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Fundamentals of Intermediate Accounting, Solving Fundamentals Problems Using Excel for Windows Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield
Now you can get all the accuracy, authority, and student success of the best-selling intermediate accounting text in a brief, streamlined new version! The authors have made tough decisions about what material remains at the core of the intermediate accounting course, and what details (for example, methods of depreciation) are less important for today's student. The result of their work is the briefest two/three-semester intermediate text on the market. This new streamlined size will also allow you to introduce case material or special readings as you choose....
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Economic Reform and the Poor in Africa David E. Sahn
This book examines policy responses to the economic crises faced by most African countries in the 1980s, focusing on the contentious issue of whether the poor are hurt by economic policies designed to restore macroeconomic stability, reinvigorate markets, and rationalize resource allocation. The work looks at Cameroon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Niger, Tanzania, and Zaire....
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Modern Capitalism Nicholas V. Gianaris
The privatization revolution, profit or revenue sharing, and employee participation in enterprise decision making are some of the major characteristics of modern capitalism. Such features can be observed in almost all countries, including Western developed, Third World, and primarily ex-socialist countries. The diffusion of stock ownership, the promotion of economic and industrial democracy, and the globalization of production and finance present new challenges and opportunities and reflect important structural economic and political changes. This book examines all these issues and provides valuable information and suggestions for labor-management relations and international business cooperation....
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Local Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability (Global Environmental Change) David Gibbs
Concerns about the impact of economic development upon the global environment have increased in recent years. Sustainable development has been proposed as a means of reconciling the pressures between the two, allowing the integration of economic, environmental and social concerns. This book focuses upon the potential to integrate economic and environmental policies at teh local and regional scale....
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Economy of the Philippines: Elites, Inequalities and Economic Restructuring (Routledge Studies in Growth Economies of Asia) Peter A. Krinks
In the late 1950s, the Philippines Economy could reasonably have been described as more advanced than those of its South Asian neighbours. Ever since then however, it hase and will consistently lagged behind and only really started to grow strongly in the mid 1990s and even then it failed to achieve the growth rates of the rest of Southeast Asia ten years earlier. This book critically analyses the Filipino economy and attempts to explain the problems that it has faced, as well as the solutions that need to be put into practice. This accessible and comprehensive book will be of great use to students, academics and business professionals with an interest in the economies of Asia....
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Fundamentals of Intermediate Accounting, Solving Fundamentals Problems Using Excel for Windows. Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield . Книги.
Кострома, Прокопьевск, Дербент, Химки, Пятигорск, Одинцово, Нефтеюганск, Новошахтинск, Хабаровск, Салават,
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