Искусство авангарда в портретах его представителей в Европе и Америке

Игорь Голомшток

  Искусство авангарда в портретах его представителей в Европе и Америке  Игорь Голомшток  Прогресс-Традиция.   Книга представляет собой очерки о жизни и творчестве наиболее заметных фигур практически всех направлений художественного авангарда XX века. Индивидуальное творчество рассматривается как стилистическая эволюция, как часть общего художественного процесса, как результат пересекающихся эстетических, социальных, философских, идеологических и прочих влияний, а личность творца, втиснутая в рамки сухой хронологии, отодвигается на второй план. Но часто оказывается, что Прогресс-Традиция. Книга представляет собой очерки о жизни и творчестве наиболее заметных фигур практически всех направлений художественного авангарда XX века. Индивидуальное творчество рассматривается как стилистическая эволюция, как часть общего художественного процесса, как результат пересекающихся эстетических, социальных, философских, идеологических и прочих влияний, а личность творца, втиснутая в рамки сухой хронологии, отодвигается на второй план. Но часто оказывается, что "какой-нибудь ничтожный поступок, слово или шутка" лучше обнаруживает характер человека и его творчества, чем многие страницы описания стилистики его работ....

New Vision for Management Education: Leadership Challenges

Dr. Peter Lorange

  New Vision for Management Education: Leadership Challenges  Dr. Peter Lorange  Elsevier Science.   Many academic institutions, especially business schools, tend to be managed on an ad hoc basis. Why? Because the leadership may not be fully and formally equipped to lead, and difficult stakeholder-mix issues often limit its ability to govern proactively. This book is meant as a guide for making strategic management a more realistic option for such institutions. It explores the role of the President/CEO/Dean, and offers examples of effective strategic direction setting, including the use of modern technology. This volume features topics such as: - a conceptual scheme for setting strategic direction in academic institutions, specifically business schools; - a look at key barriers that block strategic change initiatives and how institutions can overcome them; - a discussion of the roles of key leaders in the academic institution, including how these roles can be shaped for more effective implementation; - a detailed description of management...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Elsevier Science. Many academic institutions, especially business schools, tend to be managed on an ad hoc basis. Why? Because the leadership may not be fully and formally equipped to lead, and difficult stakeholder-mix issues often limit its ability to govern proactively. This book is meant as a guide for making strategic management a more realistic option for such institutions. It explores the role of the President/CEO/Dean, and offers examples of effective strategic direction setting, including the use of modern technology. This volume features topics such as: - a conceptual scheme for setting strategic direction in academic institutions, specifically business schools; - a look at key barriers that block strategic change initiatives and how institutions can overcome them; - a discussion of the roles of key leaders in the academic institution, including how these roles can be shaped for more effective implementation; - a detailed description of management......


Всеволод Володарский

  Кустодиев  Всеволод Володарский  Белый город.   Мастера живописи.   Борис Михайлович Кустодиев (1878 -1927) принадлежит к числу самых популярных и любимых в нашей стране мастеров живописи. Одним из крупнейших художников России он стал в первой четверти XX века, когда русское искусство вступило в пору своего блестящего расцвета. Дарование Кустодиева - многогранно, но своеобразие его творчества особенно ярко проявилось в изображении традиционного быта русской провинции и красочной, праздничной стороны деревенской жизни.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Белый город. Мастера живописи. Борис Михайлович Кустодиев (1878 -1927) принадлежит к числу самых популярных и любимых в нашей стране мастеров живописи. Одним из крупнейших художников России он стал в первой четверти XX века, когда русское искусство вступило в пору своего блестящего расцвета. Дарование Кустодиева - многогранно, но своеобразие его творчества особенно ярко проявилось в изображении традиционного быта русской провинции и красочной, праздничной стороны деревенской жизни....

Perspectives on Modern German Economic History and Policy

Knut Borchardt

  Perspectives on Modern German Economic History and Policy  Knut Borchardt  This is the long-awaited English-language edition of Professor Borchardt's brilliant and controversial essays on German economic history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The essays are nontechnical in character, and thus should be accessible toa wide range of historians. In particular they reinforce and illustrate the sheer usefulness of economic history for political historians and indeed for anyone interested in how detailed historical evidence can be brought to bear on apparently intractable problems. The essays deal in the main with three topics: the determinants of economic growth in nineteenth-century Germany; the major patterns of Germany's economic growth in the longer term up to the present day; and the structural crisis of the Weimar Republic before the slump of the 1930s, and the total absence of any economic This is the long-awaited English-language edition of Professor Borchardt's brilliant and controversial essays on German economic history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The essays are nontechnical in character, and thus should be accessible toa wide range of historians. In particular they reinforce and illustrate the sheer usefulness of economic history for political historians and indeed for anyone interested in how detailed historical evidence can be brought to bear on apparently intractable problems. The essays deal in the main with three topics: the determinants of economic growth in nineteenth-century Germany; the major patterns of Germany's economic growth in the longer term up to the present day; and the structural crisis of the Weimar Republic before the slump of the 1930s, and the total absence of any economic "miracle weapon" against Hitler's seizure of power. In particular, Professor Borchardt's controversial interpretations of the economic history of the......

Understanding Educational Financing: A Manual for Developing Countries

Jennifer, Dr Mohammed, Samuel Lochan

  Understanding Educational Financing: A Manual for Developing Countries  Jennifer, Dr Mohammed, Samuel Lochan  These modules on educational financing evolved from of series of seminars held in the small states of the Caribbean and the Pacific. The project was set up to improve the financial understanding and budgetary skills of key education personnel and to helpbridge the gap between finance and education ministries. With greater decentralization a common development in most countries, responsibility for planning and administering education has shifted from central ministries to district offices and, in some cases to institutional level. This autonomy underscores the challenge for other key educational personnel to acquire the skills to improve the internal efficiency of education systems and the quality of schools in a decentralized system. This publication provides overviews of the issues raised, detailed content relevant to those issues, ease studies, training material and summaries. These modules will be a useful source of information for ministries, schools, community personnel and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин These modules on educational financing evolved from of series of seminars held in the small states of the Caribbean and the Pacific. The project was set up to improve the financial understanding and budgetary skills of key education personnel and to helpbridge the gap between finance and education ministries. With greater decentralization a common development in most countries, responsibility for planning and administering education has shifted from central ministries to district offices and, in some cases to institutional level. This autonomy underscores the challenge for other key educational personnel to acquire the skills to improve the internal efficiency of education systems and the quality of schools in a decentralized system. This publication provides overviews of the issues raised, detailed content relevant to those issues, ease studies, training material and summaries. These modules will be a useful source of information for ministries, schools, community personnel and......

<<<  В. М. Чернов. Штрихи к политическому портрету. ...             ТТ, Макаров, ПСМ, Стечкин.  >>>

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Искусство авангарда в портретах его представителей в Европе и Америке. Игорь Голомшток . Книги.

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