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Python Standard Library (Nutshell Handbooks) Fredrik Lundh
O'Reilly Media. Python Standard Library is an essential guide for serious Python programmers. In this book, author Fredrik Lundh, creator of the Python Imaging Library (PIL), delivers tested, accurate documentation of all the modules in the Python Standard Library, including basic support modules, operating system interfaces, network protocols, file formats, data conversions, threads and processes, and data storage. Supplementing this documentation are over 300 annotated example scripts using the modules. This book is based on the author's work with the Python newsgroup: he reviewed over 2500 questions and answers to that newsgroup in order to make sure the book covered what Python users really wanted to know. This version of the book covers Python 2.0, the first new major release of Python in four years....
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Mapping Scientific Frontiers Chaomei Chen
"Mapping Scientific Frontiers" examines the history and the latest developments in the quest for knowledge visualization from an interdisciplinary perspective, ranging from theories of invisible colleges and competing paradigms, to practical applicationsof visualization techniques for capturing intellectual structures, and the rise and fall of scientific paradigms. Containing simple and easy to follow diagrams for modeling and visualization procedures, as well as detailed case studies and real world examples, this is a valuable reference source for researchers and practitioners, such as science policy analysts, funding agencies, consultancy firms, and higher education institutions. It presents 163 illustrations, 111 in color, including maps, paintings, images, computer visualizations and animations. Topics and features: * Simple and easy-to-follow diagrams for modeling and visualization procedures. * Interdisciplinary perspectives, involving bibliometrics, cartography, information......
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Networking BASICS, 2nd Edition Mark Ciampa
From hubs and routers to servers and cables, Networking BASICS 2nd Edition provides a step-by-step introduction to the field of computer networking. Beginners will become comfortable with the concepts and vocabulary of computer networking and will gain hands-on experience in basic networking technology....
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Flash Studio Secrets Glenn Thomas
This stunning, four-color book is built around specific projects with underlying themes that introduce specific points about using Flash. Each project features a world-class Flash designer or organization, and includes a real-world case study detailing the objectives of the project. Each case study includes a description of the techniques and skills used in the project. Also integrated into these chapters would be specific notes on how doing these projects might differ slightly with Flash 5....
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Neural Networks and Machine Learning (NATO A S I SERIES SERIES III, COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES) Christopher M. Bishop
In recent years neural computing has emerged as a practical technology, with successful applications in many fields. The majority of these applications are concerned with problems in pattern recognition, and make use of feedforward network architectures such as the multilayer perceptron and the radial basis function network. Also, it has become widely acknowledged that successful applications of neural computing require a principled, rather than ad hoc, approach. (From the preface to "Neural Networks forPattern Recognition" by C.M. Bishop, Oxford Univ Press 1995.) This NATO volume, based on a 1997 workshop, presents a coordinated series of tutorial articles covering recent developments in the field of neural computing. It is ideally suited to graduate students and researchers....
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На главную
Python Standard Library (Nutshell Handbooks). Fredrik Lundh . Книги.
Петрозаводск, Батайск, Челябинск, Дербент, Волгоград, Прокопьевск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Новошахтинск, Волгодонск, Шахты, Благовещенск,
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