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Becoming Better Leaders: The Challenge of Improving Student Learning Gordon A., Jr. Donaldson, George F. Marnik
Based on a study of a group of teachers and principals, this book details the Maine Academy for School Leaders' programme which argues that there is a direct correlation between leadership effectiveness and the improvement of student performance. The authors explore the soundness of the programme's innovative ideas by following closely the results gained by the study group....
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The X-Play Insider's Guide to Gaming X-Play Cast
Reviews of the hottest games; a "Holiday Hub" of gadget, game, and hardware shopping advice; and a feature on Japan?s hot new gaming genre (dating sims!)--these are just a sampling of what you might find on any given day at the X-Play Web site. Multiply these by a hundred, and that's what you'll find in this encyclopedia of gaming knowledge and X-Play lore from the folks at TechTV. In these pages, you'll discover a grab-bag (an organized one!) of game reviews, tips, tricks, and features culled from the Web site and TV show. Even better, you'll find all sorts of inside information about your favorite tech TV show--behind-the-scenes anecdotes, an X-Play glossary, X-Play out-takes, and more. Each page (or spread) covers a single topic with a featureor essay and an assortment of hints, tips, trivia, sidebars, and references to worthy software and hardware. Best of all, the information is delivered in the funny, edgy voice of the show and its creators....
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Programming Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange 2003, Third Edition Thomas Rizzo
Microsoft Press. This comprehensive reference on Microsoft Exchange shows how to build next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration solutions?with code and instruction straight from the source....
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The Maple O.D.E. Lab Book Darren Redfern, Edgar Chandler, Ed Chandler
This book and disk package is a supplement to any currently existing introductory text on Ordinary Differential Equations and uses Maple V as a computational tool to further understanding and importance. Maple is a powerful symbolic computer software package with which the student can learn to perform many tasks. This platform allows one to do many mundane tasks quickly and efficiently enabling new ways of illustrating and thinking about difficult concepts which will allow for new depths of understanding. Numerical and graphical information and methods are emphasized along with symbolic results throughout this manual in order to take advantage of the versatility of Maple and to increase the breadth of understanding of the student....
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Люди, годы, жизнь. Воспоминания в трех томах. Том 2 Илья Эренбург
Советский писатель. Москва. Люди, годы, жизнь. Воспоминания в трех томах. Том 2. "Я буду рассказывать об отдельных людях, о различных городах, перемежая и запомнившееся моими мыслителями о прошлом" - так определили И. Г. Эренбург (1891 - 1967) идею создания своих мемуаров, увидевших свет в начале 60-х годов. Издание выходит в трех томах (7 книг). Во второй том вошли книги четвертая и пятая. Настоящее издание дополнено материалами, ранее не печатавшимися. Книга богато иллюстрирована, многие фотографии и рисунки публикуются впервые. Издание снабжено Комментариями....
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Becoming Better Leaders: The Challenge of Improving Student Learning. Gordon A., Jr. Donaldson, George F. Marnik . Книги.
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