, cine de dedo--call it whatever you wish. It's miniature, black and white, fits in the palm of your hand, and reads charmingly both from front to back and back to front. Whether you choose to watch thosefamous three words become animated ( I Love You ), a lovely brunette dance sans underwear ( Oops! ), a tribute to a famous photographer ( Hommage to Michals and Hommage to Mapplethorpe ) or a musician's surreal dream of a dancing couple ( Tango Dancers ), is up to your own flippery.~More Flip Books Available!~Argentine Mate~ISBN 950-889-046-0 U.S. $5.99 NR 50~Enjoy~ISBN 950-889-045-2 U.S. $5.99 NR 50~Revolution~ISBN 950-889-048-7~Tango~ISBN 950-889-049-5 Paperback, 4 x 2.5 in./128 pgs / 0 color 64 BW0 duotone 0 ~ Item D20255  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA flip book, folioscope, thumbfilm, cine de dedo--call it whatever you wish. It's miniature, black and white, fits in the palm of your hand, and reads charmingly both from front to back and back to front. Whether you choose to watch thosefamous three words become animated ( I Love You ), a lovely brunette dance sans underwear ( Oops! ), a tribute to a famous photographer ( Hommage to Michals and Hommage to Mapplethorpe ) or a musician's surreal dream of a dancing couple ( Tango Dancers ), is up to your own flippery.~More Flip Books Available!~Argentine Mate~ISBN 950-889-046-0 U.S. $5.99 NR 50~Enjoy~ISBN 950-889-045-2 U.S. $5.99 NR 50~Revolution~ISBN 950-889-048-7~Tango~ISBN 950-889-049-5 Paperback, 4 x 2.5 in./128 pgs / 0 color 64 BW0 duotone 0 ~ Item D20255...

Good Morning, Mr. Zip Zip Zip : Movies, Memory and World War II

Richard Schickel

  Good Morning, Mr. Zip Zip Zip : Movies, Memory and World War II  Richard Schickel  Book DescriptionIn his new book the celebrated film critic and biographer turns to a story of his own life as a child growing up in a comfortable Milwaukee surburb during the years of WW II.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn his new book the celebrated film critic and biographer turns to a story of his own life as a child growing up in a comfortable Milwaukee surburb during the years of WW II....

Strange Place: Volume One: Noun Trilogy

Adam Marnie

  Strange Place: Volume One: Noun Trilogy  Adam Marnie  Book DescriptionThe first volume in a ground-breaking three-part series investigates American culture through the works of twenty contemporary artists. Their work includes photography, installation and performance documentation, writing, painting, and sculpture, revealing the vivid psyche behnd the American landscape. From the frozen wasteland of Antarctica, to the dumpsters of the New Mexico desert, to a network of hidden bike paths throughout Los Angeles, Strange Place seeks to identify the many strange places we find ourselves in -- physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe first volume in a ground-breaking three-part series investigates American culture through the works of twenty contemporary artists. Their work includes photography, installation and performance documentation, writing, painting, and sculpture, revealing the vivid psyche behnd the American landscape. From the frozen wasteland of Antarctica, to the dumpsters of the New Mexico desert, to a network of hidden bike paths throughout Los Angeles, Strange Place seeks to identify the many strange places we find ourselves in -- physically, emotionally, and spiritually....

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Positively M.A.D. : Making a Difference in Your Organizations, Communities, and the World. Bill Treasurer . Книги.

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